These are the entire terms and conditions that apply to the access and/or use of any of the website(s), Electronic Trading Platform(s), Software and/or Services (herein after, collectively, referred to as our “Online Trading Facility”) that are provided by the Company.

LMT’s securities business services are provided by LMT Global Limited (operating under the trading name “LMT”), which is a Securities Service Provider Licensee regulated and authorized by the Financial Services Commission (“FSC”) in Belize (herein after referred to as “LMT” and/or “Company” and/or "we" and/or “our” and/or "us"). All access and/or use of our Online Trading Facility is subject to these terms and conditions (herein after referred to as these "Terms and Conditions" and/or this “Agreement”) in accordance with the terms hereof.

Please read these Terms and Conditions completely and carefully before accessing and/or using our Online Trading Facility. You must read, agree with and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement without modifications, which include those Terms and Conditions expressly set out below, and those incorporated herein by reference, before you may become a client of the Company.


Your access and use of our Online Trading Facility constitutes your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and any other legal notices and statements contained on or in our Online Trading Facility. Your access and use of or Online Trading Facility is governed by the version of these Terms and Conditions that is in effect on the date on which our Online Trading Facility is accessed and/or used by you. Please feel free to contact our customer support team at for any clarifications before you continue to access and/or use of our Online Trading Facility.

We reserve the right to amend, alter, modify, delete or add to any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions at any time, in accordance with the Terms hereof. When these Terms and Conditions are modified (herein after referred to as “Changes”) we will post such Changes on our Online Trading Facility and/or otherwise notify you of such Changes. Each such notification shall be deemed as sufficient notice and it is your duty to consult and/or to check regularly this Agreement on our Online Trading Facility regarding any such Changes. Therefore, you should review these pages from time to time so as to ensure that you will be aware of any such Changes. All amended terms shall be effective five (5) calendar days after their initial posting on our
Online Trading Facility, or as of the first time that you access and/or use our Online Trading Facility after such amendments were made, whichever is sooner. Your continued use of our Online Trading Facility after the publication of any Changes shall be considered as your agreement to such modified Terms and Conditions and shall be governed by those Terms and Conditions, as modified. If you do not wish to be bound by those Changes, you should cease to access and/or use our Online Trading Facility and inform us in writing, immediately.

Some areas or parts of our Online Trading Facility may have different specific terms of access and/or use posted on them. If there is a conflict or discrepancy between these Terms and Conditions and any such specific terms of access and/or use, the latter shall have precedence with respect to your access and/or use of such relevant area or part of our Online Trading Facility.

Trading on any financial market involves a significant level of risk. Please be aware then that the contents of our Online Trading Facility are neither a solicitation, nor an of fer to enter into any transactions on the financial

The contents of our Online Trading Facility and of any communications you may receive from us, via Electronic Messaging, website postings, e-mail, telephone, telefax or otherwise, and any part of any member’s area on our Online Trading Facility, in particular, are for general information and educational purposes only and do not amount to investment advice or unsolicited financial promotions to you. Please do read our “Risk Disclosure Notice” on our Online Trading Facility, before accessing and/or using our Online trading Facility.


Chapter A: Scope of Agreement

1. Parties to the Agreement

1.1 This Agreement is made between yourself , as our client (hereinafter referred to as "you" or “your” or, in general terms, the “client”) and LMT Global Limited a limited liability company formed under the laws of Belize and regulated by the Financial Services Commission, having its registered office at Suite 101, 63 Eve Street, Belize City, Belize and any of its designated and permitted successors, assigns and those of its subsidiaries and affiliates that are identified further in this Agreement (also trading under the name “LMT” henceforth the “Company”, "us", “our”, "we" or "LMT"). This Agreement describes in full detail the Terms and Conditions you must accept, without restrictions or objections, before accessing and/or using our Online Trading Facility. Furthermore, before you access and/or use our Online Trading Facility and before you become a client of the Company, you must fully understand and agree to all the terms and conditions expressly explained and/or implied hereto, and/or incorporated herein by reference. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, by continuing to use our Online Trading

Facility you are implying that you have read these Terms and Conditions and have unconditionally accepted these Terms and Conditions in their entirety and without reservation.
1.2 “LMT” (henceforth the “Company”, "us", “our” or "we") and “you”, as our client (henceforth “you”, “your” or, in  general terms, the “client”), may herein after be referred to, individually, as a “Party” and, collectively, as the “Parties”.

2. Electronic Signatures and Acceptance of Agreement(s)

2.1 You hereby expressly acknowledge and agree that: (a) by downloading, completing and/or submitting to us
the account documentation and forms posted on our Online Trading Facility (herein after referred to as the
Account Opening Application Form(s)”) and/or clicking in the appropriate space, or on the “I Accept” button,
or similar buttons or links as may be designated by us to show your approval and acceptance of this Agreement,
and/or (b) by accessing or using, and/or by continuing to access or use, our Online Trading Facility, you are
entering into a legally binding contract by and between you and us, and you fully agree to abide by and to be bound
by all the Terms and Conditions set out in this Agreement, as they may apply to you.

2.2 You hereby agree to communications being made, and to the delivery of this Agreement and/or any
agreements by and between us, or changes in these Terms and Conditions, via electronic media (including, without
limitation, Electronic Messaging, website postings e-mail, or other electronic means) to the extent permitted by
Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations. Communications being made via electronic media in order to enter
into contracts, place Orders and other records and to the electronic delivery of notices, policies and records of
transactions initiated or completed through our Online Trading Facility and/or in relation thereto, shall, to the extent
permitted by Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations, be treated as satisfying any legal requirement that a
communication should be ‘signed’ and ‘in writing’. Accordingly, any such documents that are delivered to you
electronically are deemed to be "in writing".

2.3 If your signature or acknowledgement is required or requested with respect to any such document and you
"click" in the appropriate space, or on the “I Accept” button, “Submit” button, or on similar buttons or links as may
be designated by us to show your approval and acceptance thereof , or take such other action as may be indicated
on our Online Trading Facility, you will be deemed to have ‘signed’ and/or acknowledged the document to the
same extent and with the same ef fect as if you had signed the document manually. To the extent permitted under
applicable mandatory law, you hereby waive any rights or requirements under any Applicable Laws, Rules and/or
Regulations in any jurisdiction, which require an original (non- electronic) signature or delivery or retention of non-
electronic records.

2.4 You hereby expressly acknowledge your understanding that you have the right to withdraw your consent to
the electronic delivery and signature of documents at any time by providing prior written notice to us. However, if
you revoke your consent, your access to an/or use of our Online Trading Facility may be restricted or terminated,
at our sole discretion and without any obligation on our end to provide you with any explanation and/or justification
thereof .

3. Acceptance and Scope of Agreement(s)

3.1 We shall evaluate the Account Opening Application Form(s) you submitted for the purpose of becoming a client of us and shall inform you by e-mail whether your application is accepted or not. We reserve the right to refuse and/or decline your application(s), at our sole discretion and for any reason, without being obliged to provide you with any explanation or justif ication.

3.2 Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-clause 2.1 hereinabove, in particular as regards your acceptance and acknowledgement of this Agreement, we will become a counterparty bound to this Agreement, and this Agreement will become binding on us, only as of the date on which we are sending the above-mentioned confirmation e-mail, as indicated thereon (the “Effective Date”).

3.3 This Agreement applies to all of our Online Trading Facility, including, without limitation, all electronic Content thereof and/or Software provide thereon (including, without limitation, all real time information about the Price Quotes of Supported Securities provided thereon); as well as all program facilities for executing Transactions in Supported Securities via our Online Trading Facility via the Internet, Electronic Messaging, website postings, e-mail, phone, fax or otherwise, and any other features, content or services that we may add in the future.

3.4 Some areas or parts of our Online Trading Facility may have dif ferent specif ic terms of access and/or use posted thereon. If there is a conf lict and/or discrepancy between these Terms and Conditions and any such specific terms of access and/or use, the latter shall have precedence with respect to your access and/or use of such relevant area or part of our Online Trading Facility.

3.5 We may f rom time to time send to you further communications in respect of certain Transactions and/or Contracts, which may contain specif ic legal and/or contractual provisions applicable with respect to such Transactions and/or Contracts. In the event of any conf lict and/or discrepancy between the clauses of this Agreement and/or its annexes, appendices, addenda, attachments, schedules and/or exhibits, and the legal and/or contractual provisions set forth in such communications to you in respect of certain Transactions and/or Contracts, the latter shall prevail. The fact that a legal and/or contractual provision is specifically set forth herein, or is included
in a specif ic communication to you, in respect of one particular Transaction and/or Contract, shall not preclude a similar legal and/or contractual provision being expressed or implied, or being applicable, in relation to any other Transaction and/or Contract.

4. Authorization

4.1 Our Online Trading Facility is available to, and may only be used by, individuals, corporations, companies, joint ventures, partnerships or any other legal entities or associations of individuals or other legal entities (herein after referred to as "Legal Entit(y)ies”), which can form legally binding contracts under the law applicable to their country of residence or, in the case of Legal Entities, in their country of formation, incorporation and/or domiciliation. Without limiting the foregoing, our Online Trading Facility is NOT available to persons who are under the age of 18, or otherwise under legal age in their country of residence (hereinaf ter referred to as "Minors"), or who, otherwise, cannot form legally binding contracts under the law(s) applicable in their country of residence or, in the case of Legal Entities, in their country of formation, incorporation and/or domiciliation.




4.3 For avoidance of doubt, we shall not be responsible for any unauthorized access and/or use by Minors of our Online Trading Facility in any way or manner and we are not responsible for determining whether any Transactions and/or Contracts you may enter into via our Online Trading Platform are suitable, appropriate or advisable to you.

4.4 In accordance with the foregoing, you hereby represent and warrant, without prejudice to any other representations, warranties and/or covenants made under this Agreement: (a) that you are an individual who, or a Legal Entity that, can form legally binding contracts under the laws applicable in your country of residence, or, in the case of a Legal Entity, in its country of formation, incorporation and/or domiciliation; (b) if you are an individual, that you are above the age of 18 or otherwise above the legal age in your country of residence; (c) that all of the information provided by you to us for the purposes of , or in the context of , opening an account with us and/or accessing and/or using our Online Trading Facility (in particular, but without limitation, in your Account Opening
Application Form(s)) is correct and current; (d) that you have all necessary rights, power, and authority to enter
into this Agreement and to perform the acts required of you hereunder; (e) that you are not a politically exposed
person; (f ) you are not an employee of a Listed Company.

4.5 We do not accept any trading f rom clients who are employed by a Listed Company. We reserve the right in
such cases, in our sole discretion, to impose any restrictions deem appropriate on your trading account(s),
including the immediate termination of our business relationship, and thus, the close-out of any open
Transactions and/or Contracts without prior notice and without being obliged to provide you with any explanation
or justification.


4.6 To the extent that the Party intending to open an Account with us or intending to access and/or use our Online
Trading Facility is a Legal Entity, you represent and warrant that you are legally authorized to bind such Legal
Entity for the purposes of this Agreement and/or the services to be provided hereunder, and that your execution
and/or acceptance of this Agreement, as provided herein, shall be binding on, and enforceable against, such Legal
Entity, for any and all purposes and intents of this Agreement.



4.8 In agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you authorize us, or agents acting on our behalf to investigate your
credit standing and in connection therewith to contact such banks, financial institutions and credit agencies as we
shall deem appropriate to verify such information. You further authorize us to investigate any current and past
investment activity, and in connection therewith, to contact such, exchanges, broker/dealers, banks, and others as
we shall deem appropriate.

5. Experience and Knowledge in Financial Matters

5.1 Furthermore, our Online Trading Facility is available only to, and may only be used by persons who have
sufficient experience and knowledge in financial matters to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of
accessing and/or using our Online Trading Facility and entering into Transactions and Contracts via our Online
Trading Facility and who have done so without relying on any information contained on, or in our Online Trading
Facility and/or otherwise provided by us in relation thereto.

5.2 In accordance with the foregoing, you hereby represent, warrant and covenant, without prejudice to any other
representations, warranties and/or covenants made under this Agreement: (a) that you have sufficient experience
and knowledge in financial matters to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of entering into Transactions
and/or Contracts via our Online Trading Facility; (b) that you have done so without relying on any information
contained on or in our Online Trading Facility and/or otherwise provided by us in relation thereto: (c) that you act
as Principal and sole beneficial owner (but NOT as trustee) in entering into this Agreement and/or any Transactions
and/or Contracts via our Online Trading Facility; (d) that, regardless of any subsequent determination to the
contrary, trading in financial contracts, Transactions and/or Contracts via our Online Trading Facility (and in such
other investments as we may from time to time agree) is suitable for you and that you are aware of all risks involved
with such Transactions and/or Contracts; (e) that you are willing and financially able to sustain a total loss of funds
resulting from any Transactions and/or Contracts entered into via our Online Trading Facility; and (f ) that you have
read, and fully understood, the “Risk Disclosure Notice” on our Online Trading Facility.

5.3 Without prejudice to any of the foregoing, we shall not be responsible for verifying and/or checking
whether you have sufficient knowledge and/or experience for accessing and/or using our Online Trading
Facility and/or entering into financial contracts via our Online Trading Facility, nor shall we be responsible for
any damages and/or losses incurred by you as a result of insufficient knowledge and/or experience. IF YOU


6. Legal Restrictions

6.1 Without limiting any of the foregoing, our Online Trading Facility is NOT available where it is illegal to access and/or use, and we reserve the right to refuse, decline and/or cancel our Online Trading Facility and/or any part
or component thereof, at our sole discretion and for any reason, at any time, without being obliged to provide
you with any explanation or justification thereof.

6.2 In that regard, you understand that the laws regarding financial contracts vary throughout the world, and
that it is your, and only your obligation alone to ensure that you fully comply with any law, regulation or
directive, relevant to your country of residency, or, in the case of a Legal Entity, in its country of formation,
incorporation and/or domiciliation, with regard to accessing and/or using our Online Trading Facility. For the
avoidance of doubt, the ability to access our Online Trading Facility does NOT necessarily mean that our
Online Trading Facility, and/or any activities you may undertake through it, is/are legal under the laws,
regulations or directives relevant to your country of residency, or, in the case of a Legal Entity, in its country of
formation, incorporation and/or domiciliation.



6.3 Our Online Trading Facility does NOT constitute, and may NOT be used for the purposes of, an offer
and/or solicitation to anyone in any jurisdiction in which such of fer and/or solicitation is not authorized,
and/or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an of fer and/or solicitation. Access to and/or use
of our Online Trading Facility, and the offering of financial contracts via our Online Trading Facility, may be
restricted in certain jurisdictions, and, accordingly, users accessing our Online Trading Facility are required to
inform themselves of, and to observe, such restrictions.



7. Amendments

7.1 We reserve the right to amend, alter, modify, delete or add to any of the provisions of this Agreement at any
time and at our sole discretion, without giving any advance or prior notice.

7.2 When these Terms and Conditions are modified (herein after referred to as “Changes”) we will post such
Changes on our Online Trading Facility and/or otherwise notify you of such Changes. Each such notification
shall be deemed as sufficient notice and it is your duty to consult and/or to check regularly this Agreement
on our Online Trading Facility regarding any such Changes. Therefore, you should review these pages f rom
time to time so as to ensure that you will be aware of any such Changes.

7.3 All amended terms shall be effective five (5) calendar days after their initial posting on our Online Trading
Facility, or as of the first time that you access and/or use our Online Trading Facility after such amendments
were made, whichever is sooner.

7.4 Your continued access and/or use of our Online Trading Facility after the publication of any Changes shall
be considered as your agreement to such modified Terms and Conditions and shall be governed by those Terms

7.5 Some areas or parts of our Online Trading Facility may have different specific terms of access and/or use
posted thereon. If there is a conflict and/or discrepancy between these Terms and Conditions and any such
specific terms of access and/or use, the latter shall have precedence with respect to your access and/or use
of such relevant area or part of our Online Trading Facility. 

8. Entire Agreement - Severability

8.1 This Agreement (together with its annexes, appendices, addenda, attachments, schedules and exhibits
and/or amendments) represents the entire agreement between you and us concerning the access and use
of our Online Trading Facility and it cancels and supersedes all previous arrangements or agreements by
and between you and us with respect to the subject matter hereof , superseding any other communications or
understandings between you and us, except as determined and/or stated otherwise "in the terms agreed upon
by mutual consent of the Parties

8.2 Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as requiring the commission of any act contrary to
Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations. Whenever there is any conf lict and/or discrepancy between any
provision of this Agreement and any present or future applicable statute, law, ordinance or regulation governing
the transactions hereunder, the latter shall prevail, but in such event the provision of this Agreement thus
affected shall be curtailed and limited only to the extent necessary to bring it within the requirement of the law.

8.3 Each part of this Agreement is a distinct undertaking. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is
held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity,
illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision or part of a provision of this Agreement, which
shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected or invalidated.

8.4 With respect to the provisions of this Agreement, which are held to be invalid or unenforceable, in whole
or in part, the Parties will negotiate in good faith with the intention to replace the void provision with a valid one
that in its economic effect complies best with the void provision in a manner consistent with their joint intention
as expressed herein and this Agreement shall, to the fullest extent lawful, be reformed and construed as
if such invalid or illegal or unenforceable provision, or part of a provision, had never been contained herein,
and such provision or part reformed so that it would be valid, legal and enforceable to the maximum extent

8.5 Without limiting the foregoing, if any provision (or part of provision) contained in this Agreement shall for any
reason be held to be excessively broad as to duration, activity or subject, it shall be construed by limiting
and reducing it, so as to be enforceable to the fullest extent compatible with then existing applicable law.

9. Definitions

9.1 For the purpose of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, capitalized words and
expressions shall have the meanings assigned to them in the defined terms that are set forth in bold and
italics: (A) herein after, under the heading “Definitions”; and (B) throughout this Agreement:

(1) “Account”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean, the uniquely
assigned account that is created for a client when such client opens a trading account with us;

(2) ”Account Detailed Report” or “Account Summary”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context
otherwise requires, shall mean a statement of a client’s securities portfolio, open positions, Margin
requirements, cash deposit etc., at a specific point in time;

(3) “Account Opening Application Form(s)”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise
requires, shall mean the account opening documentation and forms posted on our Online Trading
Facility, which need to be completed by prospective clients for the purpose of opening an Account with us;
we reserve the right to refuse and/or decline your account opening application(s), at our sole discretion and for
any reason, without being obliged to provide any explanation or justification;

(4) “Agent”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean an individual
person or legal entity undertaking a transaction on behalf of another individual person or legal entity, but in his/its
own name;

(5) “Authorized Person”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
a person authorized by a client under a limited power-of -attorney, in accordance with these Terms and
conditions, to represent such client and give instructions to us;

(6) “Act”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean, the International Financial Services Commission Act, Chapter 272, as the same may be modified and amended f rom time to

(7) “Affiliate” , when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean any entity or
person that, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by or is under
common control with such company or person; for purposes of this definition, the term “control” (including,
with correlative meaning, the terms “controlled by” and “under common control with”), as used with respect
to a company or person in this Agreement, shall mean the possession, directly or indirectly through one or more
intermediaries, of the power to direct or cause the direction of management policies of such company or person,
whether through ownership of voting securities or otherwise;

(8) “Agreement”, when used herein, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean this Agreement,
inclusive of all of its annexes, appendices, addenda, attachments, schedules and exhibits and amendments,
as the same may be in force f rom time to time and modif ied or amended f rom time to time;

(9) “Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) Legislation”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context
otherwise requires, shall mean, collectively, Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act 2008 and
the Money Laundering (Prevention) Regulations 1998,
as the same may be in force f rom time to time and
modified or amended from time to time;

(10) “Applicable Laws and Regulations”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise
requires, shall mean, collectively, (A) the International Financial Services Commission Act, Chapter 272,
(B) the International Financial Services Practitioners (Code of Conduct) Regulations 2001, (C) the
International Financial Services Commission (Licensing) Regulations 2007 (D) the Accounting Records
(Maintenance) Act 2013
, (E) the International Financial Services Licensing Procedures as well as (F) any
other rule or regulation of a relevant governmental and/or regulatory authority, the rules of any relevant
investment exchange and/or any other relevant applicable local, state, federal and international laws, rules and
regulations of the countries, jurisdictions in which either one of the Parties is residing, or, in the case of a Legal
Entity is formed, incorporated, domiciliation and/or doing business, as the same may be in force f rom time to
time and modified or amended from time to time;

(11) “Associate”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean an
undertaking in the same corporate group as us, a Representative whom we or an undertaking in the same
group as us may appoint, or any other person with whom we have a relationship that might reasonably be
expected to give rise to a community of interest between us and them;

(12) “Balance”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the balance
of a client’s Account after the last Account transaction(s) made, within any given period of time;

(13) “Business Day”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean any
calendar day (except any Saturday or Sunday), beginning at 00:00 GMT + 2 and ending at 23:59 GMT + 2,
on which banks in Belize are open for business;

(14) “CFD Contract” or “CFD(s)”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall
mean a contract which is a ‘contract for differences’ by reference to fluctuations in the price of the relevant
underlying security or index; trading in CFDs is trading on the outcome of the price of an underlying exchange
instrument (e.g. an equity, currency or futures), whereby such trading does not occur on a recognized or
regulated “exchange”; trading in CFDs is not subject to delivery of the underlying exchange instrument and/or
any other interest; accordingly, the result of trading in CFDs is the difference between sell and buy CFD
transactions only;

(15) “Client” or “client”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean “you
or “your” and, in more general terms, any person (A) who is interested in Transactions and/or Contracts, (B)
who enters or has entered our Online Trading Facility, and/or (C) who has submitted to us all required
Account Opening Application Form(s) - including in each instance, without limitation, an original certified
unexpired government-issued identification evidencing nationality, residence and bearing a photograph (e.g.,
driver’s license, passport, Government residency card, or similar identification), and a valid recent official utility
(water, gas, electricity, etc.) bill or bank statement, in each instance not more than three (3) months old,
showing name and address, as required under any relevant Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) Legislation,
obligations and/or procedures applicable to us, and whom has been accepted as a client by us in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, in the manner set forth herein, and to whom Services will be provided by us;


(16) “Collateral”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean any
securities or other assets deposited with us as a continuing security and collateral for the payment and
discharge of all obligations owing to us in relation to any Services provided by us under and/or pursuant to this

(17) “Commission, Charges & Margin Schedule”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise
requires, shall mean the schedule of commissions, charges, Margin, interest and other rates which at any time
may be applicable to our Services as determined by us on a current basis; the Commission, Charges & Margin
Schedule is available on our Online Trading Facility and may be supplied separately on demand;

(18) “Conflict of Interest Policy”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires,
shall mean our prevailing policy regarding conflicts of interest, which is posted on our Online Trading Facility
and may be supplied separately on demand and it is hereby mentioned by reference.

(19) “Contract”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean any contract,
whether oral or written, for the purchase or sale of any commodity, security, currency or any other supported
security or property, including, without limitation, any derivative contracts, such as CFDs or other transactions
related thereto, entered into by and between us and our client(s);

(20) “Counterpart(y)ies”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
banks and/or brokers through whom we may cover our transactions and/or Contracts with client(s);

(21) “Credit Limitation”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the
existence of a restriction on the ability to trade with a Client based on our credit exposure/Margin requirements
towards such client;

(22) “Credit Support Provider”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall
mean any person who has entered into any guarantee, hypothecation, agreement, Margin or Security agreement
in our favor, in respect a client’s obligations under this Agreement;

(23) “FSC Rules”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean all
applicable regulations and circulars issued by the “Financial Services Commission” or “FSC” in the
framework and context of the authority it has been granted under the Act, as the same may be in force f rom
time to time and modif ied or amended f rom time to time;


(24) “Dealable Quote”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean a
Price Quote that by its terms is capable of being used for the purpose of effecting a Transaction and/or Contact;

(25) “Deal Request”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean an
electronic message sent by the client via our online Trading Facility, requesting us to enter into a purchase
Transaction or sale Transaction at our prevailing Price Quote for such Transaction and/or Contract, as displayed
on our Online Trading Facility;

(26) “Deal Response”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean, with
respect to a particular Deal Request sent by a the client to us via our Online Trading Facility, an electronic
message sent by us to such client via our Online Trading Facility, acknowledging receipt of the Deal Request
and confirming, whether or not we have agreed to accept the terms of the Deal Request submitted by
the client and, as the case may be, acknowledging the execution of a purchase Transaction or sale
Transaction requested by the client by means of his/her/its Deal Request;

(27) “Deposit(s)", when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the
funds deposited and/or transferred by clients into their Account(s) with us;

(28) “Durable Medium”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
any instrument which enables clients to store information in a way accessible for future reference for a period
of time adequate for purposes of the information and which allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored;


(29) “Effective Date”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the
date on which this Agreement enters into effect, as indicated on the confirmation e-mail sent by us to a client,
indicating that such client’s Account Opening Application Form(s) has/have been accepted;

(30) “Electronic Messaging”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
any form of electronic communication we use to communicate with our clients about our Online Trading Facility
(including, without limitation, with reference to any Transaction(s) or Contract(s) entered into via our Online
Trading Facility), including, but not limited to, electronic mail, whether or not within the framework of our
Online Trading Facility itself and/or within the Online Trading Facility’s mailbox(es);

(31) “Electronic Services”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean a
service provided by us, for instance, an internet trading service offering clients access to information and trading
facilities, via an internet service, a WAP service and/or other electronic Order routing system;

(32) “Electronic Trading Platform(s)”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires,
shall mean the online electronic trading platform(s) that is/are made available by us to our clients for placing
Orders, requesting Price Quotes for Transactions and/or Contracts, receiving price information and market
related news as well as having a real- time revaluation of their open positions, through the Internet, where
Transactions and/or Contracts in securities can be processed through Deal Requests and Deal Responses,
Settlement/Trade Confirmations can be issued, Accounts can be managed and historical data can be stored
and managed;

(33) “Equity”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the “capital
value” of an Account at the present time; it is calculated by (a) taking the total value of all open positions relating
to the Transactions and/or Contracts generated through the Account, adjusted with all ‘Floating Profit/Loss’ and
with all relevant ‘rollover rates’ and/or ‘swaps’, and by adding that value to the Account Balance;

(34) “Event of Default”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall have the
meaning given to this term in clause 90 herein after;

(35) “Exchange” or “Stock Exchange”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires,
means any securities exchange, clearing house, self -regulatory organisations, alternative trading system,
organised trading facility, or Multilateral Trading Facility as the context may require from time to time;

(36) “Fraud Traffic”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
Deposits or traffic generated towards our Online Trading Facility through illegal means or in bad faith to defraud
the system, regardless of whether or not it actually causes us any harm; Fraud Traffic shall include, but
shall not be limited to, spam, false advertising and deposits generated on stolen credit cards, collusion,
manipulation of the service, system, bonuses or promotions (including, without limitation, “sniping” or
“scalping” herein after, collectively, referred to as “arbitrage”, ‘cash back arbitrage’, ‘interest arbitrage and/or
‘churning’), offers to share commission(s) or bonuses directly or indirectly with traders, and any other
unauthorized use of any third party accounts, copyrights or trademarks;

(37) “Floating Profit/Loss”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
the unrealized prof it (loss) of open positions relating to Transactions and/or Contracts in supported securities,
generated through an Account at current prices of the underlying securities (currencies, contracts or stocks,
equity indexes, precious metals or any other commodities) available for trading;

(38) “Free Margin”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the funds
not used as guarantee to open positions relating to Transactions and/or Contracts entered into through an
Account; it is calculated by taking the Equity in the Account and subtracting the Margin required to open
positions relating to Transactions and/or Contracts entered into through the Account;


(39) “Indicative Quote”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
a Price Quote other than a Dealable Quote;

(40) “Intellectual Property Assets”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall
mean: (a) our Online Trading Facility; (b) our services; (c) any other of our platforms or software (including,
without limitation, demos and any relevant system documentation and/or users' manuals); (d) this Agreement;
(e) the Price Quotes we provide; and/or (f ) any Pricing Data or other information transmitted via our Online
Trading Facility or otherwise, including, without limitation, all Intellectual Property Rights, directly or indirectly
pertaining thereto;

(41) “Intellectual Property Rights”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires,
shall mean all intellectual property rights such as; patents, trademarks, service marks, word marks,
copyrights, database rights, topography rights, industrial design, know-how, trade secrets, trade names, logos,
designs, symbols, emblems, insignia, slogans, marketing materials and other identifying materials, in all
forms whether or not registered or capable of registration and any other rights relating to intellectual property
in accordance with and/or under and/or pursuant to Applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations;

(42) “Inside Information”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
non-published information which is likely to have a noticeable effect on the pricing of a Transaction and/or
Contract if it was made public;

(43) “Introducing Broker”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall
mean a financial institution or advisor which may be remunerated by us and/or our clients for referring of
clients to us and/or for the provision of advice to such clients and/or execution of such clients’ Transactions
and/or Contracts towards us;

(44) “Instructions to Deal”, means an instruction by you for us to Buy or Sell any Instrument on your behalf
including, for the avoidance of doubt, an Order on Shares;


(45) “Listed Company”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean a
company whose securities are listed on a recognized Stock Exchange / regulated market;

(46) “Margin”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the necessary
guarantee funds to open positions relating to Transactions and/or Contracts entered into through an Account,
as determined in and/or required under the ‘Spreads and Conditions Schedule’ posted on our Online Trading

(47) “Margin Call”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean a
mandatory request issued by us to increase the Margin deposited in a client’s Account in order to secure the
open positions relating to Transactions and/or Contracts entered into through an Account; when the Margin
posted in an Account is below the minimum Margin requirement, we may, but shall have no obligation
whatsoever, issue a Margin Call and in this case the client will have to either increase the Margin that he/she
has deposited in his/her Account, or to close out his/her position(s); if the client does not do any of the
aforementioned and the Account reaches the defined Stop-out Level, we shall be entitled to close all open
positions relating to the Transactions and/or Contracts entered into through the Account; in that regard, it
should be noted that our Online Trading Facility operates with an automated risk monitoring, Margin Call and
Stop-out facility designed to monitor the overall utilization of clients’ available collateral in support of our
prevailing Margin and cash funding requirements for the Transactions and/or Contracts they are entering into
via our Online Trading Facility; using this automated risk monitoring, Margin Call and Stop-out facility, we
will, unless otherwise stated, apply initial, maintenance or close out Margin call at the prevailing Margin Call or
Stop-out levels, as stated from time to time on our Online Trading Facility;

(48) “Margin Call Level”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the
Margin Level required to maintain your open positions, which is currently set at 50% of the Margin required to
maintain your open positions; accordingly, if the equity in your Account drops to 50% of the Margin Level
required to maintain your open positions, you will receive a Margin Call; this is a warning message that the
equity in your Account is not enough to support your open positions; at this point, you will not be able to take
any new position and you will have the option to deposit sufficient money in order to maintain your open positions
or to close out some or all of your position(s); when you have losing positions, your Margin Level will go down
and may become close to the Margin Call Level; when you have winning positions, your Margin Level will go
up and the Margin Call Level may become more remote;

(49) “Margin Level”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean an index
calculated as follows: Equity/Margin;

(50) “Margin Trade”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean a
Transaction and/or Contract opened and maintained based on a Margin deposit, as opposed to a Transaction
and/or Contract based on a purchase price;

(51) “Market”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean any regulated
market, or multilateral trading facility on which Underlying Securities are being traded;

(52) “Market Disruption”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean,
with respect to any Security, the occurrence of any event or condition which in our good faith opinion has a
(a) material influence on the liquidity of , or volatility of foreign exchange rates for, the relevant Underlying
Security; (b) material influence on the settlement of transactions in relevant Underlying Securities and,
therefore, on the settlement of related Securities; or (c) impairs our ability to provide Price Quotes which reflect
the supply and demand for relevant Security, due to the fact that the settlement of the relevant Underlying
Securities is impaired;

Market Disruption shall include but not be limited to, the imposition by any government authority, central
bank or multinational organization of material restrictions or limitations on the trading, transfer or settlement of
transactions in any Underlying Security(ies) (such as, the imposition of price controls, currency exchange
controls, mandatory exchange rates with respect to a particular Underlying Security or a Force Majeure Event),
which have or may have a material influence on the settlement of Transactions and/or Contracts in related

(53) “Market Maker”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean a
professional participant in the financial markets who continuously quotes both a buy and a sell price in
Securities or commodities held in inventory in order to buy and sell respectively in the event of interested clients,
hoping to make a prof it on the bid-of fer spread, or turn; as such, market makers are net sellers of an option to
be adversely selected at a premium proportional to the trading range at which they are willing to provide liquidity;
being a Market Maker, we are the client’s immediate counterpart in relation to any Transaction and/or Contract
entered into by a client via our Online Trading Facility;

(54) "Market Rate", when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean, at any
given time, the rate conclusively determined (in the absence of manifest error) by a Party to be the market rate
available to that Party in the Market at such time for the purchase of a specified Security, with a second
specified Security for delivery on a specified date;

(55) “Market Rules”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the rules,
regulations, customs and practices f rom time to time of any exchange, clearing house or other organization or
market involved in the conclusion, execution or settlement of purchase and/or sale transactions in Securities,
and/or any exercise by any such exchange, clearing house or other organization or market of any power or
authority conferred on it;

(56) “Netting Transaction”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
a transaction which is intended to be subject to the clauses entitled “Netting” herein after, and for such
purposes is identified as a “Netting Transaction” herein or by its own terms;

(57) “Non-Professional User”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall
mean a person who: (a) subscribes to our Online Trading Facility as a private individual and in a personal
capacity; (b) is not currently registered or qualified as a professional securities trader, investment adviser or
investment manager with any national or state exchange, regulatory authority, professional association or
recognised professional body; (c) does not currently act in any professional capacity as a securities trader, an
investment adviser or an investment manager whether or not he has at some time been qualified to do so; and
(d) uses the Online Trading Facility solely in relation to the management of his own personal funds and not as
a trader to the public or for the investment of corporate funds;

(58) “Online Trading Facility”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall
mean, collectively and/or individually, as the context requires, all website(s), Electronic Trading Platform(s), software and/or services provided by us, from time to time under and/or pursuant to the Terms of this Agreement;


(59) “Order” when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean a client’s Order
to enter into a Transaction and/or Contract in respect of a particular Security on conditions stipulated in the
Order; by default, an Order is unlimited (“GTC – Good Till Cancel”), but we and/or the client may define the
time of expiration of the Order; basic types of Order include the following: (a) a “Market Execution Order” which
is an Order instantly executed against a price that we have provided via our Online Trading Facility; the following
features may be attached to a ‘Market Execution Order’: (i) ‘Stop Loss’ (an Order to close a previously opened
position at a price less profitable than the price at the time of placing the limitation) is an Order to limit losses,
whereas (ii) ‘Take Profit’ (an Order to close a previously opened position at a price more profitable than the
price at the time of placing the limitation) is an Order to limit prof its; and (b) a “Pending Order”, which is an
Order to be executed at a later time at the price specified in the Order; we will monitor a ‘Pending Order’ and
when the price provided by us reaches the price specified in the Order, the Order will be executed at the best
available price as per our Order Execution Policy; the following types of Pending Orders are available: (i) ‘Buy
’ (an Order to purchase a Security at or below a specified price; it is triggered when the market price
touches or goes below the ‘buy limit’ price), (ii) ‘Buy Stop’ (an Order to buy a Security, which is entered at a
price above the current offering price; it is triggered when the market price touches or goes through the ‘buy
’ price); (iii) ‘Sell Limit’ (an Order to sell a Security at a specified price or better; it is triggered when the
market price touches or goes through the ‘sell limit’ price); and (iv) ‘Sell Stop’ (an Order to sell a Security when
it reaches a certain price; it is triggered when the market price touches or goes below the ‘sell stop’ price); the
following features may also be attached to any ‘Pending Order’: (i) ‘Stop Loss’ and/or (ii) ‘Take Profit’;

(60) “Order on Shares” when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean a
client’s Order to enter into a Transaction and/or Contract in respect to Shares supported by the relevant
Exchange that we make available to you;

(61) “Order Execution Policy” when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
our prevailing policy posted on our Online Trading Facility regarding best execution when executing client Orders;
our Order Execution Policy is part of our Terms and Conditions of Business, which is a contractually binding
agreement between us and our clients, and is incorporated herein by reference; it shall be applicable to all
transactions between us and our clients, to the extent that it does not impose and/or does not seek to impose
any obligations on us which we would not otherwise have, but for the Act;

(62) “Over-the-Counter” or “OTC”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall
refer to ‘Over- the-Counter’ trading (not on a regulated “exchange”, or “off-exchange”); any Transaction and/or
Contract concerning a commodity, security, currency or other Security or property, including any option, future,
or CFD, which is NOT traded on a regulated stock or commodity exchange, but is traded “over-the-counter”,
whether through a Market Maker, as described hereinabove, or otherwise;

(63) “Party”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall refer to us and/or our
Client(s), as the case may be, as it appears from the context in which this term is used in this Agreement; we
and our Client(s) may, collectively, be referred to in this Agreement as the “Parties”;

(64) “Person”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean an individual,
corporation, partnership, trustee, trust, regulatory body or agency, government or governmental agency or
entity (however designated or constituted), or any unincorporated organization;

(65) “Personal Data”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean and,
collectively, include any information relating: (i) to an identified or (ii) to a directly or indirectly identifiable, natural
or legal Person, including, but not exclusively, any data on us, our employees, directors, shareholders,
prospects, contacts and/or suppliers and and/or our client(s);

(66) “Personal Data Protection Legislation”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise
requires, shall mean, the Data Protection Act 1998, as the same may be in force f rom time to time and modified
or amended from time to time or the General Data Protection Regulation (679/2016) when enters into force, as
may this be amended from time to time;

(67) “Pip(s)”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the smallest
numerical value of a Price Quote (the last digit to the right of the decimal point); ‘Pip’ value can be either fixed or variable depending on the currency pair (e.g. the pip value for EUR/USD is always $10 for standard lots, ,
and $0.10 for micro lots); the term “Pip(s)” is synonymous and interchangeable and may be used in this
Agreement in an interchangeable way with the terms “Point(s)” and “Tick(s)”; “fractional pip” pricing includes
an extra decimal place in the price Quote, which means that the Price Quotes are more precise;

(68) “Pricing Data”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean all
pricing data generated by the pricing engine integrated in our Online Trading Facility and fed to our Online
Trading Facility on a real time/delayed/end of day/historical basis, specifying the market prices of the Supported
Securities traded on our Online Trading Facility;

(69) “Price Quote(s)” or “Quote(s)", when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires,
shall mean an electronic message disseminated via our Online Trading Facility containing a ‘Transactional
Ask Price
’ and a ‘Transactional Bid Price’ as well as other parameters such as indication of whether the
Price Quote is considered as a ‘Dealable Quote’ or an ‘Indicative Quote’; the message update frequency
on our Online Trading Facility may be changed at our sole discretion;

(70) “Principal”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the individual
person or the legal entity which is a party to a transaction (including, without limitation, these Terms and
Conditions, Transactions, Contracts and or any other legally binding obligations, terms contracts and/or

(71) “Privacy Polic(y)ies”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
the “Privacy Policy” published on our website(s);

(72) “Prohibited Software”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
any software that gives traders an unfair advantage; items that fall into this category shall include, but shall
not be limited to, specialized software programs that are designed to exploit possible price latencies on our
Online Trading Facility or that allow for the use of technological and/or algorithmic trading pattern that are aimed
at exploiting price latency arbitrage opportunities on our Online Trading Facility as further specified, without
limitation, in clause 60 herein after;


(73) “Representative(s)”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
directors, of f icers, employees, lawyers, advisers, agents, licensees or other authorized representatives;

(74) “Rollover Fee(s)/Swap(s)“, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall
mean the interest added to or deducted from a client’s Account for rolling over (holding/transferring) open
positions relating to Finance Transactions generated through an Account, to the next day; Rollover Fee/Swap
rates are calculated as the overnight interest rate differential between the two currencies on which the position
is held depending on the position type [Buy (Long) / Sell (Short)]; Rollover Fees/Swaps are charged on the
client’s Account only on the positions kept open to the next trading day; Rollover Fees/Swaps are calculated
and applied on every trading night; although there is no rollover on Saturdays and Sundays when the markets
are closed, banks still calculate interest on any position held over the weekend; to level this time gap, we apply
a 3-day rollover strategy. Particularly, for CFDs on currencies and precious metals night rollover/swaps are
charged at a triple rate on Wednesdays, whilst for CFDs on cash indices, cash energies, cryptos and stocks a
triple rate is charged on Fridays; please note that Rollover Fees/Swap rates are subject to change at our sole

(75) “Security (ies)”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall have the
meaning as set out in Schedule 1 of the Act and shall include any other instruments prescribed to be securities
for the purposes of the Act;

(76) “Services”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the services
to be provided by us to our client(s) construed by these Terms and Conditions; the term “Services” shall be
inclusive of any dealing, Order routing, advisory or other services, which we provide f rom time to time to our
client’s by remote access to our Online Trading Facility via the Internet and which are subject to these Terms
and Conditions;

(77) “Settlement Confirmation” or “Trade Confirmation” or “Settlement/Trade Confirmation”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean a notif ication f rom us to a client confirming

the client’s entry into a Transaction and/or Contract;
(78) “Shares”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean physical shares
admitted to trading on a regulated market or a multilateral trading facility;

(79) “Spreads and Conditions Schedule”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise
requires, shall mean the schedule of spreads, charges, Margin, interest and other rates which at any time may
be applicable to our Services, as determined by us on a current basis; the Spreads and Conditions Schedule
is available on our Online Trading Facility and may be supplied to our clients on demand;

(80) “Spyware”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean a type of
malware that can be installed on computers, and which collects small pieces of information about users
without their knowledge; the presence of spyware is typically hidden f rom the user, and can be dif ficult to
detect; typically, spyware is secretly installed on the user's personal computer;

(81) “Stop-out”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the
situation where, because of the equity in an Account reaches the Stop-out Level (i.e. drops below the Margin
Level required to maintain open positions – see below) or because the equity of a hedged Account has entered
into a negative territory, our Online Trading Facility will start automatically to close trading positions (starting
f rom the least prof itable position and until the Margin Level requirement is met) in order to prevent further
account losses into the negative territory;

(82) “Stop-out Level”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean the
level of equity in an Account where our Online Trading Facility will start automatically to close trading positions
(starting f rom the least prof itable position and until the Margin Level requirement is met) in order to prevent
further account losses into the negative territory; for al l t rad ing accounts the Stop-out Level is equal to 20%
of the Margin Level required to maintain open positions;

(83) “Supported Financial Instruments”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires,
shall mean the Financial Instruments for which we provides quotations via the Online Trading Facility, i.e.,
contracts for dif ferences, spot or forward contracts of any kind in relation to any commodity, metal, f inancial
instrument (including any security), currency, interest rate, index or any combination thereof , as well as and/or
any other derivative f inancial instrument on which we both agree, in this Agreement, or otherwise "in the terms
agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties
"; we reserve the right to modify the Supported Financial
Instruments quoted through our Online Trading Facility at any time without prior notice, without being obliged to
provide you with any explanation or justif ication;

(84) “System Disruption(s)”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean
the occurrence of any event which in our good faith opinion materially prevents or limits our ability or our
clients’ ability f rom accurately and completely (i) distributing or receiving ‘Price Quotes’, ‘Deal Requests
or ‘Deal Responses’; or (ii) recording or maintaining the terms of any Transactions and/or Contracts; or (iii)
entering into related hedging transactions on an automated basis;

(85) “Terms”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean these Terms
and Conditions governing our clients’ relationship with us;

(86) “Transaction”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean any
transaction subject to this Agreement, and shall include, without limitation: (a) transactions in Supported
Securities (including, without limitation, contracts for differences, spot or forward contracts of any kind in relation
to any commodity, metal, f inancial instrument (including any security), currency, interest rate, index or any
combination thereof); (b) transactions, which are matched with any such Supported f inancial Instruments
(including, without limitation, contracts for dif ferences, spot or forward contracts of any kind in relation to any
commodity, metal, f inancial instrument (including any security), currency, interest rate, index or any combination
thereof); (c) any other transaction which we both agree, in this Agreement, or otherwise "in the terms agreed
upon by mutual consent of the Parties", (d) the partial or full f ill of your Instruction to Deal shall be a Transaction;

(87) “LMT” or “we” or “our” or “us”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, shall
mean our Online Trading Facility and its operator, LMT Global Limited, a Securities Service Provider in Belize
formed under the laws of Belize and regulated by and registered with the Financial Services Commission(“FSC”), having its registered of fice at Suite 101, 63 Eve Street, Belize City, Belize and any of its designated
and permitted successors, assigns and those of its subsidiaries and af f iliates that are identif ied further in this

(88) “LMT’ Website(s)” or “the LMT Website(s)” or our “Website(s)”, when used in this Agreement, unless the
context otherwise requires, shall mean the Website(s), which is/are privately labelled, owned and hosted
by us, including, without limitation, the Website(s), which is/are privately labelled, owned and hosted by us at
the following URL: and any related sub-domains, which is/are designed to attract and solicit
and obtain online registrations f rom prospective, new clients and/or business partners who are interested
in Transactions and/or Contracts, and their respective related pages;

(89) “Transactional Ask Price” or “Ask Price”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise
requires, shall mean the price rate at which a contract for the purchase of a Supported Security can be entered
into via the Online Trading Facility; the “Transactional Ask Price” or “Ask Price” is the price at which the
market is willing to sell a certain Security; it is the price that is set for the buying of a Security when an Order to
enter into a Contract for the purchase of a Supported Security is placed via our Online Trading Facility;

(90) “Transactional Bid Price” or “Bid Price”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise
requires, shall mean the price rate at which a contract for the sale of a Supported Security can be entered
into via the Online Trading Facility; the “Transactional Bid Price” or “Bid Price” is the price at which the
market is willing to buy a certain Security; it is the price that is set for the selling of a Security when an Order
to enter into a Contract for the sale of a Supported Security is placed via our Online Trading Facility;

(91) “Underlying Market”, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise means an Exchange,
Market Maker, and/or other similar body on which an Instrument is traded or trading as the context requires.


10. Interpretation

10.1 Any reference in this Agreement and its annexes, appendices, addenda, attachments, schedules and
exhibits to a document being "in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties" shall mean, unless
the context otherwise requires, that document in the terms mutually agreed upon by and between the Parties
and for the purposes of identif ication and documentation thereof signed by each of the Parties, or such other
terms as may be agreed upon by mutual agreement of the Parties and executed by each of the Parties in writing
in substitution therefor.

10.2 In this Agreement and its annexes, appendices, addenda, attachments, schedules and exhibits, unless
the context otherwise requires, references to any provision shall include such provision as f rom time to time
amended, whether before, or on (in the case only of re-enactment or consolidation without substantive
amendment) af ter the Ef fective Date, and shall be deemed to include provisions of earlier legislation which
have been re-enacted (with or without modif ication) or replaced (directly or indirectly) by such provision, and
shall further include all statutory instruments or Orders f rom time to time made pursuant thereto.

10.3 In this Agreement and its annexes, appendices, addenda, attachments, schedules and exhibits, unless
the context otherwise requires: (a) the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter and the singular
number shall include the plural and vice versa; (b) references to persons shall include individuals, bodies’
corporate, un-incorporated associations and partnerships; (c) the headings are inserted for convenience
only and shall not af fect the construction and interpretation of this Agreement; (d) references to recitals, clauses
and annexes, schedules and exhibits and any subdivisions thereof , unless a contrary intention appears, shall
be to the recitals, clauses and annexes, schedules and exhibits and subdivisions of this Agreement.

10.4 The annexes, appendices, addenda, attachments, schedules and exhibits and the Pre-amble and
Recitals set forth hereinabove form an integral part of this Agreement and shall be construed as having the
same full force and ef fect as if they would be expressly set forth in the body of this Agreement.

10.5 Unless the context otherwise requires, any reference in this Agreement to a “document” shall be
construed to include any ‘electronic’ document.

10.6 Where any form of the word “including” appears in this Agreement, it will be interpreted as if followed
by the phrase “without limitation”, unless the context requires otherwise.

10.7 Where any form of the word “Online Trading Facility” appears in this Agreement, it will be interpreted
as if followed by the phrase “and/or any component or part thereof”, unless the context requires otherwise.

10.8 Where any of the words “purchase” and/or “sale” and/or “buy” and/or “sell” appear in this Agreement,
unless the context otherwise requires, they will be read and construed as technical terms only, as this
Agreement does NOT envisage the transfer of title to any Financial Instruments (“delivery”) traded hereunder.
10.9 Whenever reference is made in this Agreement to ‘us’ or ‘we’, such reference shall be deemed to include,
where appropriate, unless the context requires otherwise, to our directors, of f icers, shareholders, partners,
members, employees, Agents, third party service providers, Representatives and/or Af f iliates (together our


Chapter B: Access and Use of Our Online Trading Facility 

11. Limited License to Access and Use Our Online Trading Facility

11.1 Subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth herein, we hereby grant you a non-exclusive, revocable,
non-transferable, limited and personal license (which is incapable of sub-license or transfer by you, without
our express prior and written agreement) to access and use our Online Trading Facility (the "License") in
accordance with these Terms. This license is conditioned on your continued compliance with the Terms and
Conditions set forth in this Agreement. Before we grant you access to or Online Trading Facility, you will already
need to be (and be accepted as) a client of ours and to have opened an Account with us. These Terms
supplement and form part of the Account Opening Application Form(s). If there is a conf lict between these
Terms and the terms of the Account Opening Application Form(s), these Terms will prevail regarding our
Online Trading Facility.

11.2 We may be required by a Third Party Service Provider to require you to comply with additional restrictions
on your access and/or usage of our Online Trading Facility. You agree that you will comply with any additional
restrictions on your access and/or usages that we may communicate to you f rom time to time, or that are
otherwise the subject of an agreement between you and such Third Party Service Providers. You acknowledge
that failure to comply with such additional restrictions may result in your access to and/or usage of all or
part of our Online Trading Facility being restricted, suspended or terminated.

11.3 Our Online Trading Facility is intended for your personal, non-commercial use only, unless we have
expressly agreed otherwise beforehand and in writing. You agree to use the information received f rom our
Online Trading Facility (and/or f rom any other of our information systems) for the sole purpose of entering
into and executing Transactions and/or Contracts through our Online Trading Platform. Unless we have
expressly agreed otherwise beforehand and in writing, we are providing our Online Trading Facility only for
your personal, non-commercial use and only for the purpose of , and subject to these Terms. You represent
and warrant to us as of the date of acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and each time you access our
Online Trading Facility that you are accessing and/or using our Online Trading Facility for your personal, non-
commercial use only. You will notify us immediately in writing if you are accessing and/or using our Online
Trading Facility for purposes other than your personal, non-commercial use only and you acknowledge that
as a result of doing so we may restrict, suspend and/or terminate your access to all or part of our Online
Trading Facility, at our sole discretion, without being obliged to provide you with any explanation or justif ication.

11.4 For the avoidance of doubt, you shall, at all times, be responsible for, and shall be bound by, any
unauthorized access and/or use of our Online Trading Facility, made in breach of this Agreement.

11.5 It is your obligation to keep your Account numbers, user names and passwords (“Access Codes”)
strictly conf idential. You acknowledge and agree that any instruction or communication transmitted via our
Online Trading Facility by you or on your behalf , or through your Account, is made entirely at your own risk.
You hereby expressly authorize us to rely and act on, and treat as fully authorized and binding upon you, any
instruction given to us that we believe to have been given by you or on your behalf by any agent or
intermediary whom we believe in good faith to have been duly authorized by you. You acknowledge and
agree that we shall be entitled to rely upon your Account number, Access Codes (user names and/or
passwords) to identify you and you agree that you will not disclose this information to anyone not duly authorized
by you.

11.6 Because all servers have limited capacity and are used by many people, you agree not to use our Online
Trading Facility in any manner that could damage or overburden any of our servers, or any network connected
to any of our servers and not to use our Online Trading Facility in any manner that would interfere with any
other party's use of our Online Trading Facility. You further agree not to use any Electronic Messaging and/or
communication feature of our Online Trading Facility for any purpose that is unlawful, tortuous, abusive and
intrusive on another's privacy, harassing, libelous, defamatory, embarrassing, obscene, threatening or hateful.

11.7 The License granted under this Agreement will be terminate with immediate ef fect if we believe that any
information provided by you, including, without limitation, any identif ication evidencing nationality, residence,
contact details, including without limitation your e-mail address, is no longer current or accurate, or if you
fail to otherwise comply with any Term of this Agreement and/or any rules and/or guidelines imposed by us,
or if we were to establish that you have abused in any way (including, but not limited to, engaging in Transactions and/or Contracts on out of Market Rates) through our Online Trading Facility.


11.8 Upon such violation, you agree to cease, with immediate ef fect, accessing and/or using our Online Trading
Facility. You agree that, under these circumstances, we shall be entitled, at our sole discretion and with or
without prior notice and without prejudice to any other remedies we may have under this Agreement, to
terminate your access to our Online Trading Facility, close any and all of your open positions and/or remove
and discard any related information or content within our Online Trading Facility.

12. Copyright, Licenses and Trademarks

12.1 The entire contents of our Online Trading Facility, including but not limited to all copyrights, trademarks,
patents, service marks, trade names, sof tware code, icons, logos, characters, layouts, trade secrets,
buttons, colour scheme and graphics, are protected by international copyright and trademark laws. Except
for third party content, the contents of our Online Trading Facility are original works of authorship published
by us, or by, or on behalf of our Third Party Licensors. We have the exclusive rights to reproduce, display,
prepare derivative works or distribute. The names, logos, trademarks, copyrights and all other intellectual
property rights in all of the material and sof tware on our Online Trading Facility are owned by us or by our
Third Party Licensors. All third-party owned materials contained on our Online Trading Facility are reproduced
with the permission of the respective owners.

12.2 You may not, without our prior written permission, alter, modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload,
post, transmit, distribute or commercially exploit, in any manner whatsoever, any materials, including text,
graphics, video, audio, sof tware code, user interface design or logos, f rom our Online Trading Facility, except
you may print and download portions of material f rom the dif ferent areas of Online Trading Facility solely
for your own, non-commercial, use provided that you agree not to change or delete any copyright or proprietary
notices f rom such materials. All referenced third party logo’s trademarks and products on the site are the
property of the respective (site) owner(s) and must not be used or distributed without permission of the
owner(s). Any violation of these provisions will null and void the License granted hereunder.

12.3 You agree not to "deep-link" to our Online Trading Facility, resell or permit access to our Online Trading
Facility to others, and not to copy any materials appearing on our Online Trading Facility for resale or for any
other purpose to others, without our express, prior and written consent. In those instances where we may
permit you to link f rom another website to our Online Trading Facility, your website, as well as the link itself,
may not, without our express prior and written permission, suggest that we endorse, sponsor or are af f iliated
with any third-party website, entity, service or product, and you may NOT make use of any of our logo’s,
trademarks or service marks other than those contained within the text of the link.

13. Limitations on Investment Guidance and Professional Advice

13.1 Our Online Trading Facility is NOT intended to provide legal, tax or investment advice. Any and all

information on our Online Trading Facility is for educational purposes only and is under no circumstance
intended to provide legal, tax or investment advice and no guarantee is represented f rom any statements
about prof its or income, whether express or implied.


13.2 You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy or related

transaction is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, f inancial circumstances
and risk tolerance. You should consult your legal or tax professional regarding your specif ic situation.


14. Accuracy of Information

14.1 While we have made every ef fort to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on our Online Trading

Facility, the information and content on our Online Trading Facility is subject to change without notice and
is provided for the sole purpose of assisting traders to make independent investment decisions.

14.2 While we have taken reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the information on our Online Trading
Facility, we do not, however, guarantee its accuracy, and will not accept liability for any loss or damage that
may arise directly or indirectly f rom the content or your inability to access our Online Trading Facility, for
any delay in or failure of the transmission or the receipt of any instruction or notif ications sent through our
Online Trading Facility.

14.3 All content on our Online Trading Facility is presented only as of the date published or indicated, and may 
be superseded by subsequent market events or for other reasons. In addition, you are responsible for
setting the cache settings on your browser to ensure you are receiving the most recent data.


15. Analytical Tools and Market Data

15.1 At certain times, we may provide various analytical tools (such as market data, exchange rates, news,

headlines and graphs), links to other websites, circulate newsletter and/or provide you with third parties’
information on our Online Trading Facility, for your convenience only. By doing so, we are not endorsing,
giving any representation, warranting, guaranteeing or sponsoring the accuracy, correctness, timeliness,
completeness, suitability of such information for you and/or as to the ef fect or consequences of such
information on you. Such information and tools are provided solely to assist you to make your own
investment decisions and does not amount to investment advice or unsolicited f inancial promotions to you.


15.2 You understand that we are not obligated to continue to provide the above-mentioned tools and information

and we may remove such informational tools f rom our Online Trading Facility at any time. Furthermore, we
are not obligated to update the information displayed on our Online Trading Facility at any time and we will
not be liable for the termination, interruption, delay or inaccuracy of any such information. The f inancial
information we post on our Online Trading Facility may be provided by third parties for the benef it or our
clients and as such you undertake not to enable deep linking or any other form of redistribution or reuse of
the information, to any non-authorized users. As such, we urge you to read and fully understand the terms
and conditions and other policies of such websites, newsletters and information before using them.


15.3 Any information or material placed on our websites by third parties (“Third Party Content”) ref lects solely

and exclusively the views, and are the responsibility of , those who post such information or material, and
do not represent our views and/or those of our Associates. Such information is not to be considered as
constituting a track record. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and we specif ically advise
clients and prospects to carefully review all claims and representations made by other traders, advisors,
bloggers, money managers and system vendors before making an investment decision on the basis of any
of the foregoing.




15.4 Neither we, nor our of f icers, principals, employees, Representatives or Agents shall be liable to any person

for any losses, damages, costs or expenses (including, but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of use, direct,
indirect, incidental or consequential damages) resulting f rom any errors in, omissions of or alterations to
any such any such tools, websites, newsletters and/or information. The foregoing shall apply regardless of
whether a claim arises in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability otherwise.


16. Third Party Content and Research

16.1 As previously indicated, our Online Trading Facility may include general news and information, commentary,

interactive tools, quotes, research reports and data concerning the foreign exchange markets, other financial markets and other subjects.

16.2 Some of this content may be supplied by Persons that are not af f iliated with us ("Third Party Content").
The source of all such Third Party Content is clearly and prominently identif ied on our Online Trading Facility
and is reproduced with the permission of the respective owners.

16.3 Third Party Content may be available through f ramed areas, through hyperlinks to third party web sites, or
may simply be published on our Online Trading Facility. As indicated above, the Third Party Content is
protected by applicable intellectual property laws and international treaties and is owned by or licensed
f rom the Third Party Content provider(s) credited.

16.4 We do not explicitly or implicitly endorse or approve such Third Party Content. The Third Party Content
providers do not, implicitly or explicitly, endorse or approve the Third Party Content, nor should their content
be construed as legal, tax or investment advice.

16.5 While we make every attempt to provide accurate and timely information to serve the needs of our Clients,
neither we, nor any of our Third Party Content providers guarantee its accuracy, timeliness, completeness
or usefulness, and neither we, nor any of our Third Party Content providers is/are responsible or liable for
any such content, including any advertising, products, or other materials on or available f rom third party
websites. Third Party Content is provided for informational purposes only and we, as well as its Third Party
Content providers specif ically disclaim any liability for Third Party Content available on our Online Trading
Facility. You will use Third Party Content only at your own risk.




17. Means of Accessing and Using Our Online Trading Facility

17.1 You shall be solely responsible for providing and maintaining the means by which to access and use our

Online Trading Facility, which may include, but shall not be limited to, a personal computer, modem and
telephone or other access line.


17.2 You shall be responsible for all access and service fees necessary to connect to our Online Trading Facility

and you shall assume all charges incurred in accessing such systems. You further assume all risks
associated with the use and storage of information on your personal computer(s) or on any other
computer(s) through which you will gain access to, and/or make use of our Online Trading Facility
(hereinaf ter referred to as "computer" or "your computer").


17.3 You represent and warrant that you have implemented and plan to operate and maintain appropriate

protection in relation to the security and control of all access and use of your computer, infection or viruses,
worms, Trojan horses or other code that manifest contaminating or destructive properties and/or other
similar harmful or inappropriate materials, devices, information or data.


17.4 You agree that we shall not be liable, in any manner whatsoever, to you in the event of failure of or damage

or destruction to your computer systems, data or records or any part thereof , or for delays, losses, errors
or omissions resulting f rom the failure or mismanagement of any telecommunications or computer
equipment or sof tware.


17.5 You will not transmit to, or in any way, whether directly or indirectly, expose us or any of our online service providers to any infection or viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code that manifest contaminating or
destructive properties and/or other similar harmful or inappropriate materials, devices, information or data.


17.6 You agree to be fully and personally liable for the due settlement of every Transaction and/or Contract

entered into through your Account with us. You are responsible for ensuring that, unless we otherwise agree
beforehand and in writing, you, and only you, shall control access to your Account, and that no Minor or
other person is granted access to trading on our Online Trading Facility using your Account. In any event,
you, and only you, shall remain fully liable for any and all positions traded in your Account, and for any
credit card transactions entered into for your Account. You agree to indemnify us fully in respect to all costs
and losses whatsoever, as may be incurred by us and/or by you as a result, direct or indirect, of your failure
to perform or settle such a transaction.


17.7 You agree that in the case that any Transaction is entered into, and/or any Contract is acquired or sold at

prices that do not ref lect relevant Market Prices, or that is acquired or sold at an abnormally low level of risk
("mispricing") due to an undetected programming error, bug, defect, error or glitch in our Online Trading
Facility and/or any related sof tware, or for any other reason, resulting in mispricing (for the purpose of this
clause the "error"), we reserve the right to cancel such Transactions and/or Contracts upon notifying you
of the nature of the computer error that led to the mispricing. You have a duty to report to us any problem,
error or suspected system or other inadequacies that you may experience.


17.8 Without prejudice to any other provisions of this Agreement, should quoting and/or execution errors occur,

which may include, but are not limited to, a dealer's mistype of a quote, a quote or trade which is not
representative of the then prevailing Market Prices, an erroneous Price Quote f rom us or any third party,
such as but not limited to an erroneous Price Quote due to failure of hardware, sof tware or communication
lines or systems and/or inaccurate external data feeds provided by third-party vendors, we will not be liable
for the resulting errors in your Account balances. In the event of a quoting or execution error, we reserve
the right to make the necessary corrections or adjustments on the Account involved. Any dispute arising
f rom such quoting or execution errors will be resolved by us in our sole and absolute discretion.


18. Restriction of Access and Use of Our Online Trading Facility

18.1 We reserve the right to suspend the operation of our Online Trading Facility, or any part(s) or sections

thereof , at any time. In such an event, we may, at our sole discretion (with or without notice), close out
your open positions, Transactions and/or Contracts at prices we consider fair and reasonable at such a
time, and no claims may be entertained against us in connection thereto.


18.2 We may, at our sole discretion, impose volume or other limits on any all Accounts.

18.3 Contract pay-outs shall be determined by us by reference to the daily values reported on our Online Trading

Facility, relevant to the interbank trading data received by us for Transaction and/or Contract quotes, subject
to the ‘proviso’ that we shall be entitled to make corrections to such data in the event of mispriced or
typographically incorrect data.


18.4 You understand that while the Internet and the world-wide web are generally reliable, technical problems

or other conditions may delay or prevent you f rom accessing and/or using our Online Trading Facility.

19. Technical Issues

19.1 We shall not be liable, and you agree not to hold or seek to hold us or any of our Agents or Third Party

Service Providers, liable for any technical problems, system failures and malfunctions, communication
line failures, equipment or sof tware failures or malfunctions, system access issues, system capacity
issues, high Internet traf f ic demand, security breaches and unauthorized access, and other similar
computer problems and defects.


19.2 We do not represent, warrant or guarantee that you will be able to access and/or use our Online Trading

Facility at all times or locations of your choosing, or that we will have adequate capacity for our Online
Trading Facility as a whole or in any geographic location.


19.3 We do not represent, warrant or guarantee that our Online Trading Facility will provide uninterrupted and error-free service.


We do not make any warranties or guarantees with respect to our Online Trading Facility and the content
thereof , including, but not limited to, warranties for merchantability or f itness for a particular purpose.


19.4 Without prejudice to any of the forgoing, we shall not be responsible for an impossibility to execute Orders

and requirements due to failures in the operation of informational systems caused by technical faults, which
are beyond our control.


20. Manifest Errors

20.1 A “Manifest Error” means a manifest or obvious misquote by us, or any market, exchange, price providing

bank, information source, commentator or of ficial on whom we reasonably rely, having regard to the market
conditions at the time an Order is placed.


20.2 When determining whether a situation amounts to a Manifest Error, we may take into account all information

in our possession including, without limitation, information concerning all relevant market conditions and
any error in, or lack of clarity of , any information source or announcement.


20.3 We will, when making a determination as to whether a situation amounts to a Manifest Error, act fairly

towards you but the fact that you may have entered into, or ref rained f rom entering into, a corresponding
f inancial commitment, contract or Transaction in reliance on an Order placed with us (or that you may have
suf fered or may suf fer any loss of prof it, consequential or indirect loss) shall not be taken into account by
us in determining whether there has been a Manifest Error. We reserve the right, without prior notice, to:


a) amend the details of such a Transaction to ref lect what we reasonably consider in our discretion,

acting in good faith, to have been the correct or fair terms of such Transaction if the Manifest Error(s)
had not occurred;

b) If you do not promptly agree to any amendment made which we propose under this clause (which we
will notify you of via the Trading Platform) we may void any Transaction resulting f rom or deriving f rom
a Manifest Error, such that the result is the same as if it had never been made; and/or

c) not take any action at all.

20.4 We may take any reasonable steps for any trades executed at prices resulting f rom Manifest Errors (as

def ined herein), such as computer errors, misquotes or omissions, or at prices that are clearly at odds with
the fair market prices. Acting reasonably and in good faith, we may take the following actions to trades
based on a Manifest Error:
• void the trade;
• close the trade at the current market prices; or
• amend opening and/or closing price of the trade, as if it would have been executed in the absence of

the Manifest Error.

20.5 We will not be liable to you for any loss, cost, claim, demand or expense that you suf fer (including loss of

prof its or any indirect or consequential losses) resulting f rom a Manifest Error, including where the Manifest
Error is made by any information source, commentator or of f icial upon whom we reasonably rely, or f rom
our decision to do anything under clause 20.3 above, except to the extent that it is caused by our own f raud,
willful default or gross negligence.


20.6 If a Manifest Error has occurred and we choose to exercise any of our rights under clause 20.3, and if you

have received any monies f rom us in connection with the Manifest Error, those monies are due and payable
to us with immediate ef fect, and you must return an equal sum to us without delay.


20.7 We reserve the right to refuse any trades placed by you that we judge to be clearly outside the prevailing

market price such that they may be deemed non-market price transactions, whether due to Manifest Error
or stale, incorrect or broken price feeds.


21. Infections, Contaminations or Other Destructive Content 

21.1 You understand that we cannot and do not guarantee or warrant that f iles and/or Sof tware available for
downloading through our Online Trading Facility will be f ree of infection or viruses, worms, Trojan horses
or other code that manifest contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing
suf f icient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for accuracy of data input and
output, and for maintaining a means external to our Online Trading Facility for the reconstruction of any lost


22. Hyperlinks to Other Sites Controlled or Offered by Third Parties

22.1 We may provide links to other third party websites that are controlled or of fered by third parties. Such links

to another third party website or websites is NOT an endorsement, authorization, sponsorship or af f iliation
with respect to such third party website, its owners or its providers.


22.2 We caution you to ensure that you understand the risks involved in accessing and/or using such third party

websites before retrieving, using, relying upon or purchasing anything via the Internet.

22.3 We make NO representations whatsoever about any other third party website, which you may access

through our Online Trading Facility or which may link to our Online Trading Facility. When you access
any other third party website, please understand that it is independent f rom our Online Trading Facility
and that we have no control over the content on such third party website(s). In addition, a link f rom a third
party website to our Online Trading Facility does not mean that we endorse or accept any responsibility for
the content, or the use, of such third party website.


22.4 Links f rom our Online Trading Facility to any other third party websites are provided solely for your

convenience, and you agree that you will under no circumstances hold us liable for any damages or
losses caused by use of or reliance on any content, goods or services available on other third party


23. Software

23.1 Our Online Trading Facility may contain sof tware that is provided for downloading (hereinaf ter referred to

as “Software”). You acknowledge and agree that we make no warranty whatsoever that any Sof tware
downloaded onto your computer equipment f rom or through our Online Trading Facility or elsewhere will
be compatible with, or operate without interruption on, your computer equipment, nor do we warrant that
any such Sof tware is or will be uninterrupted, error f ree or available at all times. Our Online Trading Facility
is not associated with the Sof tware it may provide for download and we cannot be held liable for issues or
faults that arise f rom the download or use of any such Sof tware.


23.2 You further understand and agree that your download and/or use of any Sof tware may expose you to

risks associated with the download and/or use of sof tware that may not be compatible with your computer
equipment. You hereby agree to accept such risks, including, but not limited to, failure of or damage to,
hardware, sof tware, communication lines or systems, and/or other computer equipment. We expressly
disclaim any liability with respect to the foregoing, and you hereby agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold
us harmless f rom any and all damages, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses that may arise therefrom.


23.3 Each Sof tware application downloaded f rom or through our Online Trading Facility includes a specific

personal license to use such Sof tware in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set forth herein. Any
Sof tware downloaded f rom or through our Online Trading Facility is subject to the Terms of the specific
sof tware license accompanying such download, in addition to these Terms and Conditions.


23.4 Any Sof tware downloaded f rom or through our Online Trading Facility is intended only for your personal,

non-commercial use only, unless we have expressly agreed otherwise beforehand and in writing. You agree
to use any such Sof tware downloaded f rom or through our Online Trading Facility for the sole purpose of
entering into and executing Transactions and/or Contracts through our Online Trading Facility. Using any
such Sof tware to distribute signals, copy trades, share the Sof tware or signals with third parties or use the
Sof tware on MAM accounts (or in connection with any other portfolio management structure) is NOT allowed under this agreement, without our express and prior written consent, and may lead to immediate
termination of the License granted under this Agreement and/or the specif ic personal license to download
and/or use such Sof tware.


23.5 For the avoidance of doubt, you shall be responsible for, and shall be bound by any unauthorized access

and/or use of any Sof tware downloaded f rom or through our Online Trading Facility, made in breach of
this Agreement and/or the specif ic personal license to use such Sof tware. In the event that you receive
any data, information or Sof tware via our Online Trading Facility other than that which you are entitled to
receive pursuant to these Terms, you will immediately notify us and will not use, in any way whatsoever,
such data, information or Sof tware.


23.6 We reserve all rights to modify the terms and conditions of access and use, and/or to discontinue all or

part of our services for all Sof tware and/or products and/or f iles downloaded f rom or through our Online
Trading Facility, at any time, at our sole discretion and for any reason, without being obliged to provide you
with any explanation or justif ication.


24. Forward Looking Earnings Statements










Chapter C: Services 

In consideration of us agreeing to carry one or more Accounts for you and providing Services to you in connection
with the purchase and sale of Supported Securities, which may be purchased or sold by or through our
Online Trading Facility, or otherwise, for your Account, you hereby agree as follows:

25. Scope of Services

25.1 These Terms and Conditions cover the entire scope of Services provided by us including, but not limited

to, the access and use of our Online Trading Facility, data collection and storage practices, downloadable
material f rom our Online Trading Facility, f inancial information published on our Online Trading Facility
(either by us or by any af f iliated party), electronic content, real time information, inter alia, about the
exchange rate of some currencies, tools for executing transactions in the foreign exchange market through
the internet, by phone or fax and any other features, content or services that we may add in the future.
These Terms and Conditions cover any form of communication between us and you including Electronic
Messaging, e-mail, telephone, fax and more.


26. Registration

26.1 We are obligated by law to conf irm and verify the identity of each person who registers on our system and

opens an Account with us. Therefore, at any given time, starting f rom the date of your registration with us,
we may ask you to provide personally identif iable information. We reserve the right to limit, block access to
our Online Trading Facility and/or terminate and/or close your Account with us, if such information is not
provided and/or if any such information provided to us appears to be untrue, inaccurate, incomplete and/or
incorrect. If you choose to provide us with such information and register with us as our client, you are
conf irming to us that any information provided to us is true, accurate, updated and complete information
about yourself . Additionally, you agree that you will not impersonate any person or entity, misrepresent any
af f iliation with another person, entity or association, use false headers or otherwise conceal your identity
f rom us for any purpose or reason.


26.2 If you are registering as or for a business entity, you hereby declare that you have the authority to bind that

entity to these Terms and Conditions. We apply strict security procedures and undertake to treat the
information that you provide us with care in accordance with the privacy policy published on our Website(s)
(our “Privacy Polic(y)ies”).


26.3 Please note that when you register with us, you will choose a username and password that will personally

identify you each time you log on to our system (“Access Codes”). Your Access Codes (username and
password) should be kept strictly private and conf idential at all times. It is your sole and exclusive
responsibility to safeguard this information and you are responsible for all actions made using your Account
User Information. You agree: (a) to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your Access Codes or
of any other violation of security and (b) at the end of each use, to log out f rom your Account in an orderly
way. If the security of your Access Codes (username and password) is breached or if you suspect that they
are being wrongfully used – please contact our Customer Support team immediately.


27. Eligibility

27.1 As previously indicated, it is a pre-condition that our Services are only used and contracts are only formed

by those who are permitted to enter legally binding agreements. THEREFORE, IF THERE IS ANY
. Such reasons could include, but are
not limited to persons that have not yet reached the age of 18 or are def ined as Minors that have not yet
reached legal age.


27.2 Due to our internal policies, we only permit people with suf f icient experience, knowledge and

understanding in f inancial investments, who possess the personal ability of identifying good investments
and distinguishing bad investments, and who fully understand the risks associated with f inancial
investments, independently f rom any information that they may have read on our Online Trading Facility,

27.3 In accordance with the International Financial Services Practitioners (Code of Conduct) Regulations 2001,

the Company takes all reasonable steps to ensure it does not of fer securities business services to a Client,
unless these services are suitable for the Client having regard to the facts disclosed by that Client and other
relevant facts about the Client of which the Company is or ought to reasonably be aware. The Company
shall not recommend a security to a Client unless the Company has adequate information in its possession
to enable it to form a basis for the recommendation.


27.4 Information thus obtained will be used exclusively for the assessment referred to hereinabove.

27.5 Notwithstanding any of the above, the above mentioned eligibility restrictions shall only apply in cases

where our Services involve the use of real money. The above restrictions shall NOT apply to use of any
practice application not associated with real money transactions (such as, “Demo Accounts”).


28. Identification

28.1 We are obligated by law to conf irm and verify the identity of each person who registers on our system and

opens an Account with us; therefore, as part of our obligations to comply with applicable “Anti-Money
(“AML”) Legislation”, you will be prompted to provide us with the following information when
you register with us: (a) name; (b) address/ residency; (c) date of birth; (d) nationality; (e) contact information;
(f ) payment instructions; and any other personally identif iable information that we may ask for f rom time to
time, such as a copy of your Passport and/or other identifying documents.


28.2 Upon the death of an Account owner and if the legal heirs of such account owner would like to withdraw

the remaining balance in the Account, to the extent there is any, such legal heirs should present to us with
of f icial legal documents f rom the applicable governmental authorities in the jurisdiction of the deceased to
our satisfaction, and we, in our sole discretion and upon checking such documents, shall make the decision
whether to allow such withdrawal(s).


29. Personal Information – Accurate and Complete Data

29.1 You must provide us with true and complete information to us at all times; including but not limited to,

your (a) name; (b) address / residency; (c) date of birth; (d) nationality; (e) contact information; (f)
payment instructions; and any other personally identif iable information that we may ask f rom you f rom
time to time, such as a copy of your Passport and/or other identifying documents, that we may request f rom
you f rom time to time as part of our obligations to comply with applicable “Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”)


29.2 In that connection, you hereby represent, warrant, covenant and agree that: (a) you are at least 18 years

old, or the age of legal consent for engaging in f inancial investment activities under the laws of any
jurisdiction that applies to you; (b) you are not politically exposed person, as def ined in the Money
Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act 2008
, and you do not have any close family ties or personal
or business connections to the aforementioned persons; (c) you are of sound mind and you are capable
of taking responsibility for your own actions; (d) all the details that you have submitted to us or any details
given to us when opening an account and making a deposit are true, accurate, complete and match the
name on the payment card and/or payment accounts in which you intend to deposit or receive funds f rom
your account; (e) you have verif ied and determined that your use of our Online Trading Facility does
not violate any laws or regulations of any jurisdiction that applies to you.


29.3 If any of the above statements is untrue or inaccurate with respect to you, please inform our Customer

Support team immediately and we shall inform you if /how you may continue to access and/or use our


29.4 You hereby expressly acknowledge and agree that the penalty for providing untrue, inaccurate,

misleading or otherwise incomplete information is your immediate breach of these Terms and Conditions.
As such, we reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate your Account promptly and to suspend and/or
prevent you f rom accessing and/or using our Online Trading Facility, without prejudice to any other rights
and/or remedies we may have under and/or pursuant to this Agreement.

29.5 From time to time you may be requested to provide us with certain documents to verify the details of the credit card used by you to deposit funds to your account. Subject to our satisfaction f rom such

documentation checks, you may or may not be permitted to deposit further funds by recurring credit card
or other means of payment.


29.6 We may elect to provide you with documentation, information and communications in various languages.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions you acknowledge and conf irm that our of f icial language is
English, and in the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between any documentation, information and
communications in any language other than English and the same in English, the English documentation,
information and communications shall prevail.


29.7 We reserve the right to communicate with you by telephone, facsimile, email, posts, newsletters issued

by us and/or any other means of communication, whether such communication is personally addressed
to you or generally addressed to all our clients and/or posted on our Online Trading Facility. By accepting
these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge and conf irm, without prejudice to any other Terms of this
Agreement, that all such means of communications on our end are deemed to be acceptable and that
any information or notif ication so provided shall be deemed to have been received by you and/or any
transaction so executed shall be deemed f inal and binding on your part.


29.8 You shall inform us in writing of the persons you have granted a Power-of -Attorney to instruct us on your

behalf . For practical reasons, we can only undertake to register one Power-of -Attorney for you. If you at any
time wish to revoke such a Power-of - Attorney, to change the extent of such a Power-of -Attorney or grant
Power-of -Attorney to a dif ferent person this shall also be informed to us in writing. We are, in accordance
with general rules regarding Powers-of -Attorneys entitled to receive instructions f rom any Person
authorised by you as well as Persons who appear so authorised. We do reserve the right, however, at
our sole discretion, to reject the appointment of any representative/Power-of -Attorney authorized to act in
your Account and we may elect, at our sole discretion, to dismiss and/or reject at any time any transactions
performed by such Authorized Representative/power of attorney. Pursuant to general rules regarding
Powers-of -Attorney, you are accountable to us for losses or damages which we may suf fer as a result of
instructions f rom an Authorized Person who has explicit or tacit Power-of -attorney to give us instructions
on your behalf . We may refuse to act upon any instruction f rom any Authorized Person if we can render
probable that the disposal pursuant to the instruction submitted would be in violation of the legislation
relevant to the area, usual market practice, including but not limited to Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”)
Legislation, or pertain to insider trading, or if the disposal by our reasonable discretion will put you and/or
our economic solidity at risk.


29.9 By opening an Account with us, you will be subject to, and you hereby expressly agree to abide by, all of

our rules, policies and operating procedures that govern your activities on our Online Trading Facility. We
reserve the right to refuse and/or decline our Services to any Person and to close the Account of any
Person, at any time, at our sole discretion, and for any reason, without being obliged to provide any
explanation or justif ication. All data relating to Persons who open an Account with us will remain our sole
and exclusive property and by entering into this Agreement you acquire NO right to any such information,
except as expressly stated herein.


29.10 We further reserve the right to investigate, at any time, at our sole discretion, and for any reason, without

being obliged to provide you with any explanation or justif ication, any activity that may violate this Agreement,
including, but not limited to, any use of sof tware applications to access our Online Trading Facility, and/or
any engagement in any activity prohibited by this Agreement. We shall NOT be responsible (a) for anything
related to trading activities on or through our Online Trading Facility, nor (b) for the manner in which you
conduct your trading activity on or through our Online Trading Facility; in particular, but without limitation of
the generality of the foregoing, we shall NOT be responsible for any of the following situations: (a)
unauthorized real money transactions; (b) unauthorized real money transactions conducted by unauthorized
Minors; (c) physical Verif ication that you possess the proper knowledge and/or experience to use our Online
Trading Facility. We will not be responsible in any way (including for damages and losses caused by the use
of our Online Trading Facility) if you use our Online Trading Facility without the proper knowledge, and we
reserve the right to asses and reassess your knowledge and experience to use our Online Trading Facility
at any time, at our sole discretion.


Chapter D: Terms of Service 

30. Services Provided

30.1 Subject to the above registration and eligibility requirements, we hereby grant you a personal, revocable,

non-exclusive, non- transferable and non-sub-licensable license (a "License") that is limited to the
provisions of these Terms and Conditions to access and use our Services (including the use of our Online
Trading Facility and any associated downloadable Sof tware), all as described in further detail hereinaf ter.


30.2 Under these Terms, we will be dealing with you in Securities as principal (“Services”).

30.3 As part of our Services, we will use reasonable commercial ef forts to supply you with the informational and

technical means to access and use our Online Trading Facility, and provide you with market access and
trade execution services (“Transactions”) in Supported Securities on a ‘rolling spot’ or ‘swap’ basis,
in a twenty-four-hour mode of operation, f rom Sunday 22:05 GMT to Friday 21:50 GMT, except on of f icial
public holidays in the USA and Europe (“Dealing Hours”), subject to the relevant markets in London, the
USA and/or Asia being open.


31. Execution of Orders

31.1 Unless expressly determined and stated "in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties", we

of fer reception and transmission dealing services to you in relation to transactions in in respect of Over-
The-Counter ("OTC") traded instruments, such as Spot Forex, Contract for Dif ferences (CFDs) on stocks,
indices, precious metals or any other f inancial instruments or commodities available for trading f rom time
to time via our Online Trading Facility (“Supported Securities”), and such additional services as we may
agree f rom time to time in writing.


31.2 We will NOT advise you on the merits or suitability of any Transaction and/or Contracts entered into

pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, nor will we manage or monitor your investments. You
acknowledge that our execution of any Order on your behalf does not in any way imply that we have
approved or recommended that Transaction or investment. For your information, we have set out various
risk disclosures on our Online Trading Facility.


31.3 Unless expressly determined and stated "in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties", all

Transactions and/or Contracts we enter into with you or execute on your behalf will be placed and executed
in accordance with the terms of our Order Execution Policy (as amended or extended f rom time to time)
full details of which are available on our Online Trading Facility (“Order Execution Policy”). Our Order
Execution Policy is part of these Terms and Conditions and is incorporated herein by reference, shall
be applicable to all Transactions and Contracts entered into by and between you and us, to the extent
that it does not impose and/or does not seek to impose any obligations on us which we would not otherwise
have, but for the Applicable Laws and Regulations.


32. Prices and Open Positions

32.1 We will provide you with "bid" and "ask" prices (“Price Quote(s)”) in respect of Supported Securities

through our Online Trading Facility or, in those instances where we have agreed to do so, through our
Dealing department. The Price Quotes that we quote are determined by us and usually represent a mark-
up or mark-down on inter-bank dealing rates. Our fees and charges are set out on our Online Trading
Facility. Each price published shall be valid until the earlier of its expiration time and the time, if any, at
which it is otherwise withdrawn by us.


32.2 Each Price Quote shall be available for use in a dealing instruction for a Transaction and/or Contract with

a principal amount not to exceed a maximum leverage amount, determined by us, published on our Online
Trading Facility or otherwise notif ied to you (“Leverage”). You acknowledge that the prices and maximum
Leverage we may of fer to you may dif fer f rom prices and Leverage provided to other clients of ours and
may be withdrawn or changed by us at any time, without prior notice and without any obligation or our
end to provide any explanation and/or justif ication. We may in our absolute discretion and without prior
notice to you, immediately alter, withdraw or refuse to deal on any Price Quote we may have published
or cease the provision of Price Quotes altogether in some or all Supported Securities and for some or all value dates at any time and without any obligation or our end to provide any explanation and/or justif ication. 

32.3 Unless expressly determined and stated "in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties", our Services are restricted to executing Transactions and/or Contracts in Supported Securities via our
Online Trading Facility, at the Price Quotes displayed on our Online Trading Facility or otherwise
communicated to you at your request.


33. Cryptocurrencies

33.1 The Company may, at its sole discretion, of fer CFDs on Cryptocurrencies for trading on its Online Trading

Facility, f rom time to time. Cryptocurrencies, when used in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise
requires, shall mean a type of decentralized digital currency or asset which is not issued by any central
bank or issuer and in which encryption techniques are used to facilitate the generation of units of the
currency or asset and verify the transfer of units (“Cryptocurrencies”).


33.2 You hereby acknowledge and accept that Cryptocurrencies are traded on non-regulated decentralized digital exchanges. As such, prior to investing in CFDs on Cryptocurrencies you should be aware of the following:

a. Such products are complex, extremely risky, and usually highly speculative;
b. Such products entail a high risk of losing all of your invested capital;
c. The values of virtual currencies (i.e., Cryptocurrencies) are subject to extreme price volatility and hence, may result in signif icant loss over a short period of time;
d. Such products are not appropriate for all investors. As such, you should not engage in trading in relation to such products if you do not have the necessary knowledge in this specific product or if you cannot bear
the loss of your entire invested amount; and

e. You shall be fully aware of , and understand, the specif ic characteristics and risks in relation to these

33.3 The Company bases the price of its Cryptocurrency products on the underlying market, made available to it
by the exchanges and market-makers with which it trades. Because the Cryptocurrencies market is
decentralized, meaning it lacks a single central exchange where all transactions are conducted, each market
maker may quote slightly dif ferent prices.


33.4 You should be aware that when the sof tware of different miners of a Cryptocurrency becomes misaligned,

a split (or “Fork”) in the blockchain may occur and the latter results in the existence of two dif ferent
blockchains. In the case where both blockchains continue to exist, the Company, at its reasonable
discretion, may follow the blockchain that has the majority consensus of Cryptocurrency users and use this
as the basis for its prices. The Company reserves the right to determine which blockchain and
Cryptocurrency unit have the majority consensus behind them. When a Fork occurs, there may be
substantial price volatility around the event, and we may suspend trading throughout if we do not have
reliable prices f rom the underlying market. We will endeavour to notify you of potential blockchain Forks,
however it is your responsibility to make yourself aware of the Forks that could occur.


33.5 If at any time, any of the CFD on a Cryptocurrency that forms the subject of your order is delisted and/or we no longer support the trading in such CFD for any reason, then the applicable order will be immediately
closed. If the Company is notif ied that a CFD on a Cryptocurrency you hold in your Account is likely to be
delisted and/or removed and/or cancelled f rom any of the exchanges (some of them or all) and the Company
believes that it shall not be able to trade in such CFDs on Cryptocurrencies, the Company shall make an
ef fort to close any current orders on CFDs on such Cryptocurrencies on your behalf at such time and price,
and in such manner, as it determines.


33.6 There is no guarantee that your order will be f illed in full or in part. Where a delay occurs for any reason, we

will attempt to execute the order as soon as reasonably practicable. You acknowledge and accept that the
market price of the Cryptocurrencies may have moved during the time between our receipt and acceptance
of your order and our attempt to execute the order. In these circumstances, the third-party who has provided
the quotation to us is not obliged to honor the indicative price you have received. Such movements in price
may be in your favor or against you.


33.7 For the avoidance of any doubt, the Company does not own or control the underlying sof tware protocols

which govern the operation of Cryptocurrencies available for trading in our Online Trading Facility. In general, the underlying protocols are open source and anyone can use, copy, modify, and distribute them. By using
the Company’s Services, you acknowledge and agree that (i) the Company is not responsible for operation
of the underlying protocols and that the Company makes no guarantee of their functionality, security, or
availability; and (ii) the underlying protocols (“Fork Protocols”) are subject to sudden changes in operating
rules (i.e. Forks), and that such Forks may materially af fect the value, function, and/or even the name of the
Cryptocurrency the Company holds for your benef it. In the event of a Fork, you agree that the Company may
temporarily suspend its operations regarding the Cryptocurrency(ies) (with or without advance notice to you)
and that it may, in its sole discretion, (a) conf igure or reconf igure its systems or (b) decide not to support (or
cease supporting) the Forked Protocol entirely.


We may decide (but for avoidance of any doubt we are not obligated to do so), at our sole discretion, to
adjust your Account in respect of a Fork depending on the circumstances of each event attributable to any
specif ic Cryptocurrency held by you. Such adjustment shall be calculated by us, net of any taxes which may
apply with respect thereto. In doing so we will make ef forts to ef fect such adjustment on the basis of good
faith and fairness and, where appropriate, by taking such action as is consistent with market practice and/or
taking into account the treatment we may receive f rom our counterparties or any relevant third party.


You acknowledge and agree that the Company assumes no responsibility whatsoever in respect of an
unsupported branch of a forked protocol.


33.8 Since blockchain is an independent public peer-to peer network and is not controlled in any way or manner

by the Company, the Company shall not be responsible for any failure and/or mistake and/or error and/or
breach which shall occur in blockchain or in any other networks in which the Cryptocurrencies are being
issued and/or traded. You will be bound and subject to any change and/or amendments in the blockchain
system and subject to any applicable law which may apply to the blockchain. We make no representation or
warranty of any kind, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, regarding the blockchain functionality nor
for any breach of security in the blockchain.


33.9 You acknowledge that our Online Trading Facility is independent of any exchanges and we are under no

obligation to quote a particular price or follow the trading rules consistent with such exchanges. You further
acknowledge that the triggering of your transaction is linked to the prices we quote on our platform, during
trading hours, and not the prices quoted on any relevant exchanges. In determining whether the prices
quoted on the platform reach or exceed the price accepted by us in a transaction, We will be entitled (but not
obliged) to disregard any prices quoted during any pre-market, post-market or intra-day auction periods in
the relevant exchange, during any intra-day or other period of suspension in the relevant exchange, or during
any other period that in our reasonable opinion may give rise to short-term price spikes or other distortions.
Our prices may dif fer f rom the current prices on the relevant exchanges and you acknowledge that a
transaction may or may not be triggered even though: (a) an exchange never traded at the level of your
transaction; or (b) the exchange did trade at the level of your transaction but for such a short period or in
such low volumes that it would have been impractical to execute an equivalent transaction on the exchange.


When entering into an order for CFDs on Cryptocurrencies, you irrevocably and unconditionally agree to
accept the security bid/ask prices in which the transaction shall be executed as shall be ref lected on our
trading platform as f inal and binding.


33.10 Without derogating f rom the generality of the foregoing or any other provision herein, we further reserve

the right NOT to execute buy or sell orders for Cryptocurrencies and/or to close any open positions therein,
without any further notice to you, in the following circumstances: (1) your order violates any applicable laws,
regulations or rules, or is intended to defraud or manipulate the market; (2) abnormal market conditions
and/or a signif icant disruption in or premature close of trading in of the underlying Cryptocurrency and/or the
market on which the underlying Cryptocurrency is traded; (3) Force Majeure, acts of God, war (declared or
undeclared), terrorism, f ire or action by an exchange, regulatory or governmental authority that disrupts
trading in the relevant security; and (4) in the event liquidity providers are unable to provide liquidity to us.


33.11 Given the unpredictability, complexity and volatility characterising the Cryptocurrencies’ trading

environment, we reserve the right to place restrictions on the trading of this class of instruments with the
purpose to protect our clients’ best interests and mitigate the trading risk they bear and, specif ically, we may
set an instrument as buy only (“Unshortable”), sell only (“Unlongable”), close only and/or disable it. In
addition, the maximum exposure limit for clients holding CFDs on cryptocurrencies is limited to one (1) million
USD per client or group of related parties. Related parties are those clients whose registration and/or trading data of such client(s) corresponds with the registration and/or trading data, including, but not limited to IP

address, of another or other client(s). In these circumstances, the Company reserves the right to cancel/and
or consider as void all orders that have breached the maximum exposure limit, as mentioned above. The
Company shall not be held liable for any consequences of the cancellation of such orders.


33.12 The Company currently allows trading in CFDs on Cryptocurrencies during the weekend. However, as

weekends are not Business Days, delays might occur during the transmission of funds in your trading
Account. The Company further reserves the right, at its reasonable discretion, to cease and/or suspend the
of fering of trading in CFDs on Cryptocurrencies at any time and for a period of time as deemed necessary.


33.13 The Company further reserves the right to change the margin requirements of CFDs on Cryptocurrencies,

at its reasonable discretion, at any time.

33.14 In the event that we detect any form of abuse, f raud, manipulation, cash-back arbitrage, carry trades, or
other forms of deceitful or f raudulent activity in regard to the trading of CFDs on Cryptocurrencies by any
client, we reserve the right, at any time, (a) to charge any administrative fee and/or costs pertaining to any
and all of such client’s trading Accounts related to the trading of CFDs on Cryptocurrency, as calculated at
that time; and/or (b), with immediate ef fect, to close all trading Accounts of such client with us, and/or nullify
all trades carried out in such client’s trading Accounts with us and/or cancel all prof its or losses garnered in
such client’s trading Accounts with us.


33.15 You hereby acknowledge, represent and warrant to us that, when trading in CFDs on Cryptocurrencies,

you fully understand the specif ic characteristics and risks related to these Cryptocurrencies and that trading
in CFDs on Cryptocurrencies is not appropriate for all investors.


34. Instructions and Basis of Dealing

34.1 Placing of instructions: Unless expressly agreed upon otherwise, by us all dealing instructions must be

given to us electronically via our Online Trading Facility, although we may at our sole discretion accept
instructions f rom you in writing (including fax), by e-mail or other electronic means, or orally (including by
telephone through our dealing department at the designated phone number specif ied on our Online Trading
Facility or as otherwise notif ied to you in writing, unless we tell you that instructions can only be given
in a particular way. We may, in our absolute discretion, require conf irmation (in such form as we may
specify) of any dealing instruction, as appropriate. If you give instructions by telephone, your conversation
may be recorded. We shall be authorised to follow instructions notwithstanding your failure to conf irm
them in writing. Instructions for the simultaneous entering into a Contract for the purchase and a Contract
for the sale of a certain Financial Instrument on behalf of the same benef icial owner may NOT be given
under this Agreement. A dealing instruction or Order given by you to us shall not take ef fect until it is
actually received by us. In this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise, instructions and orders
shall have the same meaning.


34.2 Right not to accept Instructions/Orders: We may (but shall not in any circumstances be obliged to)

accept instructions to enter into a Transaction and/or Contract. We may at our absolute discretion refuse to
accept any dealing instruction given by you or on your behalf , in whole or in part, and refuse to act on it,
without giving any reason or being liable for any loss occurred thereby. In addition, a dealing instruction which,
for any reason, is not received by us in a manner in which it can be processed, including a failure of our Online
Trading Facility to accept or process such instruction, shall be deemed not to have been received by us.


We reserve the right to refuse to enter into any Transaction and/or Contract. Such situations include but
are not limited to, when:

a) trades are placed outside of the market hours;
b) trades are individually or in the aggregate larger than the maximum quantity or smaller than the

minimum quantity we set for the market;
c) your margin is insuf f icient to fund the proposed Transaction and/or Contract;
d) our Price or the Transaction and/or Contract derives f rom a Manifest Error;
e) we believe the Transaction and/or Contract would be in breach of this Agreement or any legal or

regulatory requirement applicable to you or us.

34.3 Binding Effect: Conf irmation of a dealing instruction by us shall constitute a binding agreement between us on the terms of such instruction. The procedure for entering dealing instructions is specif ied on our

Online Trading Facility in the online trading section.


34.4 Cancellation/withdrawal of instructions: We can only cancel your instructions if we have not acted upon

those instructions. Once an instruction has been given by you or on your behalf , it cannot be rescinded,
withdrawn or amended without our express prior written consent.


34.5 Control of Orders prior to execution: We have the right (but no obligation) to set limits and/or

parameters to control your ability to place Orders at our absolute discretion. Such limits and/or
parameters may be amended, increased, decreased, removed or added to by us at our absolute discretion
and may include (without limitation): (i) controls over maximum Order amounts and maximum Order sizes;
(ii) controls over our total exposure to you; (iii) controls over prices at which Orders may be submitted (to
include (without limitation) controls over Orders which are at a price which dif fers greatly f rom the Market
Price at the time the Order is submitted; (iv) controls over our Electronic Services (to include (without
limitation) any verif ication procedures to ensure that any particular Order has come f rom you); or (v)
any other limits, parameters or controls which we may be required to implement in accordance with
Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations.
The Company has the right to amend and/or cancel any Orders which have been executed within a very
small timeframe and the cumulative sizes of those Orders exceed the maximum allowable Order size limit
(i.e. a Client may place f ive orders within two seconds which individually are all below the maximum
allowable Order size limit but exceed the limit on a cumulative basis).


34.6 Order Execution Policy: We shall use our reasonable endeavours to execute any Order promptly, but in

accepting your Orders we do not represent or warrant that it will be possible to execute such Order or that
execution will be possible according to your instructions. In general, we shall act according to instructions
as soon as practically possible and shall, as far as trading instructions are concerned, act in accordance
with our Order Execution Policy. If , af ter instructions are received, we believe that it is not reasonably
practicable to act upon such instructions within a reasonable time, we may defer acting upon those
instructions until it is, in our reasonable opinion, practicable to do so, or we may notify you that we are
refusing to act upon such instructions. We shall not be liable for any losses resulting f rom such deferral
or refusal. If we encounter any material dif f iculty relevant to the proper carrying out of an Order on your
behalf we shall notify you promptly. We shall carry out an Order on your behalf only when the relevant
Market is open for dealings, and we shall deal with any instructions received outside Market hours as
soon as possible when that relevant Market is next open for business (in accordance with the rules of that
Market). You agree that we may execute an Order on your behalf outside a Market. When you give us
a specif ic instruction, our Order Execution Policy may not apply, and we may be unable to take the steps
described in such policy to obtain the best possible result in executing your Order. You conf irm that you
have read and agree to our Order Execution Policy as published f rom time to time on our Online Trading
Facility. We will notify you of any material changes to our Order Execution Policy, but it is your responsibility
to check for any other changes to our Order Execution Policy as published f rom time to time on our Online
Trading Facility. We will consider the continued placement of Orders by you to constitute your continued
consent to our Order Execution Policy as in ef fect f rom time to time.


34.7 Crossing of Orders: We may arrange for a Transaction and/or Contract to be executed, either in whole

or in part, by selling an investment to you f rom another client, or a client of an Af f iliate of ours, or vice-
versa. We shall not give you prior notice if we arrange for a Transaction and/or Contract to be executed in
this manner.


34.8 Aggregation and Split of Orders: We are entitled, in our absolute discretion, to combine and/or aggregate

your Orders with our own Orders and/or with Orders of any of our Associates and/or Persons connected
with us, including employees and/or other clients. Furthermore, we may split your Orders when executing
them. Orders will only be aggregated or split, however, if we reasonably believe it to be in your best interest.
On some occasions, however, aggregation and split of your Order may result in you obtaining a less
favourable price in relation to a particular Order, than if your Orders had been executed, respectively,
separately or mutually.

34.9 Confirmation of instructions: We may (but shall not in any circumstances be obliged) to require
conf irmation of any instruction in such form as we may reasonably request if it appears to us that such
conf irmation is necessary or desirable; or such instruction is to close an Account or remit money due to you. It is your responsibility to inform us of any change to your e-mail address, the non-receipt of a confirmation, or whether any conf irmations are incorrect, before settlement.


34.10 Performance and Settlement: You will promptly deliver any instructions, money, documents or

property, which we may require f rom you or which is deliverable by you under a Transaction and/or
Contract in accordance with that Transaction and/or Contract, as modif ied by any instructions given by us,
for the purpose of enabling us to perform our obligations under the relevant matching Transaction and/or
Contract on a Market or with an intermediate broker. If you do not provide us with such instructions promptly,
we may, at our absolute discretion, take such steps at your cost, as we consider appropriate for our own
protection or for your protection. This provision is similarly applicable in situations when we are unable to
obtain contact with you.


34.11 Intermediate Brokers and other Agents: We may, at our entire discretion, arrange for any Transaction

to be ef fected with or through the agency of an intermediate broker, who may be an Associate of ours,
and may or may not be in Belize. Neither we, nor our respective directors, of f icers, employees or agents,
will be liable to you for any act or omission of such an intermediate broker or agent. No responsibility
will be accepted for intermediate brokers or agents selected by you.


34.12 Position Limits: We may, in our absolute discretion, require you to limit the number of open positions

which you may have with us at any time and/or only allow you to enter into closing transactions or we may
close out any one or more positions or reverse Transactions and/or Contracts in order to ensure that the
position limits we have imposed are maintained.


34.13 Fluctuations in Exchange Rates: If you enter into any Transaction and/or Contract, any prof it or loss

arising as a result of a f luctuation in the exchange rate af fecting such Transaction and/or Contract will be
entirely for your account and risk.


34.14 Trade Reporting: Under Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations we may be obliged to make

information about certain Transactions and/or Contracts public. You agree and acknowledge that any
and all proprietary rights in such Transaction and/or Contract information are owned by us and you waive
any duty of conf identiality attaching to the information which we reasonably disclose.


34.15 Rollover: If we do not receive instructions f rom you to settle any open Transactions and/or Contracts

by the close of the Business Day, we are hereby authorized (but not obliged) to transfer all said
Contracts to the next business date traded (“Rollover”), as provided in further detail in clause 40
hereinaf ter.


35. Electronic Trading Terms

35.1 Settlement/Trade Confirmation: You acknowledge the electronic nature of our Services via our Online

Trading Facility and the inherent risk that communications by electronic means may not reach their intended
destination or may do so much later than intended for reasons outside our control. Accordingly, any
instruction sent by you or on your behalf via our Online Trading Facility or by e-mail shall only be
deemed to have been received and shall only then constitute a valid instruction and/or binding Contract
between you and us, when such instruction has been recorded as executed by us and conf irmed by us to
you through a Settlement/Trade Conf irmation, and the mere transmission of an instruction by you or on
your behalf shall not by itself constitute a binding Contract between you and us.


35.2 Communications via the Internet: Since we do not control signal power, its reception or routing via

Internet or any other means of electronic communication, conf iguration of our clients’ equipment or
reliability of its connection, we shall not be liable for any claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses,
including attorneys’ fees, caused directly or indirectly, by any breakdown or failure of any transmission
or communication system or computer facility belonging to us, nor for any loss, expense, cost or liability
suf fered or incurred by you as a result of instructions being given, or any other communications being
made, via the Internet. You will be solely responsible for all Orders, and for the accuracy of all information,
sent via the Internet using your Access Codes. We will not execute an Order until we have conf irmed the
Order to you and transmission of an Order by itself shall not give rise to a binding Transaction and/or
Contract between you and us.

35.3 Mobile trading technology: There are a series of inherent risks with the use of the mobile trading

technology such as the duplication of Orders/instructions, latency in the prices provided, and other issues
that are a result of mobile connectivity. Prices displayed on our mobile platform are solely an indication
of the executable rates and may NOT ref lect the actual executed price of the Order. Our mobile feature
utilizes public communication network circuits for the transmission of messages. We shall not be liable
for any and all circumstances in which you experience a delay in Price Quote or an inability to trade caused
by network circuit transmission problems or any other problems outside our direct control, which include but
are not limited to the strength of the mobile signal, cellular latency, or any other issues that may arise
between you and any internet service provider, phone service provider, or any other service provider.
Please also note that some of the features available on Online Trading Facility may not be available on our
mobile feature.


35.4 Usernames and Passwords: You are obliged to keep your usernames and passwords (“Access Codes”)

secret and ensure that third parties do not obtain access to our Online Trading Facility. Without prejudice to
any other provisions of this Agreement, you will be liable for all Transactions and/or Contracts executed
by means of your Access Codes, even if such may be wrongful.


35.5 Pricing Data: Unless otherwise indicated or agreed upon any prices shown on our Online Trading Facility

are indicative at the time shown based on data that is subject to constant change. The execution price is
that which is conf irmed to you on the Settlement/Trade Conf irmation issued (whether on screen or
otherwise) af ter your Order is executed, although this price may in certain cases dif fer f rom the price
appearing on the screen at the time the Order was placed. In the event that an erroneous price is used
as the basis of any transaction, we reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to amend or revoke the details
of the Transaction(s) and/or Contract(s) in question.


35.6 Restrictions on Services Provided: There may be restrictions on the total value and/or number of

Transactions and/or Contracts that you can enter into on any one day and also in terms of the total value
and/or number of those Transactions and/or Contracts when using our Online Trading Facility.


35.7 Limit Order Functionality: The ‘Limit Order’ functionality of our Online Trading Facility will be subject to

the Internet service remaining available over the period in which the’ Limit Order’ is outstanding, and will
be subject to size limits input by our dealer(s) remaining in excess of your Order size and such dealer’s
position limits and/or any other limits determined by us to be applicable to you (whether or not disclosed
to you) and your still being able to facilitate the Order at the time the limit price is reached.


35.8 Access Requirements: You will be responsible for providing the computer system(s) to enable you to

access and/or use our Online Trading Facility and for making all appropriate arrangements with any
telecommunications suppliers or, where access to our Online Trading Facility is provided through a third
party server, any such third party, necessary in order to obtain access to our Online Trading Facility;
neither we nor any company maintaining, operating, owning, licensing, or providing services to us in
connection with, our Online Trading Facility (a “Third Party Service Provider”) makes any representation
or warranty as to the availability, utility, suitability or otherwise of any such equipment, sof tware or


35.9 Virus detection: You will be responsible for the installation and proper use of any virus

detection/scanning program we require f rom time to time and for the implementation and regular use of
up-to-date virus detection/scanning programs; in the event you become aware of a material defect,
malfunction or virus in your computer system(s) or in our Online Trading Facility, you will immediately
notify us of such defect, malfunction or virus and cease all use of our Online Trading Facility until you
have received permission f rom us to resume.


35.10 Use of Information, Data and Software: In the event that you receive any data, information or

sof tware via our Online Trading Facility, other than that which you are entitled to receive pursuant to this
Agreement, you will immediately notify us in writing and will not use, in any way whatsoever, such data,
information or Sof tware.


35.11 Maintaining standards: When using our Online Trading Facility you must: (a) ensure that your

computer systems are maintained in good order and are suitable for use with our Online Trading
Facility; (b) run such tests and provide such information to us as we shall reasonably consider necessary to establish that your computer systems satisfy the requirements notif ied by us to you f rom time to time;

(c) carry out virus checks on a regular basis; (d) inform us immediately of any unauthorised access
to our Online Trading Facility or any unauthorised Transaction or instruction which you know of or
suspect and, if within your control, cause such unauthorised use to cease; and (e) not at any time
leave the computer terminal f rom which you have accessed our Online Trading Facility or let anyone else
use such computer terminal until you have logged of f f rom our Online Trading Facility.


35.12 System defects: In the event you become aware of a material defect, malfunction or virus in your

computer system(s) or our Online Trading Facility, you will immediately notify us in writing of such defect,
malfunction or virus and cease all use of our Online Trading Facility until you have received permission
f rom us to resume use.


35.13 Intellectual Property: All rights in patents, copyrights, design rights, trade marks and any other

intellectual property rights (whether registered or unregistered) relating to our Online Trading Facility
remain vested in us or our Licensors. You will not copy, interfere with, tamper with, alter, amend or
modify our Online Trading Facility or any part or parts thereof unless expressly permitted by us in
writing, reverse compile or disassemble our Online Trading Facility, nor purport to do any of the same or
permit any of the same to be done.


35.14 Liability And Indemnity: Without prejudice to any other terms of this Agreement, relating to the

limitation of liability and provision of indemnities, the following clauses shall apply to the Services we
provide via our Online Trading Facility: (a) System errors: We shall have no liability to you for damage
which you may suf fer as a result of transmission errors, technical faults, malfunctions, illegal intervention
in network equipment, network overloads, malicious blocking of access by third parties, internet
malfunctions, interruptions or other def iciencies on the part of internet service providers. You acknowledge
that access to our Online Trading Facility may be limited or unavailable due to such system errors, and
that we reserve the right upon notice to suspend access to our Online Trading Facility for this reason; (b)
Delays: Neither we nor any third party sof tware provider accepts any liability in respect of any delays,
inaccuracies, errors or omissions in any data provided to you via our Online Trading Facility; (c) Viruses
from our Online Trading Facility:
We shall have no liability to you (whether in contract or in tort,
including negligence) in the event that any viruses, worms, sof tware bombs or similar items are introduced
into your computer system(s) via our Online Trading Facility or any sof tware provided by us to you in
order to enable you to use our Online Trading Facility, provided that we have taken reasonable steps to
prevent any such introduction; (d) Viruses from your Computer System(s): You will ensure that no
computer viruses, worms, sof tware bombs or similar items are introduced into our Online Trading
Facility, computer system(s) or network(s) and you will indemnify us on demand for any loss that we suf fer
arising as a result of any such introduction.


35.15 Unauthorised use: We shall not be liable for any loss, liability or cost whatsoever arising f rom any

unauthorised use of our Online Trading Facility. You shall on demand indemnify, protect and hold us
harmless f rom and against all losses, liabilities, judgements, suits, actions, proceedings, claims, damages
and costs resulting f rom or arising out of any act or omission by any person using our Online Trading
Facility by using your designated Access Codes (usernames and/or passwords), whether or not you
authorised such use.


35.16 Suspension or permanent withdrawal with notice: Without prejudice to any other provisions of this

Agreement, we may suspend or permanently withdraw our Online Trading Facility, by giving you f ive (5)
calendar days written notice.


35.17 Immediate suspension or permanent withdrawal without notice: Without prejudice to any other

provisions of this Agreement, we shall be entitled, unilaterally and with immediate ef fect, to suspend or
withdraw permanently your ability to access and/or use our Online Trading Facility, or any part thereof,
without prior notice, where we consider it necessary or advisable to do so, for example due to: (a) your
non-compliance with any Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations (b) breach of any provisions of this
Agreement; (c) on the occurrence of an Event of Default; (d) network problems; (e) failure of power supply;
(f ) maintenance; or (g) to protect you when there has been a breach of security. In addition, the use
and/or access of our Online Trading Facility, or any part thereof , may be terminated automatically,
upon the termination (for whatever reason) of (a) any license granted to us which relates to the operation
of our Online Trading Facility; or (b) this Agreement. The use and/or access of our Online Trading Facility may be terminated immediately, in whole or in part, if any underlying instruments relating to any

Supported Financial Instrument(s) is/are withdrawn by any Market and/or if we are required to withdraw
our Online Trading Facility, in whole or in part, to comply with Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations.


35.18 Effects of permanent withdrawal: In the event of a termination of the access and/or use of our Online

Trading Facility for any reason, upon our f irst request, you shall, at our option, return to us or destroy all
hardware, Sof tware, System Documentation and/or other documentation or f iles we have provided to you
in connection with our Online Trading Facility, and any copies thereof .



36.1 Upon receipt of a Price Quote f rom us via our Online Trading Facility, you may issue a Deal Request

to us via our Online Trading Facility, applying the very most recent Price Quote sent to you. You
acknowledge that you shall not be entitled to the execution of a Transaction and/or Contract and shall not
be entitled to send a Deal Request to us via our Online Trading Facility, in response to a Price Quote,
unless such Price Quote indicates that it is a Dealable Quote.


36.2 Upon receipt of a Deal Request f rom you via our Online Trading Facility, we shall issue a Deal Response

to you via our Online Trading Facility. The Deal Response will indicate whether your Deal Request was
accepted or not.


36.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, you acknowledge and agree that we shall

not be under any obligation to provide a Deal Response to you to the extent that a Credit Limitation exists
with respect to your Account. We acknowledge and agree to disclose any such Credit Limitations to you.


36.4 You acknowledge and agree that if and when you issue a Deal Request to us via our Online Trading

Facility, you shall be bound to the terms of the Transaction and/or Contract upon our placement of the Deal
Response. In case of failure to receive any Deal Response due to connectivity problems, you shall
immediately contact us through other means of communication, to obtain conf irmation of the executed
Transaction and/or Contract. You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for all Deal
Requests submitted via our Online Trading Facility and that we are under no duty of inquiry regarding the
capacity of any Person using any Access Codes (logins and password(s) issued to you and that any
such Person will be deemed by us as having the authority to bind you with respect to all Deal Requests
submitted to us via your Account on our Online Trading Facility.


37. Trade Confirmations and Account Statements

37.1 Electronic Settlement/Trade Confirmations: Following the execution of a dealing instruction for your

Account, we will conf irm that Transaction and/or Contract as soon as we reasonably can by posting a
trade conf irmation (“Settlement/Trade Confirmation”) on our Online Trading Facility, but failure to do
so will not af fect the validity of the transaction. Settlement/Trade Conf irmations will normally be available
instantly following the execution of the Transaction via our Online Trading Facility. Conf irmations shall be
deemed to be conclusive and binding on you if not objected to immediately upon receipt with such
objection conf irmed in writing (including e-mail or electronic mail) no later than close of business on the
business day (being a day, other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, when banks in Belize are
open for business) (a “Business Day”) following the day on which the Settlement/Trade Conf irmation is
posted on our Online Trading Facility. In the event that you believe to have entered into a Transaction or
Contract, which should have produced a Settlement/Trade Conf irmation or otherwise a posting on your
Account, but you have not received such conf irmation, you must inform us immediately when you ought
to have received such conf irmation. In the absence of such information, the Transaction and/or Contract
may, at our reasonable discretion, be deemed to be non–existent.


Reports of Account Activity: We will post details of your Account activity on our Online Trading Facility
and you will be able to generate daily and monthly of your Account activity as well as a report of each
executed Transaction and/or Contract. Updated Account information normally will be updated
periodically during our Dealing Hours and will in any event be available no more than twenty-four (24)
hours af ter any activity takes place on your Account. Posting of Account Information (as def ined below) via
our Online Trading Facility will be deemed delivery of Settlement/Trade Conf irmations and Account
statements. Account information will include Settlement/Trade Conf irmations with ticket numbers, purchase and sale rates, utilised Margin available for Margin trading, statements of prof its and losses, as well as current open positions, any other information required to be provided under Applicable Laws, Rules
and/or Regulations and any other information we may make available (“Account Information”). We may
in our absolute discretion withdraw or amend any Account Information at any time. Unless otherwise
determined and stated "in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties", you agree that we
are under no obligation to provide conf irmations in hard copy or by e-mail rather than through our Online
Trading Facility. By accepting these Terms and Conditions you agree not to receive any Account
Information in printed form us other than upon specif ic request. You must verify the contents of all Account
Information received f rom us. The Account Information posted on our Online Trading Facility shall
(save if manifestly incorrect) be conclusive evidence of your Transactions and/or Contracts, open
positions, Margin and cash balances, and shall be conclusive and binding on you, if not objected to
immediately upon receipt with such objection conf irmed in writing (including e-mail or electronic mail) no
later than close of business on the Business Day following the day on such information is posted on our
Online Trading Facility.


38. Consent to Receive Electronic Transmission of Trade Confirmations and Account Statements

38.1 You consent to receive all Account information and Settlement/Trade Conf irmations via the Internet and

that Orders or instructions given to you via e-mail or other electronic means will constitute evidence of the
Orders or instructions given. You will be able to access all your Account information via our Online Trading
Facility using your own Access Codes. You will have access via our Online Trading Facility to customizable
statements that will allow you the ability to view, individual Transactions and/or Contracts, daily, weekly,
and monthly reports and trade information. The updated Account information normally will be updated
periodically during our Dealing Hours and will in any event be available no more than twenty-four (24)
hours af ter activity is generated in your Account.


38.2 The posting of these activities will be deemed delivery of Settlement/Trade Conf irmation and Account

activity statements. The information will include Settlement/Trade Conf irmations with ticket numbers, buy
and sale rates, transaction amount, statements of profit and loss, current open positions as well as pending


38.3 If you no longer wish to communicate via electronic media, you must notify us and revoke this consent in

writing. If you do not wish to communicate via electronic media at all, you must inform us of your wishes
when applying to open an Account with us. However, if you revoke your consent, your access to our Online
Trading Facility may be restricted or terminated, at our sole discretion.


38.4 As previously indicated, any such communications being made via electronic media shall be treated as

satisfying any legal requirement that a communication should be signed and ‘in writing’, to the extent
permitted by Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations Furthermore, you hereby waive any rights or
requirements under any Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations in any jurisdiction which require an
original (non-electronic) signature or delivery or retention of non-electronic records, to the extent permitted
under applicable mandatory law.


39. Recording of Telephone Conversations, Internet Conversations (Chat), and Meetings

39.1 Your telephone conversations, Electronic Messaging, e-mails, internet conversations (chat), meetings and

other communications with us may be recorded/maintained by us. Any recordings shall be and shall remain
our sole property and will be accepted by you as conclusive evidence of their content as recorded by us.
You agree that we may deliver copies of transcripts of such recordings to any court, regulatory or
government authority, including without limitation, in disputes which may arise between you and us.


39.2 However, technical reasons may prevent us f rom recording a conversation, and recordings or transcripts made by us will be destroyed in accordance with our normal practice. Consequently, you should not rely on
such recordings to be available.


40. Rollover and Offset Instructions

40.1 Rollover is the process of extending the settlement date of an open position (i.e. date by which an executed trade must be settled). The forex market allows two business days for settling all spot trades,

which implies the physical delivery of currencies. In margin trading, however, there is no physical delivery,
so all open positions must be closed daily at end-of-day (22:00 GMT) and re-opened on the following
trading day. This pushes out the settlement by one more trading day. This strategy is called rollover.


40.2 Rollover is agreed on through a swap contract which comes at a cost or at a gain for traders. We do not

close and re-open positions but will charge you a fee in respect of each such position and debit/credit your
trading Account(s) for positions held open overnight, depending on the current short-term interbank rate (with
added mark-up) (“Rollover Fee”). As 2:00 GMT is considered to be the beginning and the end of a forex
trading day, any positions which are still open at 22:00 GMT sharp are subject to rollover and will be held
overnight. Positions opened at 22:01 are not subject to rollover until the next day, but if you open a position
at 21:59, a rollover will take place at 22:00 GMT. For each position open at 22:00 a credit or debit appears
on your account within 1 hour and will be directly applied to your equity account.


40.3 The Rollover Fees that we charge will be published on our Online Trading Facility. We shall attempt to collect such Rollover Fees f rom the f ree balance in your Account with us. In the event that we are unable
to collect such Rollover Fee(s) f rom the f ree balance in your Account with us, we reserve the right to
close part, or all, of your open positions as per our Order Execution Policy. You shall be liable for
promptly paying all Rollover Fees(s), even if all Margin previously deposited by you has been lost.


40.4 In the absence of clear and timely instructions f rom you, we are authorised, at our absolute discretion, to of fset all or any portion of the positions in your Account(s) or to make or receive delivery on your behalf
upon such terms and by such methods deemed reasonable by us.


41. Corporate Events and Actions


41.1 In the case where an Instrument becomes subject to a corporate event as set out below (sub-clause 41.2), the Company will carry out the appropriate actions to adjust your trading account for the ef fect of the event
on your position, preserving the economic equivalent of the rights and obligations attached to your
Transaction and/or Contract with the Company, on the ex-date of the event (i.e., the day the af fected
Instrument’s price will incorporate the ef fect of the event). Subject to this sub-clause, the Company shall take
the following actions:


(a) Adjust the size and/or value and/or number of Orders as deemed appropriate, with the aim to preserve, to the greatest extent possible, the economic equivalent of your open positions;
(b) Endeavour to communicate the upcoming events and actions through any durable medium, including but not limited to the Company’s website;
(c) Where you have a Pending Order or a Stop Loss and/or a Take Prof it attached to your Orders, the Company aims to preserve, to the greatest extent possible, the equivalent of the rights and obligations
of your Transaction and/or Contract immediately prior to the corporate event taking place;

(d) If a corporate event, such as a reverse stock split, results in share ownership below the minimum allowed
by our systems, these positions will be rounded down to the nearest allowed trade size, with any value
not captured by the position adjustment being ref lected as a cash adjustment to your trading account. Different actions may be followed by the Company in case you owned the underlying Instrument; however, the 
Company will endeavor to preserve economic equivalence to the greatest extent possible.

41.2 Subject to sub-clause 41.1, corporate events shall include the following:

(a) Distribution, by the issuer to the shareholders of the underlying Instrument, of additional shares, other
share capital, warrants or rights granting dividends that result in a dilutive ef fect on the market value;

(b) Stock splits and reverse stock splits that result in a change in the number of shares owned and the share
price. A split is a corporate event whereby a f irm multiplies the number of existing shares by a certain
ratio, e.g. 1:2 (this indicates that every existing share will translate into two shares). In the 1:2 case, the
shareholders’ shares will double, but given the f irm’s market capitalization will remain unchanged, the
stock price will halve, maintaining economic equivalence; It should be noted that under such an event
your positions may be consolidated into a single entry on the terminal which will of course capture the
ef fect of the corporate action on all your positions;

(c) Dividends; in case where an underlying Instrument is granting dividends (equity index or stock), a cash adjustment will be made, equivalent to that paid to clients with an open position in the underlying Instrument;

(d) Delisting/voiding of a tradable Instrument that will result in the closing of positions; It should be noted
that in order to protect the Company and its Clients, the Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion,
to remove and/or seize of fering f inancial instruments, whenever the issuing corporation of such
instruments has f iled for bankruptcy, even if such an action does not result in the corporation’s liquidation;
the mere f iling of a corporation for bankruptcy, is deemed suf f icient indication for the Company to
proceed with the immediate delisting of the relevant f inancial instrument.

(e) Takeovers or mergers (including spinof fs), depending on their terms may result in a cash adjustment
similar to that of dividends;

(f ) Any other event of similar nature to the aforementioned events that may have a concentrating or dilutive
ef fect on the market value of the Instrument.


Chapter E: Trading In Shares 

Our share trading service is not suitable for everyone. A full explanation of the risks associated with
our share trading service is set out in the Risk Disclosure for Financial Instruments and you should
ensure you fully understand such risks before entering into such transactions with us.


This Chapter sets out the basis on which we will receive and handle Instructions to Deal f rom you, enter into
Transactions on your behalf and hold Instruments and money on your behalf . The terms set out herein govern
each Instruction to Deal issued or outstanding and each Transaction entered into or outstanding on or af ter this
Agreement comes into ef fect and all Instruments and money held by us on your behalf on or af ter this
Agreement comes into ef fect.


42. Execution

42.1 ‘Execution-only’ broker: We will act as your ‘execution-only’ broker (i.e., on a non-advised basis) and we

will provide all share trading and investment services. The Company may delegate certain obligations under
this Agreement to its Af f iliated/Associated entities and third parties.

42.2 Dealing with you on an ‘execution-only’ basis (i.e., on a non-advised basis) means that, unless otherwise
agreed in this Agreement, the Company is under no obligation:


a. to satisfy itself as to the suitability of any Instrument of Transaction, under the scope of this Chapter,

for you;
b. to monitor or advise you on the status on any Instruction to Deal;
c. to monitor or advise you of the status of Instruments held by us on your behalf ;
d. (except where the Applicable Laws and Regulations require) to cancel any Instructions to Deal or sell

any Instruments you have purchased and that we hold on your behalf .

42.3 The Company may deal/cooperate with Underlying Markets (i.e., Exchanges, Market Makers or other
similar body). The Company may proceed with executing a Client’s order outside of a regulated market as
long as this action is deemed to be in line with its Order Execution Policy. By signing this Agreement, you
agree that we may enter into Transactions on your behalf outside a regulated market.

42.4 We may, at our reasonable discretion, arrange for Instructions to Deal to be executed with or through a third
party. We will not be liable to you for any act or omission of any such third party, except where we have
acted negligently, f raudulently or in willful default in relation to the appointment of the third party.

42.5 Unless the context otherwise requires, we will act on your behalf to execute your Instructions to Deal as
principal. This means that we treat you as a Client of us for all purposes and you will be responsible for
performing your obligations under each Instruction to Deal issued by you and each Transaction which is
entered into by us on your behalf . You are the sole person responsible for your decision to enter into, or
ref rain f rom entering into a Transaction.

42.6 We are not providing you with any investment, f inancial, legal, regulatory or other form of advice. You may
wish to seek independent advice in relation to any Transaction you propose to enter into under this
Agreement. You are required to rely on your own judgement in entering into, or ref raining f rom entering
into, providing us with an Instruction to Deal or f rom entering into, or ref raining f rom entering into, a
Transaction. You are not entitled to ask us to provide you with f inancial product advice relating to an
Instrument, Instruction to Deal or a Transaction or to make any statement of opinion to encourage you to
enter into a particular Transaction.

42.7 The Company may aggregate Instructions to Deal received f rom its clients. Aggregation means that we
may combine your Instruction to Deal with those of other clients of ours for execution as a single order. We
may combine your Instruction to Deal with those of other clients if we reasonably believe that this is in the
overall best interests of our clients as a whole. However, on occasions, aggregation may result in you
obtaining a less favourable price once your Instruction to Deal has been executed. You acknowledge and
agree that we shall not have any liability to you as a result of any such less favourable price being obtained.

42.8 You acknowledge that the product details that apply at the time when you Buy or Sell an Instrument (i.e.,Share) will be those displayed on our website(s), which may be updated f rom time to time.


42.9 Market conditions may af fect the time it takes to execute Limit Orders, Stop Orders and Market Orders. We
cannot guarantee that a Limit Order or a Stop Order will be executed even if the limit or stop price is reached.
You acknowledge and accept that the Company has no liability for any actual or potential loss that may
occur if there is a delay in execution due to the market conditions. Market conditions may also result in the
execution of an Order being at a price above or below the requested price.

42.10 Without prejudice to any other terms of this Agreement, we will have no liability to you in relation to any
loss, costs or expenses that may incur as a result of :
a. any inability by you to execute an Instruction to Deal;
b. any delay or change in market conditions before we execute an Instruction to Deal or before a

Transaction settles; or
c. any cause beyond our reasonable control and the ef fect of which is beyond our reasonable control to avoid.

42.11 You will enter into a Transaction by ‘buying’ or ‘selling’. A Transaction must always be made for a specified
number of Instruments.


42.12 We will provide you with the Buy and Sell prices for Instruments in the Underlying Market.


42.13 We may receive your Instruction to Deal either electronically via our Electronic Trading Platform(s) or

orally by telephone or by such other means as we may f rom time to time notify to you. Our quoting of a
Buy or Sell price for each Instrument (whether by telephone, Electronic Trading Service, or otherwise)
does not constitute an of fer to execute your Transaction at those prices on your behalf . An Instruction to
Deal will be initiated by you of fering to Buy or Sell an Instrument in a specif ied quantity and with reference
to a specif ic order type. Instructions to Deal form a commitment which may only subsequently be revoked
by you with our prior consent (such consent will not be unreasonably withheld) at any time before the
Instruction to Deal is executed. We will conf irm to you whether we have accepted or rejected an Instruction
to Deal. The acceptance of an Instruction to Deal will be evidenced by our conf irmation of its terms to you.

42.14 If an Instruction to Deal is accepted, we will conf irm to you whether a Transaction is partially or fully f illed
in the Underlying Market. We endeavor to execute all eligible Instructions to Deal as soon as reasonably
practicable. However, there is no guarantee that your Instruction to Deal will be f illed in full or in part in the
Underlying Market. Where a delay occurs because we are unable to interact with the relevant Underlying
Market for any reason, we will attempt to execute the Instruction to Deal as soon as reasonably practicable.
You acknowledge and accept that the market price of any Instrument may have moved during the time
between our receipt and acceptance of your Instruction to Deal and our attempt to execute it. In these
circumstances, the third party who has provided the quotation to us is not obliged to honour the indicative
price you have received and, if that is the case, we may reject your Instruction to Deal. The Company shall
have no liability for such price movements which may be in your favour or against you.

42.15 We may, at our absolute discretion, make available to you ‘Orders on Shares’. Not all Orders on Shares
are available on all Instruments or Underlying Markets and not all Orders on Shares are available on all
Electronic Trading Platforms. Orders may operate dif ferently depending on the third party that we send
your Order on Shares to.

42.16 In case the Underlying Market is temporarily suspended in any Instrument that is subject of an Instruction
to Deal, at any time, then the applicable Instruction to Deal will also be suspended and you will not be able
to Sell or Buy any Instruments we hold on your behalf .


42.17 By using such Orders on Shares, you expressly acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to

understand how an Order on Shares operates before you place any such order with us and that you will
not place an Order on Shares unless you fully understand the terms and conditions attached to such order.


43. Fees and Commission


43.1 When you enter into a Transaction, you will pay us a commission that is calculated as a percentage of the value of the Transaction or as an amount per Instrument or Instruments or on any other basis agreed
between you and us in writing (the “Commission”). In addition to Commission, other applicable charges and taxes may exist in relation to Buying, Selling or holding an Instrument using our service depending on
the Underlying Market and the Instrument being bought, sold or held. Additional charges may also be
incurred by you in the case of delayed or failed settlement of a Transaction. Any such amounts will be your
responsibility and where appropriate will be deducted f rom your account.

43.2 You accept and agree that minimum charges per Transaction apply depending on the Exchange and the
Instrument. You also acknowledge and agree that charges, including the minimum charges, are those
displayed on the website and may be updated f rom time to time.


43.3 We may charge you for the provision by us to you of market data or any other account feature or such other

charges as we reasonably advise you f rom time to time.

43.4 You must pay, or reimburse, us for any charges or taxes applicable, now or in the future, to your Instructions
to Deal or Transactions and any taxes applicable, now or in the future, on any Commission or charges
payable by you pursuant to this Agreement.

43.5 Unless we agree otherwise, all sums payable by you are due immediately and must be paid on entering
into the Transaction.

43.6 If you Buy an Instrument, the consideration for the Transaction and, in addition, commission payable and
all applicable charges and taxes to that Transaction will be your responsibility and will be deducted f rom
your account and held by us as pending settlement. Monies deducted will not be treated as client money
on the day of expected settlement. If settlement does not occur on the day of expected settlement the
monies will be treated as client money. It is your responsibility to ensure, at all times, that suf f icient cleared
funds are on your account to satisfy settlement of any Transaction and all commission, charges and taxes
associated with that Transaction.

43.7 If you Sell an Instrument, the consideration for the Transaction less commission and all applicable charges
and taxes to that Transaction will be available on your account for re-investment be but will be unable to be
withdrawn f rom your account until the Transaction has settled. It is your responsibility to ensure, at all times,
that suf f icient cleared funds are on your account to satisfy settlement of any Transaction and all
commission, charges and taxes associated with that Transaction.

44. Refuse or Cancel Your Instructions to Deal

44.1 You acknowledge, understand and accept that we reserve the right, on our reasonable discretion, to refuse
to accept an Instruction to Deal, if any of the following applies:

a. the relevant Underlying Market is not open for trading;
b. you do not have suf f icient funds on your account to cover the cost of the Transaction (including all

Commission, charges, taxes and any amount in addition to the current price of the Instrument(s) that
we reasonably consider may be necessary);

c. you have exceeded any limit applicable to you or in respect of your dealings with us;
d. we have reasonable grounds to consider that the Instruction to Deal may not have come f rom you;
e. in case of “Force Majeure” events;
f. by carrying out the instruction, we or an Associated Company may be in breach of Applicable Laws,

Rules and/or Regulations;
g. we want to check the instruction with you for some reason (e.g., potential/suspected f raud).

44.2 If we accept an Order on Shares and then an event takes place which means that it is no longer reasonable
for us to act on that order, we will be entitled to cancel your order. If we cancel your order then we shall not
have any liability to you as a result of such action and we shall not re-enter that order. Examples of such
events include but are not limited to:

a. a change in the Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations, so that the Order on Shares or the

Transaction to which the Order on Shares relates to is no longer in compliance with the Applicable
Laws, Rules and/or Regulations;

b. for Orders on Shares, an event takes place in respect of the company whose shares represent all or
part of the subject matter of the order, for example, a corporate event, dividend or the insolvency of the

c. if we cease to of fer the Order on Shares that you have requested; 
d. the Underlying Market conditions pose severe risk on any of the parties involved in the Transaction.

44.3 We may be required to cancel a Transaction or an Instruction to Deal if requested or recommended by an
Exchange or a Trading Partner and you agree to use all reasonable endeavors to assist us in this regard.

45. Transaction Restrictions

45.1 You may only sell Instruments held on your account whether settled or unsettled at the time of sale. If you
have entered into an Instruction to Deal to Sell an Instrument that you do not own at the time of the sale
and that is not held on your account whether settled or unsettled at the time of sale, you authorise us to
either cancel that Instruction to Deal if it has not already been executed, or, if the Instruction to Deal has
been executed, purchase the equivalent Instrument in the equivalent quantity on your behalf and at your
expense and you agree that you shall be liable for any associated f ines or charges incurred by us or you.

45.2 You warrant and represent that you will use reasonable endeavors to ensure that any Instructions to Deal
placed by you with us are consistent with accepted market practice and conduct in the relevant Underlying

45.3 US Shares: We will ask you to sign the relevant US tax form before we accept an Instruction to Deal f rom
you to Buy an Instrument in relation to Shares listed on the Exchanges in the US. If you have not previously
provided us with a valid US tax form and you already hold US Shares, we will ask you to complete the
relevant US tax form. If you do not return the signed and completed US tax form before the date we specify
(usually 30 days), we reserve the right to sell your US Shares. You have an ongoing obligation to inform us
of your tax status changes.


46. Electronic Trading Services


46.1 You authorise us to act on any instruction given or appearing to be given by you through our Electronic

Trading Platform or through your account. We are not obliged to act on any such instruction, or to execute
any particular Instruction to Deal, and need not give any reasons for declining to do so. Instructions to Deal
that you give form a commitment which may only subsequently be amended or revoked by you with our
prior consent (such consent will not be unreasonably withheld) at any time before the Instruction to Deal is
executed. You will be responsible for the genuineness and accuracy, both as to content and form, of any
instruction received by us.

46.2 You acknowledge we have the right, unilaterally and with immediate ef fect, to suspend or terminate (at any
time, with or without cause or prior notice) all or any part of any Online Trading Facility, or your access to
any Online Trading Facility, to change the nature, composition or availability of any Online Trading Facility,
or to change the limits we set on the trading you may conduct through any Online Trading Facility.

46.3 You agree that you will not use any automated sof tware, algorithm, trading signals or trading strategy, other
than those that we make available to you on our Electronic Trading Platform, without our prior written
consent. In case of violation of this clause, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account with
us with immediate ef fect. The Company reserves the right to take such measures also in cases where we
identify excessive traf f ic and messages generated f rom your account.

46.4 In the event that you receive any data, information or sof tware via an Electronic Trading Service other than
that which you are entitled to receive pursuant to this Agreement, you will immediately notify us and will not
use, in any way whatsoever, such data, information or sof tware.

46.5 You will take all reasonable steps to ensure that no computer viruses, worms, sof tware bombs or similar
items are introduced into the System or sof tware you use to access our Electronic Trading Services.

46.6 We and our licensors (as the case may be) will retain the intellectual property rights in all elements of the
Sof tware and such sof tware and databases contained within the Electronic Trading Services and you will
not in any circumstances, obtain title or interest in such elements other than as set out in this Agreement.


46.7 With respect to any market data or other information that we or any third-party service provider provide to you in connection with your use of our Online Trading Facility, you agree that:

a. we and any such provider are not responsible or liable if any such data or information is inaccurate or

incomplete in any respect;
b. we and any such provider are not responsible or liable for any actions that you take or do not take

based on such data or information;
c. you will use such data or information solely for the purposes set out in this Agreement;
d. such data or information is proprietary to us and any such provider and you will not retransmit,

redistribute, publish, disclose or display in whole or in part such data or information to third parties
except as required by Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations or as agreed between us;

e. you will use such data or information solely in compliance with the Applicable Laws, Rules and/or

f. you will pay such market data charges and any applicable taxes (if applicable, for direct market access
for example) associated with your use of our Online Trading Facility or use of market data as we inform
you f rom time to time;

g. we may require that you provide us with information in relation to you and your use or intended use of
market data;

h. we may monitor your use of our market data;
i. we may require you to comply with certain conditions in relation to your use of market data; and
j. we may at our absolute discretion remove your access to market data at any time.


46.8 In addition to the above, in respect of certain types of Exchange data that you elect to receive via our Online

Trading Facility, you hereby agree to any terms and conditions relating to the redistribution and use of such
data that we may provide to you f rom time to time.


47. Information, Interest, Voting Rights, Dividends and Corporate Events/Actions


47.1 We are not obliged to, but we may tell you of , or arrange the exercise of any voting rights attaching to

Instruments we hold on your behalf .

47.2 We will be responsible for claiming and receiving dividends accruing to your Instruments we hold on your

behalf . Any dividends you are entitled to will be credited to your account as soon as practicable.

47.3 You shall be solely responsible for providing us with your instructions in respect to sub-clauses 47.1 and
47.2 above, but if we are unable to obtain your instructions we may, without incurring any liability, use our
judgement and act as we think f it in your best interest.


47.4 Any income payments or tax credits that we collect on your behalf will be credited to your account as soon as is practicable. We will not be liable for any loss of interest due to any delay outside our control in crediting
any income to your account. Income payments will usually be credited in cash net of applicable Taxes.

47.5 We may at our election claim or reclaim tax credits on dividends or other income on foreign securities. In
order to deal in US Shares, you will be required to f irst provide us with a valid US tax form. You have an
on-going obligation to inform us if your tax status changes.


47.6 If there is a corporate action on Instruments we hold on your behalf , we will use reasonable ef forts to contact you, however you acknowledge that there may be situations where it is impractical to do so. We shall be
under no duty to tell you of or act upon any corporate event until the relevant Instruments are registered in
the name of our nominee. Only information issued through the applicable Exchange or the registrars will be
relayed to you.


47.7 We will ref lect a corporate event on your account as soon as practicable af ter we have received conf irmation that the corporate event has been completed.

47.8 You must return any valid selection correspondence in respect of a corporate action by the deadline specified by us, which may dif fer f rom other set deadline(s). It is your responsibility to ensure you have
sufficient funds in your account to satisfy any purchase pursuant to a corporate action. Selection(s) received
in respect of corporate actions are deemed to be irrevocable and final.


48. Settlement 

48.1 The settlement date cannot be changed once you of fer to enter into a Transaction.


48.2 The majority of the Shares are settled on a T+2 or T+3 basis, meaning that the Transaction settles with the Underlying Market two (2) or three (3) business days af ter it is executed f rom our side. Shares dealt on any
settlement date greater than T+3 may obtain a worse price than those dealt on a T+3 settlement.

48.3 We are not responsible for any delay in the settlement of a Transaction resulting f rom circumstances
beyond our control, or the failure of any other person or party (including you) to perform all necessary steps
to enable completion on the settlement date. Our obligation is only to pass on to you, or to credit to your
account, such deliverable documents or sale proceeds (as the case may be) as we actually receive.


48.4 We may refuse to allow a withdrawal on your account that you have with us if it would leave insufficient funds in the account to pay for any unsettled Transactions. Where you make payment into your account
and then make a withdrawal shortly af terwards, we reserve the right to delay settlement for up to eight (8)
business days to ensure your payment has cleared.


48.5 If you Sell an Instrument, the consideration for the Transaction less Commission and all applicable charges and taxes for that Transaction will be available on your account for re-investment prior to settlement and
your account will ref lect this. However, you will be unable to withdraw this sum f rom your account until the
Transaction has settled. Should the transaction fail to settle, we may reverse the Transaction, return any
Commission and all applicable charges and taxes for that Transaction and cancel the credit of any cash to
your account and amend your account to ref lect the same.


48.6 If you Buy an Instrument, the consideration for the Transaction and all applicable Commission, charges and taxes for that Transaction will be deducted f rom your account, the Instrument will be available for sale
on your account prior to settlement of the Transaction and your account will ref lect this. However, you will
be unable to transfer this Instrument out of your account into your own name until the Transaction has
settled. Should the Transaction fail to settle, we may reverse the Transaction, return any Commission and
all applicable charges and taxes for that Transaction and cancel the debit of any cash f rom your account
and amend your account to ref lect the same.


49. Transferring Instruments, Dematerialization and Re-Certification


49.1 You may only give an instruction to transfer Instruments to us which you own or that are held in custody by a third party on your behalf by sending us a completed transfer form.

49.2 Instructions to transfer Instruments to us held in certif icated form may only be provided by sending a
completed transfer form along with the valid title certif icates. Certif icated Instruments are settled as soon
as reasonably possible.

49.3 If available and reasonably practicable, we will, on request, issue a certif icate in your name in respect of
any of your Instruments held by us. The safekeeping and delivery of all Instruments held by you in
certif icated form shall be at your risk.


49.4 If available and reasonably practicable, we will, on request, dematerialise any certif icate in your name in respect of any of your Instruments and hold those Instruments on your behalf with our nominee.

50. Taxes

50.1 You must pay, or reimburse, us for any Taxes applicable, now or in the future, to your Instructions to Deal or Transactions and any Taxes applicable, now or in the future, payable by you pursuant to this Agreement.

50.2 Any applicable taxes payable to the Company or the applicable tax authority in relation your Orders on
Shares are immediately subtracted f rom your account. It is your sole responsibility to suf ficiently fund your
account prior to entering into a Transaction.

50.3 We cannot advise you on tax and, if in any doubt, you should seek your own independent advice. The tax
treatment of Transactions and Charges may dif fer according to your personal circumstances and applicable tax legislation. Tax legislation and the interpretation of such legislation is subject to change. You may also be liable for other taxes and charges that are not imposed or withheld by us. You should seek independent
advice if you are in any doubt as to what further taxes and charges may apply to you as a result of your
trading activities.

50.4 You will be responsible at all times for the payment of all taxes due and for providing any relevant tax
authority with any information relating to your dealings with us. Where we are required by law to provide
information to a tax authority this provision of information will be governed by our Privacy Policy. You agree
that if we provide you with any information or express any opinion in relation to the tax treatment of your
dealings with us it will not be reasonable for you to rely upon any such statement and it will not constitute
tax advice.

50.5 Should any change in the basis or scope of taxation occur at any time which results in us having to withhold
amounts on account of taxes owed or payable by you in respect of any Applicable Laws, Rules and/or
Regulations in respect of your Transactions or your account with us, we reserve the right to deduct the
amount of any such payment(s) f rom your account(s) or otherwise require you to pay or reimburse us for
such payment(s).

50.6 With regards to US Shares, please refer to sub-clause 45.3 above.

50.7 In case you do not comply with or breach any of the above or provide false information we have the right
to terminate your account and liquidate Instruments you hold.


51. Reporting


51.1 We may be obliged under Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations to make public certain information regarding our Transactions with you. You acknowledge and agree that we are entitled to disclose such
information and that such information held by us shall be our sole and exclusive property.

51.2 You acknowledge and agree that we may have to report a Transaction and/or provide relevant information
regarding your Transactions to the applicable Exchanges and regulatory authorities.


51.3 You agree to provide us with all information that we may reasonably request for the purpose of complying with our obligations under Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations and that you consent for us to provide
to any third party such information about you and your relationship with us pursuant to this Agreement
(including but not limited to your Transactions, money or assets on your account) as we consider, acting
reasonably, appropriate or as required to comply with any Applicable Law, Rule or Regulation or Term of
this Agreement.


51.4 If you are a legal entity, you agree that we may, in certain circumstances, obtain a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) on your behalf . You agree that we may do so if we consider that it is necessary in order to allow you
to enter into Transactions with us and that we may pass on to you any charge we incur to obtain a Legal
Entity Identif ier (LEI) on your behalf and to levy an administration charge to cover our costs in doing so.


Chapter F: Copy Trading 

This Chapter sets out the basis and the terms that will apply when using the copy trading platform. The
provisions in this Chapter apply in addition to all the Chapters referred to in this Agreement which apply to all of
our services.


52. Copy Trading Platform


51.1. Our copy trading platform provides the ability to interact, follow and copy other traders and/or strategies as well as “copy trading features”. Copy trading features include account information, trading histories,
risk prof iles, and other information in relation to Managers and/or strategies.


51.2. Copy trading allows traders (the “Investor”) to copy trades f rom other traders (the “Manager”). By accepting to follow a strategy, the Investor authorizes us to automatically recreate all the trades placed in
the Manager’s account into the Investor Account without any prior consultation, consent or approval.


53. Investor


52.1. The Investor, by following a strategy of a Manager, hereby agrees to the following:


a) To authorize and instruct the Manager to act on his/her behalf as he/she deems appropriate and in accordance with the specif ic strategy;

b) To authorize the Company to perform all the necessary actions on the Investor’s behalf in order to facilitate
the subscription to a strategy. These include, but are not limited to, executing, on the behalf of the Investor
and as triggered by the Manager’s actions, the opening of past and new positions as well as pausing the
opening of any new positions, closing all open positions, and exiting the subscription all together. The
Company shall have all systems necessary in place to facilitate all of the aforementioned actions and will
act in good faith. However, the Investor agrees to not hold the Company responsible for any f inancial
losses that might be directly or indirectly related to the performance of any such systems. Such cases
include, but are not limited to, network connection disruptions, data center outages, server instances
malfunctions and third party sof tware bugs. Please refer to Sections 17, 19 and 20 of this Agreement for
more information;

c) Any strategy selected to be followed by the Investor will be followed in proportion to the Investment
Amount the Investor chooses to allocate. Such proportion is calculated by taking into consideration the
Manager’s equity and leverage and adjusting them to the Investment amount and leverage of the Investor.
Subsequent balance operations or leverage changes on the Manager’s behalf which af fect the proportion
will be automatically ref lected and a new proportion ratio will be applied such as to maintain the initial
allocation proportion.

d) To authorize and instruct the Company to transfer the Manager’s commission f rom the Investor Account
to the account allocated by the Manager for this purpose at the closing of each trade by the Manager.


52.2. The Investor acknowledges and accepts that by following a strategy of a Manager he/she accepts the

commission set and the leverage used by the respective Manager, taking into consideration that the
Company has set a maximum leverage ratio for the Investor account which can be changed by the
Company f rom time to time. Please refer to our website for the leverage ratio applicable to an Investor


52.3. The Investor understands that before copying a strategy of a Manager, he/she will need to allocate an

amount equal or greater than the minimum investment amount set by the Manager. Such amount will be
used to determine the volume ratio with which the Investor will open trades in respect to the Manager’s
positions. Thereaf ter, the Company will proceed to activate such subscription and automatically execute,
for the duration of the subscription, all necessary orders without consulting or obtaining approval or
conf irmation f rom the Investor. In cases where the volume ratio applied equates to trade volume below the minimum threshold allowed, no such trade will be executed. In cases where the Investor maintains an open
subscription to a strategy and the investor account equity amounts to less than USD 1 and there are no
open positions, such subscriptions will undergo automatic termination.


52.4. The Investor acknowledges and agrees that variations in the pricing may occur f rom the moment that the Investor selects to copy a specif ic strategy to the actual moment that the Investor starts copying such a

52.5. The Investor acknowledges and accepts that if he/she selects to copy the Manager’s open trades, the
Company will open the position at the best available price at the time of copying and not the price at the
time which the trade being copied was originally opened. If the relevant markets are closed at the time of
copying, we will open a market order for you and once the market reopens, your order will be executed at
the first available price.

52.6. Where the Investor is copying only new trades:

a) The Company will endeavor to open such positions as soon as possible af ter the time as the trades being copied and the prices the Investor will receive will be the prevailing market prices and can dif fer
f rom those of the Manager due to a number of reasons such as timing and account type spreads.; and


b) All instructions and actions related to the copied trade will automatically be replicated in the Investor Account, including stop losses, take prof its and the closing of trades.

52.7. The Company reserves the right at its absolute discretion to close any or all open position(s) of a Manager
at any time and the Investor’s Account shall be also closed accordingly. In case the Manager account is
deleted, all Investor positions will be closed and relevant subscriptions will be exited automatically.

52.8. The Investor irrevocably and unconditionally acknowledges and agrees that any description provided by
the Manager in relation to the strategy, including the performance fee, the minimum investment amount,
the strategy type and/or any other features, has not been approved by the Company. Furthermore, the
Investor acknowledges that a Manager has full discretion in the portfolio selection which might, at times, be
not according to what is described at the strategy. The Investor further acknowledges, agrees and
undertakes to perform his/her own due diligence on the Manager and the strategy before investing with the
relevant Investor Account.

52.9. The Investor acknowledges and agrees that the Company shall not be and is not liable for any losses
incurred in the Investor Account. The Investor further understands that such losses may exceed the
Investment Amount he chose to allocate on the strategy and even higher than the losses suf fered by the


54. Manager


53.1. The Company reserves the right to reject and/or block the visibility of a strategy for any reason including without limitation the below:

a) The provided description of the strategy is not in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement
and/or any other laws or regulations that govern the business relationship of the Manager with the
Company and/or it contains illegal and/or unethical references, and/or it personal or other information
not related to the strategy, and/or lacks inconsistency and/or provides false, misleading information
and/or inf ringe third party rights, including trademark and other intellectual property rights;


b) The selected name for a strategy is misleading and/or insulting and/or contains racist or religious

references and/or refers to illegal actions, and/or does not respect morality or ethical standards; and/or 

c) The selected picture connected to a strategy presents a minor and/or is inappropriate and/or misleading 
and/or insulting of a race and/or any religion and/or refers to illegal actions and/or does not respect
morality or ethical standards.


53.2. The Company reserves the right at its absolute discretion to close any or all open position(s) of a Manager at any time.

53.3. The Manager’s commission is calculated and paid to the Manager’s account at the closing of every trade
subject to a High Watermark calculation performed at the Company’s discretion.


55. Limitations to copy trading service


54.1. The Company does not provide investment recommendations, investment advice, tax related or other financial related advice of any kind and/or investment management. Any explanation or information which
we give as part of a copy trade or about the performance of the copy trade is not intended to be, and not
be construed as advice. This information is provided solely for informational purposes.


56. Key risks of copy trading


55.1. By subscribing to a strategy, the Investor should consider his/her f inancial situation, including financial commitments. Copy trading is highly speculative, and losses can exceed the amount used to copy a
strategy as a result of, including but not limited to the following: 


a) Copied trades in amounts lower than the minimum trade volume threshold will not be opened;


b) Copy trading involves automated trading execution whereby trades are opened and closed in the Investor Account without the Investor’s manual consent or approval; and

c) Changes made by the Manager in relation to the Manager’s account, which af fect the trading features of
such account including but not limited account type, leverage and equity, might generate a materially
dif ferent result for the Investor subscribing to the Manager. This can be due to a multitude of factors such
as spreads, swaps, allocation ratios, price level timing and minimum volume threshold rejections.


55.2. Past performance, risk score, portfolio and any other information on our Copy Trading Platform are not

reliable indicators of future performance. The Company does not represent or guarantee that the Investor
will achieve prof its or losses similar to those shown on the Manager’s strategy. Furthermore, the Company
does not represent or guarantee that the risk score of a Manager’s strategy will accurately ref lect the risk
of their future performance.

55.3. The copy trading platform has a number of functionalities that we may make available f rom time to time.
However, we may add, remove, or change the availability and features of such functionalities at our
absolute discretion and without giving prior notice.

55.4. The Manager and the Investor acknowledge and agree that are subject to limitations depending on their

57. Liability

56.1. Subject to the Applicable Laws and Regulations, the Company shall not be held liable for any losses
arising f rom:


a) Actions taken by the Company to carry out the Investor’s written instructions; and/or


b) Decisions or actions taken by a Manager that an Investor has chosen to copy.


Chapter G: Margin Deposits, Collateral and Payment 


58. Margin and Collateral

58.1 Margin is the amount of cash which you are required to deposit with us in order to enter into
Transactions/Contracts. Before you place a Transaction and/or Contract which creates an open position you
must ensure that the Margin in your account is suf f icient to cover the Margin Requirement in respect of that
open position. If your Margin is less than the Margin Requirement for the open position you wish to create,
we may reject your such Transaction and/or Contract. The Margin Requirement must be maintained at all
times until the open position is closed and may increase or decrease at any time until the open position is

58.2 Contingent liability: Where we ef fect or arrange a Transaction and/or Contract, involving, for instance,
a Contract for Dif ferences, you should note that, depending upon the nature of the Transaction or
Contract, you may be liable to make further payments when the Transaction and/or Contract fails to be
completed or upon the earlier settlement or closing out of your position. You will be required to make further
variable payments by way of Margin against the purchase price of the investment, instead of paying (or
receiving) the whole purchase (or sale) price immediately. The movement in the Market Price of your
investment will af fect the amount of Margin payment you will be required to make.


58.3 Margin call: You shall pay us on demand: (a) such sums of money as we may f rom time to time require

as Security for your obligations to us; (b) any amount necessary for maintaining a positive balance in any
and all of your Accounts with us; and (c) such sums of money by way of deposits or as initial or variation
Margin, in respect of and as Security for your actual, future and contingent liabilities to us in such amounts
and in such forms as we, in our absolute discretion, may require. You accept that our Online Trading
Facility operates with an automated risk monitoring, Margin Call and Stop-out facility designed to monitor
the overall utilization of clients’ available collateral in support of our prevailing Margin and cash funding
requirements for the Transactions and/or Contracts they are entering into via our Online Trading Facility;
using this automated risk monitoring, Margin Call and Stop-out facility, we will, unless otherwise stated,
apply initial, maintenance or close out Margin call at the prevailing Margin Call or Stop-out levels, as stated
f rom time to time on our Online Trading.


58.4 Margin requirements: We may change our Margin requirements at any time. Any requirement for Margin

payments must be satisf ied within such time as may be specif ied by us or, if none is specif ied, immediately.
One Margin call does not preclude another. Margin requirements may vary per f inancial instrument. For
further information on the applicable margin requirements per f inancial instrument please refer to our


58.5 Margin requirements prior to and during Market Disruption: Without prejudice to what is set out herein

above, the Company at its sole discretion may temporarily require higher margin for placing new Orders for
any specif ic or all Financial Instruments (compared to the normal margin requirements of the Client’s
account) in the following cases:


a. Prior to and/or during Friday market closure.
b. Prior and/or during to any other market closure for any specif ic or all Securities.
c. Prior and/or during to any major news announcements, such as, but not limited to, the Non-Farm Payroll
announcement made by the United States Department of Labor.
d. Prior and/or during to any anticipated abnormal Market conditions and/or Market Disruptions.


The above temporary increase of the margin requirements may af fect any open Orders in your Account,
either placed prior to or following the implementation of the new Margin requirement.


58.6 Form of Margin: Margin must be provided in the form of cash or, only in those instances in which we may

agree otherwise, other assets, such as collateral (by which we mean investments, securities, bonds or any
other f inancial instrument, property or asset acceptable to us in lieu of cash) (“Collateral”) (all together
Assets”). The currency of the cash Margin you pay to us shall be the currency of the relevant underlying Transaction (if applicable) or as we may in our discretion reasonably decide f rom time to time. Cash
Margin is paid to us as an outright transfer of title and you will not retain any interest in it. Cash Margin
received by us will be recorded by us as a cash repayment obligation owed by us to you.

58.7 Non-cash Margin: Where we agree to accept non-cash Collateral, it must be in a form acceptable to us.
The value of the non- cash collateral and the proportion of that value to be taken into account for Margin
purposes shall be determined by us in our absolute discretion. We shall apply such terms and conditions
as to the acceptance, valuation and release of any Collateral you may provide as we may in our absolute
discretion think appropriate. In particular, you are made specif ically aware that we may determine, at our 
reasonable discretion, the value by which any such Collateral shall be registered and consequently
contribute to our demands towards you and that we may continuously change the value of such Collateral
without prior notice to you. In determining the amount of Collateral and the amount of our obligations to
you, we may apply such methodology (including judgements as to the future movement of markets and
values), as we consider appropriate, consistent with Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations.


58.8 Failure to meet Margin call: You are responsible for maintaining appropriate arrangements with us at all

times for the receipt and communication of information regarding Margin. You shall promptly deliver any
money or property deliverable by you in respect of any Transaction or Contract in accordance with the terms
of that Transaction or Contract and with any instructions given by us for the purpose of enabling us to
perform our obligations under any corresponding Transaction or Contract entered into between us and
a third party. If you fail to provide us with Margin, deposits or other payable amounts in accordance
with the terms of any Transaction or Contract within the required time, we will be entitled, at our sole
discretion, to close out any open Transaction or Contract without prior notice to you and apply any
proceeds thereof to payment of any amounts due to us and/or, as we deem f it at our sole discretion. Such
failure may also be considered as an Event of Default.


58.9 Currency Conversion: All initial and subsequent calls for Margin shall be made in the currency of the

Transaction and/or Contract, or in the currency of your Account as we determine, in such amounts as we
may in our absolute discretion require; we are authorised to convert funds in your account for Margin into
and f rom such foreign currency at a rate of exchange determined by us on the basis of the then prevailing
money market rates. In such circumstances, we will not be liable to you for any loss suf fered by you as a
result of such action (although, we will use reasonable endeavours to only convert such funds as may
prudently be required to cover the position in respect of the relevant transaction).


58.10 Refusal to accept Margin: We reserve the right to return to you at any time, with or without reasons

and without being obliged to provide you with any justif ication of explanation, any Assets deposited
with us by way of Margin, Collateral, deposits or otherwise.


58.11 Negative Balance Protection: Means the limit of a client’s aggregate liability, for all CFDs connected to

a trading Account with the Company, to the funds in that Account.

Trading in leveraged Financial Instruments involves signif icant risk on your invested capital. However, LMT
follows a Negative Balance Protection policy, on a per account basis, which aims to ensure that your
maximum losses f rom trading CFDs, including all related costs, are limited to the total funds in your trading
account (i.e., no additional liability incurs). This should include any funds yet to be paid into your account
due to net prof its f rom the closure of open trades connected to your trading account.


Notwithstanding the above, any indication or suspicion, in LMT’s reasonable discretion, of any form of
arbitrage performed in your trading account either solely or in connection with other clients of our company
(including but not limited to risk-f ree prof iting), abuse (including but not limited to participant's trading activity
patterns that indicate that the participant solely aims to benef it f inancially without being genuinely interested
in trading in the markets and/or taking market risk), internal hedging in coordination with other parties and
abuse of our ‘no negative balance’, constitute a violation of these Terms and Conditions. In such cases,
we reserve the right, among others, NOT to apply our Negative Balance Protection policy and transfer any
or all funds you may have in a dif ferent trading account to set-of f the obligations (e.g., negative balance)
that have occurred to the other account used for any abusive acts.


59. Margin Call Policy / Margin Call Level / Stop-Out Level

59.1 You accept that our Online Trading Facility operates with an automated risk monitoring, Margin Call and Stop-out facility designed to monitor the overall utilization of your available collateral in support of our prevailing Margin and cash funding requirements for the Transactions and/or Contracts you are entering
into via our Online Trading Facility; using this automated risk monitoring, Margin Call and Stop-out facility,
we will, unless otherwise stated, apply initial, maintenance or close out Margin call at the prevailing Margin
Call or Stop-out levels, as stated f rom time to time on our Online Trading Facility.


59.2 Our Margin Call Policy guarantees that your maximum possible risk is your Account equity. If the equity in

your Account drops to 50% of the Margin Level required to maintain your open positions (“Margin Call
”), you will receive a Margin Call. This is a warning message that the equity in your Account is not
enough to support your open positions. At this point, you will not be able to take any new position and you
will have the option to deposit suf f icient money in order to maintain your open positions. When you have
losing positions, your Margin Level will go down and may become close to the Margin Call Level. When you
have winning positions, your Margin Level will go up and the Margin Call Level may become more remote.


59.3 All clients are fully and personally responsible for monitoring the activity of their Accounts, including, without

limitation, whether and when their open positions reach Margin Call Level.

59.4 The “Stop-out Level” is the level of your equity where our Online Trading Facility will start automatically

to close trading positions (starting f rom the least prof itable position and until the Margin Level
requirement is met) in order to prevent further account losses into the negative territory. For all trading
accounts the Stop-out Level is equal to 20% of the Margin Level required to maintain your open positions.
Please note that hedged positions are also subject to margin requirements in case where the equity of your
Account has entered into a negative territory; thus, the automatic Stop-out facility is initiated.


59.5 In the case where a ‘Stop Order’ or ‘Limit Order’ (or ‘Entry Stop’ or ‘Limit’) is entered at the same price

that would trigger a Stop-out, the Stop-out will be executed when that price is touched (or gaps through
the price) and all pending Orders attached to that trade will be cancelled.



60. Security

60.1 Security interest: All Assets belonging to you which we may at any time be holding for you (either

individually, jointly with another, or as a guarantor of the account of any other person) or which may at
any time be in our possession or control or carried on our books for any purpose, including safekeeping,
are to be held by us as Security for the performance of your obligations to us and held subject to a
general lien and right of set-of f for any of your liabilities to us and irrespective of the number of Accounts
you may have with us. Without limitation, such Security shall comprise the credit balances on your
Account(s), any securities registered as belonging to you on our books, and the value of your open positions
with us. We may, in our absolute discretion and without notice to you, apply and/or transfer any or all Assets
belonging to you between any of your accounts with us and combine or set of f between accounts and
convert any currency into another. Without prejudice to any other rights to which we may be entitled, we
may at any time and without notice to you set of f any amounts (whether actual or contingent, present or
future) at any time owing between you and us paying you the dif ference. You may not withdraw or substitute
any Assets or property subject to our security interest without our prior express and written consent.


60.2 Secured Obligations: Furthermore, as a continuing Security for the performance of all your obligations

(whether actual or contingent, present or future) to us under or pursuant to these Terms and Conditions
(the “Secured Obligations”) you grant to us, with full title guarantee, a f irst f ixed Security interest in all
your Assets now or in the future provided by you to us or to our Order or under our direction or control or
otherwise standing to the credit of your Account(s) under these Terms and Conditions or otherwise held
by us or our nominees on your behalf . You agree that we shall be able to realise and apply such Assets in
or towards satisfaction of all or any part of any Secured Obligations that are due and payable to us at
any time without notice to you and without being liable to you for any loss which may arise through such


60.3 Further assurance: You agree to execute such further documents and to take such further steps as

we may reasonably require in order to perfect our Security interest over, be registered as owner of or obtain
legal title to any Margin provided to us, secure further the Secured Obligations, enable us to exercise our rights or to satisfy any Market requirement.


60.4 Substitution: You may not withdraw or substitute any Assets or property subject to our Security interest

without our prior express and written consent.

60.5 Set-off on Default: If an Event of Default occurs (as def ined hereinaf ter) or this Agreement terminates,

we shall set-of f the balance of cash Margin owed by us to you against your obligations (as reasonably
valued by us) to us. The net amount, if any, payable between us following such set-of f, shall take into
account the amounts payable to us under the clause headed “Netting” of this Agreement.


60.6 Right to pledge, re-pledge, hypothecate, invest or loan: You hereby warrant and represent that any

property or Assets you transfer to us as Collateral under these Terms and Conditions are f ree f rom any
lien, Security interest or other encumbrance other than the lien created under these Terms. You hereby
also grant to us the right to pledge, re-pledge, hypothecate, invest or loan, either separately or with the
property of other clients any Collateral we hold for you whether, to ourselves as broker or to others in
satisfaction of our clients’ obligations to us or such third party.


60.7 Negative pledge: You undertake neither to create nor to have outstanding any Security interest

whatsoever over, nor to agree to assign or transfer, any of the cash or non-cash Margin transferred to
us, except a lien routinely imposed on all securities in a clearing system in which such securities may be


60.8 Power to charge: You agree that we may, to the extent that any of the Margin you provide us with under

these Terms and Conditions constitutes “financial collateral” and this Agreement and your obligations
hereunder constitute a “security financial collateral arrangement”, f ree of any adverse interest of
yours or any other person, grant a Security interest over Margin provided by you to cover any of our
obligations to an intermediate broker or Market, including obligations owed by virtue of the positions held
by us or other of our clients.


60.9 Power of appropriation: You further agree that, to the extent that any of the Margin you provide us with

under these Terms and Conditions constitutes “financial collateral” and this Agreement and your
obligations hereunder constitute a “security financial collateral arrangement”, we shall have the right
to appropriate all or any part of such ‘f inancial collateral’ in or towards discharge of any Secured
Obligations. For these purposes, you agree that the value of such ‘f inancial collateral’ so appropriated
shall be the amount of the Margin, together with any accrued but un-posted interest, at the time the right
of appropriation is exercised. It is further agreed and understood that the method of valuation provided for
in this Agreement shall constitute a commercially reasonable method of valuation for the purposes hereof .


60.10 Power of sale: If an Event of Default occurs (as def ined hereinaf ter), we may exercise the power to sell

all or any part of the Margin you provide us with under these Terms and Conditions and shall be entitled
to apply the proceeds of sale or other disposal in paying the costs of such sale or other disposal and in or
towards satisfaction of the Secured Obligations. Such sale shall take place by the means that we in our
reasonable discretion determines and at the price that we in our reasonable discretion determine to be
the best obtainable.


60.11 General lien: In addition, and without prejudice to any rights to which we may be entitled under this

Agreement or any Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations we shall have a general lien on all Assets
and property held on your behalf by us, our Associates or our nominees, until the satisfaction of all
Secured Obligations. Without limitation, such general lien shall comprise the credit balances on your
Accounts, the securities registered as belonging to you on our books, and the value of your open positions
with us. We may, in our absolute discretion and without notice to you, apply and/or transfer any or all
such Assets which you have deposited at any time with us or which may at any time be in our possession
or control or carried on our books for any purpose, including safe keeping, between any of your Accounts
with us and combine or set of f between accounts and convert any currency into another. Without prejudice
to any other rights to which we may be entitled, we may at any time and without notice to you set-of f any
amounts (whether actual or contingent, present or future) at any time owing between you and us paying
you the dif ference.


Chapter H: Commissions, Fees and Charges 

61. Commissions, Fees and Charges

61.1 You shall pay to us such fees and charges (including, without limitation, spreads, charges, interest and other fees) (“Commissions and Charges”) at such rates as are notif ied by us to you f rom time to time or published
on our Online Trading Facility. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge that you have
read, understood and accepted the information under the Spreads and Conditions Schedule posted on our
Online Trading Facility, in which all such Commissions and Charges (including, without limitation, spreads,
charges, interest and other fees) are explained.


61.2 We reserve the right to amend, alter, modify, delete or add to any of these Commissions and Charges at any time and at our sole discretion. When these Commissions and Charges are modif ied (hereinaf ter
referred to as “Changes”) we will post such Changes on our Online Trading Facility and/or otherwise notify
you of such Changes, each such notif ication of which shall be deemed as suf f icient notice and it is your
duty to consult and/or to check regularly the information posted under the Spreads and Conditions Schedule
on our Online Trading Facility regarding any such Changes. Therefore, you should review the Spreads and
Conditions Schedule on our Online Trading Facility f rom time to time so as to ensure that you will be aware
of any such Changes. Except if , and then to the extent provided otherwise in this Agreement, all
Changes shall be ef fective f ive (5) calendar days af ter their initial posting on our Online Trading Facility,
or as of the f irst time that you access and/or use our Online Trading Facility af ter such amendments are
made, whichever is sooner. Your continued use of our Online Trading Facility af ter the publication of any
Changes shall be considered as your agreement to such Changes and shall be governed by those Terms
and Conditions, as modif ied. If you do not wish to be bound by those Changes, you should cease to
use our Online Trading Facility, and inform us in writing, immediately.


61.3 In the event that such Changes are to your advantage, or the grounds for such Changes are due to external circumstances beyond our reasonable control, we are entitled to modify such Commissions and
Charges with immediate ef fect, without the need to give prior notice. Such circumstances may include,
without limitation: (a) Changes in the relationship with our counterparties, which af fect our cost structures;
(b) Changes in commissions and charges f rom exchanges, clearing houses, information providers or other
third party providers that are passed on by us to you.


62. Other Fees and Charges

62.1 In addition to the Commissions, Fees and Charges mentioned above, you shall be responsible for the payment of any other fees and charges that may be incurred as a result of the provision of our Services
to you, including, without limitation, all applicable VAT (if any) and other duties and/or taxes, and all other
fees incurred by us in connection with any Transaction and/or Contract and/or in connection with
maintaining a client relationship with you.


62.2 In particular, we shall be entitled to demand that the following fees and/or expenses are paid separately by you: (a) all extraordinary disbursements resulting f rom our client relationship e.g. telephone, telefax,
courier, and postal expenses in the event that you request hardcopy Settlement/Trade Conf irmations,
Account Statements etc. which we could have delivered in electronic form; (b) any expenses we may incur,
caused by non-performance by you, including a fee determined by us in relation to forwarding of
reminders, legal assistance etc.; (c) any expenses we may incur in connection with replies to inquiries
by public authorities, including, without limitation, a fee determined by us in relation to forwarding of
transcripts and enclosures and for the preparation of copies; (d) administration fees in connection with
Security deposits, and any expenses we may incur in relation to a pledge, if provided, including any
insurance premium payments; (e) transaction fees, in the event that no signif icant trading activity is
developed in your Account; and (f ) any expenses we may incur in connection with auditor’s
comments/reports if such is requested by you; (g) swaps/rollover fees (h) a fee for any type of
abuse/prohibited trading activity performed in your trading account either solely or in connection with other
clients of our company. Regarding the latter, where our business relationship has been terminated but you,
however, managed to successfully open an account and trade with our company due to any technical and/or
human error, we reserve every right to immediately close your account upon identif ication, nullify any
prof it/loss generated and refund the original amount of deposit, excluding any deposit and withdrawal
charges, back to the same source of deposit. Any such fees and/or expenses will be charged either as a f ixed amount corresponding to payments effected, or as a percentage or hourly rate corresponding to the service performed. The methods of calculation can be combined. We reserve the right to introduce new fees.


62.3 In addition, we (and/or our Associates, Business Introducers or other third parties) may share and/or benef it f rom commission, mark-up, mark-down or any other remuneration in respect of any Transactions
and/or Contracts entered into by us and/or in respect of any Transactions and/or Contracts carried out on
your behalf . Details of any such remuneration or sharing arrangement will not be set out on the relevant
Settlement/Trade Conf irmations. We may, upon reasonable request, to the extent possible and at our sole
discretion, disclose to you the amount of any such commission, mark-up, mark-down or any other
remuneration paid by us to any Associate, Business Introducer or other third party.


62.4 In the event that you instruct us to transfer open positions, moneys, and/or other Assets relating to your Account to another institution, you agree to pay us a transfer fee, as determined by us at our sole discretion.

62.5 In the event that your registration and/or trading information/data, including but not limited to the IP address,
corresponds to the registration and/or trading information of another client or clients of our Company, we
reserves the right to:


a. terminate our business relationship with immediate ef fect; and
b. apply any outstanding fees, following the termination of the business relationship (e.g. administrative fees, any applicable charges for the closure of the trading account(s), withdrawal and deposit fees, etc.),
with the minimum applicable amount of USD 10.


62.6 If your Account(s) remain inactive for twelve (12) months, we reserve the right to charge you a one-off account maintenance fee of USD 15 (or currency equivalent), followed by a monthly fee of USD10 for each
month that the Account remains inactive in accordance with paragraph 72.3. We reserve the right to change
the 12-month inactivity period as we deem necessary.


63. Payment Terms

63.1 Unless determined and stated otherwise "in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties, all Commissions and Charges and other fees and charges shall be regarded as being due and payable
immediately. Unless specif ied otherwise in these Terms and Conditions, any sums due to us pursuant to
these Terms and Conditions may be deducted by us f rom the proceeds of any transaction or debited from
your Account(s) with us. In the event of late payment by you, overdue amounts shall bear interest at a rate
that we shall reasonably determine.


63.2 Unless specif ied otherwise in these Terms and Conditions, all amounts due to us (or to any Agents used by us) shall, at our sole discretion: (a) be deducted f rom any funds held by us for you; or (b) be paid by you
in accordance with the provisions of the relevant dif ference account, Settlement/Trade Conf irmation or other


64. Currency Conversion

64.1 If we receive or recover any amount in respect of any of your obligations in a currency other than that in which such amount is payable, whether pursuant to a judgment of any court or otherwise, you will indemnify
us and hold us harmless f rom and against any cost (including costs of conversion) and loss suf fered by
us as a result of receiving such amount in a currency other than the currency in which it is due.


64.2 We shall be entitled, but shall not in any circumstances be obliged, to convert:


a. any realised gains, losses, option premiums, commissions, interest charges and brokerage fees which
arise in a currency other than your Base Currency (i.e. the currency in which your Account with us is
denominated) to your Base Currency;


b. any cash currency deposit to another cash currency deposit for the purpose of purchasing an asset de-nominated in a currency other than your Base Currency; 

c. any funds held by us for you into such other currency as we consider necessary or desirable to cover 
your obligations and liabilities in that currency.


64.3 Whenever we conduct such currency conversions, we will do so at such reasonable rate of exchange as we select. We shall be entitled to add a mark-up to the exchange rates. The prevailing mark-up will be
def ined in the Spreads and Conditions Schedule on our Online Trading Facility.


65. Pricing of OTC Transactions


65.1 In respect of any OTC Transactions to be ef fected, we shall be entitled to provide Price Quotes at which we are prepared to trade with you. Save where we exercise any rights we may have under these Terms and
Conditions to close a Transaction and/or Contract, it is your sole responsibility to decide whether or not you
wish to enter into such a Transaction and/or Contract at such prices.


66. Prohibited Trading Techniques

66.1 Circumvention & Reverse Engineering: You shall not unlawfully access or attempt to gain access,
reverse engineer or otherwise circumvent any security measures that we have applied to our Online Trading
Facility and/or computer system(s). If , at our sole discretion, we were to determine that you are in breach
of this clause, we reserve the right to take all action as we see f it, including, without limitation, completely
blocking access to our Online Trading Facility, blocking and/or revoking your Access Codes and/or
terminating your Account. Under these circumstances, we reserve the right to seize any prof its and/or
revenues generated directly or indirectly by exercising any such prohibit trading activity and we shall be
entitled to inform any interested third parties of your breach of this clause; we have, and will continue to
develop any tools necessary to identify f raudulent and/or unlawful access and use of our Online Trading
Facility; any dispute arising f rom such f raudulent and/or or unlawful trading activity will be resolved by us in
our sole and absolute discretion, in the manner we deem to be the fairest to all concerned; that decision
shall be f inal and/or binding on all participants; no correspondence will be entered into.


66.2 Artificial Intelligence Software: It is absolutely prohibited to use any sof tware, which we determine, at our sole discretion, to have as its purpose to apply any kind of artif icial intelligence analysis to our Online
Trading Facility and/or computer system(s) with an ultimate purpose of gaining unfair advantage and
exploiting our trading facility; in the event that we determine, at our own discretion, that any such artif icial
intelligence sof tware has been used, or is being used, we reserve the right to take all actions as we see fit,
including, without limitation, completely blocking access to our Online Trading Facility, blocking and/or
revoking your Access Codes and/or terminating your Account. Under these circumstances, we reserve the
right to seize any prof its and/or revenues generated directly or indirectly by exercising any such prohibited
trading activity and/or charge you with extra fees. In addition, we shall be entitled to inform any Interested
third parties of your breach of this clause; we have, and will continue to develop any tools necessary to
identify f raudulent and/or unlawful access and use of our Online Trading Facility; any dispute arising f rom
such f raudulent and/or or unlawful trading activity will be resolved by us in our sole and absolute discretion,
in the manner we deem to be the fairest to all concerned; that decision shall be f inal and/or binding on all
participants; no correspondence will be entered into.


Moreover, it is absolutely prohibited to use any sof tware in such a way which can cause serious negative
impact on the performance of our servers and may prevent us f rom achieving the best possible result for
our clients as regards the execution of their orders. In the event that we identify any such activity, we reserve
the right to take all actions as we see f it, including, without limitation, completely blocking access to our
Online Trading Facility, blocking and/or revoking your Access Codes and/or immediately terminating your
Account. Moreover, you acknowledge that once your Account has been terminated we may liquidate any
outstanding contracts/positions you have with us. In view of the above, please note that you will be strictly
prohibited f rom opening any new trading Account(s) and trade with our Company. Nonetheless, in cases
where you may successfully open an Account and trade with our Company due to any technical and/or
human error, we reserve every right to immediately close your Account upon identif ication, nullify any
prof it/loss generated and refund the original amount of deposit, excluding any deposit and withdrawal


66.3 Unlawful trading techniques: Internet, connectivity delays, and price feed errors sometimes create a situation where the price(s) displayed on our Online Trading Facility do(es) not accurately ref lect the market rates. The concept of using trading strategies aimed at exploiting errors in prices and/or concluding trades at of f -market prices and/or by taking advantage of internet delays (commonly known as “arbitrage”, “sniping” or “scalping” hereinaf ter, collectively, referred to as “Arbitrage”), cannot exist in an OTC market where the client is buying or selling directly f rom the principal; accordingly, we reserve the right, at our sole discretion, NOT to permit the abusive exploitation of Arbitrage on our Online Trading
Facility and/or in connection with our Services; any Transactions or Contracts that rely on price latency 
arbitrage opportunities may be revoked, at our sole discretion and without prior notice being required;
furthermore, in those instances, we reserve the right, at our sole discretion and without prior notice being
required: (a) to make the necessary corrections or adjustments on the Account(s) involved (including,
without limitation, adjusting the price spreads available to the client); (b) to restrict the Account(s) involved
access to streaming, instantly tradable quotes (including, without limitation, providing manual quotations
only and submitting any Orders to our prior approval); (c) to retrieve f rom the Account(s) involved any
historic trading prof its that we can document as having been gained through such abuse of liquidity at any
time during the client relationship; (d) to terminate the client relationship and/or close all Accounts involved
(including, without limitation all other Accounts held by the same Account holder with us) immediately by
giving written notice; and/or (e) to inform any interested third parties.


66.4 Any indication or suspicion, in LMT’s sole discretion, of any form of arbitrage (including but not limited to risk free profiting), abuse (including but not limited to participant's trading activity patterns that indicate that the
participant solely aims to benef it f inancially without being genuinely interested in trading in the markets and/or
taking market risk), internal hedging in coordination with other parties, abuse of our ‘no negative balance’
policy, f raud, manipulation, cash-back arbitrage or any other forms of deceitful or f raudulent activity, will
constitute all Transactions carried and/or prof its or losses garnered as invalid. In these circumstances, we
reserve the right to close/suspend (either temporarily or permanently) all of the Client’s trading Accounts
and/or cancel all Transactions. In view of the above, please note that you will be strictly prohibited from
opening any new trading Account(s) and trade with our Company. Nonetheless, in cases where you may
successfully open an Account and trade with our Company due to any technical and/or human error, we
reserve every right to immediately close your Account upon identif ication, nullify any prof it/loss generated
and refund the original amount of deposit, excluding any deposit and withdrawal charges.


66.5 We have, and will continue to develop any tools necessary to identify f raudulent and/or unlawful access and use of our Online Trading Facility; any dispute arising f rom such f raudulent and/or or unlawful trading
activity will be resolved by us in our sole and absolute discretion, in the manner we deem to be the fairest
to all concerned; that decision shall be f inal and/or binding on all participants; no correspondence will be
entered into.


66.6 Changes in Market conditions: Please note that we shall have no obligation to contact you to advise upon appropriate action in light of changes in Market Conditions (including, without limitation, Market
Disruptions) or otherwise. You acknowledge that the Over-The-Counter Market in leveraged Securities is
highly speculative and volatile and that, following execution of any transaction, you are solely responsible
for making and maintaining contact with us and for monitoring open positions and ensuring that any further
instructions are given on a timely basis. In the event of any failure to do so, we can give no assurance
that it will be possible for us to contact you and we accept no liability for loss alleged to be suf fered as a
result of any failure by you to do so.


66.7 Indemnification: Without prejudice to any other provisions of this Agreement, you agree to indemnify us and hold us, any of our Associates, harmless f rom and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages,
costs and expenses, including, without limitation, legal fees and expenses incurred in connection with
and/or directly or indirectly related with, any f raudulent and/or unlawful access and use by you of our
Online Trading Facility and/or the prevention and/or remediation thereof , provided that any such liabilities,
losses, damages, costs and expenses would not have not arisen, but for our gross negligence, f raud or
willful default.


66.8 MT4 Multiterminal: The Company may of fer the trading platform MT4/MT5 Multiterminal which allows the Client to manage more than one trading accounts. You hereby represent, warrant, and agree that you will
not use MT4/MT5 Multiterminal to manage trading accounts not belonging to you.


Chapter I: Your Account(s) With Us 

67. Account(s)

67.1 For the purpose of our Services and the transactions described herein, subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth herein, we will facilitate the opening and operation of one or more accounts for you on our
Online Trading Facility, to be denominated in a currency determined by you, in which all Transactions and/or
Contracts entered into by you via our Online Trading Facility will be recorded (your “Account”).

67.2 Depending on the volume of your trading activity on your Account(s), executed transactions (e.g., closed
orders) may be compressed into a single or multiple balance transaction(s) in your trading platform, ref lecting
your aggregated Profit and Loss amount; you will, however, be able to view and export your full trading history
through your Members Area.


68. Base Currency

68.1 You shall designate a base currency for each of your Accounts on our Online Trading Facility, which shall be US Dollars, or any other currency listed on our Website(s), which is determined and/or stated in advance
as the base currency of your Account "in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties" ("Base


68.2 All payments f rom you to your Account(s) on our Online Trading Facility will be made on your request in the Base Currency of your Account. If we receive or recover any amount in respect of any of your
obligations in a currency other than the Base Currency of your Account, the provisions of clause 58
(Currency Conversions) hereinabove shall be applicable mutatis mutandis.


68.3 When a withdrawal or refund is performed f rom your Account, we reserve the right (but shall under no circumstances be obliged) to remit the funds in the same currency in which such funds were initially
received by us; in the event that such withdrawal or refund is made in a currency other than the Base
Currency of your Account, the provisions of clause 58 (Currency Conversions) hereinabove shall be
applicable mutatis mutandis.


68.4 No instructions to pay a third party f rom your Account(s) will be accepted by us, unless otherwise determined and/or stated in advance "in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties" in writing.

69. Access Codes (Username and Passwords)

69.1 In order to allow you to access and use our Online Trading Facility, we will provide you for each Account with a unique username and password that will allow you; (a) to access and use our Online
Trading Facility; (b) to access and use your Account for the purpose of evaluating real-time evaluations
of your open trading positions and consulting and/or reviewing historical transactional and account data;
and (c) to access and use your Account for the purpose of entering into Transactions and/or Contracts
and place trades related to Transactions and/or Contracts via our Online Trading Facility. The logins and
passwords will continue to be in force unless terminated by either Party. We may provide replacement
logins and passwords, at any time as we think f it, to protect the security of your Account and/or prevent
unauthorized access and/or use of your Account. You may access your Account on our Online Trading
Facility only through one or more of these logins and passwords or other access methods provided by
us, or as otherwise determined and stated "in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties"
(“Access Codes”).


69.2 In relation to any of your Access Codes, you acknowledge and undertake that: (a) you will be responsible for the confidentiality and use of your Access Codes; (b) other than with our prior written consent, you will
not disclose any of your Access Codes to other Persons for any purpose whatsoever; (c) we may rely on
all instructions, Orders and other communications entered using any of your Access Codes, and you will
be bound by any transaction entered into or expense incurred on your behalf in reliance on such
instructions, Orders and other communications; and (d) you will immediately notify us at our customer
support desk if you become aware of the loss, thef t or disclosure to any third party or of any unauthorised
use of your Access Code(s).

69.3 In particular, it shall be your sole responsibility to monitor and restrict access to your Account(s) and 
you shall be solely responsible for ensuring that your Access Codes are known to, and used by, only
those users and/or customers, which you expressly authorize and recognize. Notwithstanding anything to
the contrary in this Agreement, you shall be responsible for the actions of any persons, authorized or
unauthorized, who gain access to and/or make use of your Account on our Online Trading Facility through
your Access Codes, and you shall be bound to clear and settle all Transactions and/or Contracts
executed and ef fected via our Online Trading Facility through your Access Codes.


69.4 In the event that your Access Codes have been lost, stolen or compromised, you will promptly notify us

thereof in writing. Upon receipt of such notice, we will immediately terminate your Access Codes, provided,
however, that you will at all times remain responsible for any actions taken through the use of your Access
Codes before they are terminated by us. Without prejudice to any of the foregoing, we shall at all times
be entitled, at our sole discretion, to terminate, revoke, suspend, modify and/or change any or all of your
Access Codes at any time with or without prior notice, provided, however, that we shall endeavour (but
shall not in any circumstances be obliged to) provide you with prior notice to the extent practicable.


69.5 You will undertake best ef forts to ensure that you complies at all times with: (a) all Applicable Laws, Rules

and/or Regulations (b) the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (c) any additional terms and conditions
determined and stated "in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties"; (d) any and all
disclaimers and additional terms and conditions presented in any part of our Online Trading Facility; and
(e) any other terms and conditions pertaining to the transactions contemplated under this Agreement, as
f rom time to time in ef fect. Furthermore, you are under an obligation to provide us with such information
as we may request f rom time to time as part of our obligations to comply with applicable “Anti-Money
Laundering (“AML”) Legislation
” and/or with any other relevant third party, governmental entity or
regulatory agency.


69.6 You shall hold us harmless f rom, and indemnify us for, any sustained damages, which we may suffer from your failure to take adequate steps to protect the security of your Access Codes, and your failure to prevent
any person f rom any unauthorized access and/or use of your Account(s) on our Online Trading Facility;
you shall hold us harmless in any legal, administrative or arbitral proceedings and expenses related thereto,
and you shall indemnify us for all damages, costs and expenses arising as a result of non-compliance with
this clause.


70. Affiliates / Introducers of Business


70.1 If you were introduced to LMT by an Af f iliate/Introducer of Business, you acknowledged and agree that:


a. You authorized the Af f iliate/Introducer of Business to introduce you to LMT; and
b. A commission may be paid to the Af f iliate/Introducer of Business for introducing you to LMT, the amount of which can be found on the relevant section of our website (

71. Payments

71.1 You may deposit funds into your Account at any time. Deposits will only be accepted by a payment method (e.g. bank wire transfer, e-wallets, etc.) in the same name as yours. Under no circumstances will third
party or anonymous payments be accepted.


71.2 Unless expressly determined and stated otherwise "in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties", we do not accept payments by cash and /o r cheque. In those instances where we might agree,
in principle, to accept payment by cash and /o r cheque, we shall nonetheless have the right to refuse
payment by cheque if any payment given has not cleared on the f irst presentation of the cheque.


71.3 If you give an instruction to withdraw funds f rom your Account, we will reduce the requested funds immediately f rom your Account balance and shall use our best ef forts to process the specif ied withdrawal
request within one (1) Business Day following the day on which the withdrawal request has been accepted,
provided that the following requirements are met: (a) the withdrawal request includes all necessary
information; (b) the instruction is to make a payment through a payment method in your name (e.g. bank
wire transfer, e-wallets, etc.); (c) you have provided full identif ication documentation to support your
withdrawal request; and (d) in cases where there are open positions in the Account, the Margin Level in your Account does not fall below the minimum required level specif ied in our Online Trading Facility. Margin Level requirements may be higher in cases as referenced in sub-clause 52.5 (Margin Requirements prior
to and during Market Disruptions) so as to avoid any possible withdrawal request to cause the Margin Level
in your Account to fall below the minimum required level, as specif ied in our Online Trading Facility.


71.4 If we accept any payments to be made by a debit card, credit card or any other payment method in respect of which processing fees may be charged, we reserve the right to levy a transfer charge.

71.5 If you make a payment/deposit, we shall, without prejudice to any other provisions of this Agreement, use our best ef forts to credit your Account with the amount of such payment within one (1) Business Day
following the day on which the deposit has been accepted, if we are satisf ied that you are the sender of the
funds. At any given time, if we are not satisf ied that you are the sender of the funds deposited in your
Account, we reserve the right to reject such funds and/or return them to the remitter net of any transfer fees
or other charges. You may be required to submit additional documentation as required by applicable
Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) Legislation” and/or any other similar rules and regulations applicable
to us. We reserve the right to charge a “USD 50 - handling fee” to your Account upon conf irming that the
deposit received was not sent by you (i.e. third party deposit) to cover our expenses to prove that you
engaged in a third party deposit, and you hereby authorize us to charge this amount.


71.6 We shall be entitled, but shall not in any circumstances be obliged, without prior notice to you, to convert: 

(a) any realized gains, losses, option premiums, commissions, interest charges and brokerage fees which 
arise in a currency other than the Base Currency of your Account (i.e. the currency in which your Account
with us is denominated) to the Base Currency of your Account; (b) any cash currency deposit to another
cash currency deposit for the purpose of purchasing a Financial Instrument or asset denominated in a
currency other than the Base Currency of your Account; (c) any funds deposited with us or held by us on
your behalf into such other currency as we consider necessary or desirable, at our sole discretion, to
cover your obligations and liabilities in that currency; whenever we conduct such currency conversions, we
will do so at such reasonable rate of exchange as we select, at our sole discretion; under these
circumstances, we shall be entitled to add a mark-up to the exchange rates. Any such prevailing mark-up
shall be posted on our Online Trading Facility in the Commission, Charges & Margin Schedule.


71.7 All foreign currency exchange risk arising f rom any deposits in and/or withdrawals f rom your Account, or resulting f rom the compliance by us with our obligations or the exercise by us of our rights under these
Terms and Conditions, will be borne by you.


71.8 We shall not be obliged: (a) to pay interest to you on any credit balance(s) in any Account(s) or on any other funds you deposit with us or which we are holding on your behalf ; or (b) to account to you for any
interest received by us, or in respect of which we are the benef iciary, in connection with any funds you
deposit with us or which we are holding on your behalf , or in connection with any Contract and/or
Transactions; you consent to waive all rights to such interest and you acknowledge and agree that we will
be the benef iciary of all such interest.


72. Several/Multiple Trading Accounts

72.1 In the event that you have more than one Account with us, we reserve the right to treat all such Accounts as if they were under one Account and to limit the number of Accounts maintained by a single household,
at our sole discretion.


73. Deposits, Refunds and Withdrawals

A. Deposits

73.1 We reserve the right to impose deposit limits and deposit fees in our system(s), at any time.


73.2 You agree that any funds transmitted to our bank accounts by you or, where permitted, on your behalf , will be deposited into your Account with us at the value date of when they were received by us and net of any
charges/fees charged by the bank account providers, our payment service providers and/or any other
intermediary involved in such transaction process. Before accepting any such funds into our bank accounts and/or making any such funds available in your

Account with us, we must be fully satisf ied that you, as our client, are the sender of such funds, or that such
funds have been transmitted to us by an authorized representative of you, as our client; in those instances
where we are not satisf ied that you, as our client, are the sender of such funds, or that such funds have
been transmitted to us by an authorized representative of you, as our Client, we reserve the right to
refund/send back the net amount received to the same remitter f rom, and by the same payment method
through which such funds were received.


B. Refunds and Withdrawals

73.3 We reserve the right to impose withdrawal limits and withdrawal fees in our systems, at any time.


73.4 Upon submitting a withdrawal request you may be required to submit documentation as required by

applicable “Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) Legislation” and/or any other similar rules and regulations
applicable to us.

73.5 When a withdrawal or refund is performed, we reserve the right (but shall under no circumstances be
obliged) to remit the funds to the same remitter f rom, and by the same payment method through which such
funds were initially received by us. In that connection, we reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to (a)
decline withdrawals via certain specif ic payment methods; (b) require another payment method as the one
indicated in any withdrawal request, in which instance a new withdrawal request may have to be submitted;
and/or (c) require that further documentation be submitted, as required by applicable “Anti-Money
Laundering (“AML”) Legislation
” and/or any other similar rules and regulations applicable to us, before
proceeding with any withdrawal request.

73.6 If we are unable to remit the funds, or any partial amount thereof , to the same remitter f rom, and by the
same payment method through which such funds were initially received by us, we reserve the right (but
shall under no circumstances be obliged) to transmit the funds via an alternative payment method selected
by us, at our sole discretion, in any currency we deem f it (regardless of the currency in which the initial
deposit was made). Under these circumstances, we shall not be responsible for any transfer fees or charges
charged by the receiver and/or for any currency exchange rates resulting f rom the payment of such amount
and the provisions of clause 58 (Currency Conversions) hereinabove shall be applicable mutatis mutandis.

73.7 Withdrawal requests that are accepted and approved by us in accordance with the terms of this Agreement
are, in principle, processed within one (1) Business Day following the receipt of the transfer request
instructions. The amount to be transferred reduces the balance of the relevant Account f rom which such
transfer is to be made, when the transfer request process is concluded. We reserve the right (a) to decline
a withdrawal request if the request is not in accordance with the provisions of this clause, or (b) to delay
the processing of the request if we are not satisf ied with the ancillary documentation submitted with the
withdrawal request.

73.8 You agree, when we so request, to pay any bank transfer fees incurred when you are withdrawing funds
f rom your Account or when funds are refunded by us to your designated bank account. You are solely
responsible for the payments details you are providing us with and we do not accept any responsibility for
your funds, if the payment details you have provided to us are incorrect or incomplete. It is also understood
that we do not accept any responsibility for any funds that are not directly deposited into our bank accounts.


C. How to Withdraw Funds


73.9 Withdrawal Priority Procedure: Withdrawal of funds is only available to clients who have uploaded their supporting documents and had their trading account validated. Clients may log in to the secure LMT
Members Area to upload their supporting documents (proof of identity and proof of address) and once the
clients’ trading account has been validated they will be able to withdraw funds f rom their trading account.


73.10 In order to protect all parties against f raud, LMT will only process withdrawal/refunds back to the source of the original deposit according to the below Withdrawal Priority Procedure:

(a) Credit/Debit card withdrawals. Withdrawal requests submitted, regardless of chosen withdrawal method, will be processed via this channel to at least the total amount deposited via this method.

(b) Bitcoin withdrawals. Bitcoin refunds/withdrawals will be processed up to the amount deposited via this method once all Credit/Debit card deposits have been completely refunded.
(c) E-wallet withdrawals. E-wallet refunds/withdrawals will be processed once all Credit/Debit card deposits have been completely refunded.
(d) Other Methods. All other methods such as bank wire withdrawals shall be used once deposits made with the above two methods have been completely exhausted. 

All withdrawal requests will be completed within 24 working hours; however, all withdrawal requests submitted 
will be instantly ref lected in the clients’ trading account as pending withdrawals. In case a client selects an
incorrect withdrawal method, the clients’ request will be processed according to the Withdrawal Priority
Procedure described above. All clients’ withdrawal requests shall be processed in the currency in which the
deposit was originally made. Should the deposit currency dif fer f rom the transfer currency, the transfer amount
will be converted by LMT into the transfer currency at the prevailing exchange rate.

74. Deposits by Credit / Debit Card

74.1 You can deposit funds to your Account with us quickly and easily by credit /debit card. The entire transaction is processed electronically - online.

74.2 Upon submitting a deposit request via your credit / debit card, you may be required to submit documentation as required by applicable “Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) Legislation” and/or any other similar rules
and regulations applicable to us.


74.3 The Company takes the protection of its clients very seriously and has various systems, controls and tools set in place for their protection against credit / debit card f raud and so as to be in compliance with all
applicable anti-money laundering regulations. The systems, limits and controls that the Company applies for
the prevention and/or identif ication of credit / debit card f raudulent activity may include, but are not limited
to, the following:


a. Limits on the number of transactions allowed within a certain timeframe; and/or
b. Limits on the amounts allowed to be deposited within a certain timeframe; and/or
c. Limits on the amounts allowed to be deposited per transaction; and/or
d. Limits on the amounts allowed to be deposited per registered email address; and/or
e. Limits on the amounts allowed to be deposited based on the country the money is coming f rom; and/or
f . Limits on the number of credit cards allowed per client; and/or
g. Limits on the deposit attempts allowed per email address; and/or
h. Restrictions on the number of email addresses allowed to be connected with a single credit card; and/or
i. 3D secure authentication for the processing of transactions; and/or
j. Checks for matching details.


In the case that the Company’s systems and tools, as well as the systems and tools of the Company’s
payment service providers, identify a violation of the above limits and restrictions and/or clients fail to pass
the security and authentication checks, the appropriate measures are taken in order to prevent possible
credit / debit card f raudulent activity and ensure company’s protection. These measures may include, but
are not limited to, the following:


a. Investigations, further checks and/or request for additional documentation in order to verify the credit card details and ensure that you are the legitimate owner/user of the credit card(s) used;
b. Delay of transactions’ processing due to the investigations taking place;
c. Refusal of credit card deposit(s) in question and refund of the net amount deposited to the same credit card account and via the same payment method through which the deposit(s) was made;
d. Cancellation of f raudulent transactions as soon as they are detected;
e. Block access to our Online Trading Facility, blocking and/or revoking your Access Codes and/or

terminating your Account(s);

f . Seize any prof its and/or revenues generated directly or indirectly by exercising any such prohibited 
trading activity and cancel any Account(s) and active Orders associated with the credit card that has
been identif ied as f raudulent;

g. Deny processing transactions exceeding the limits/restrictions and/or failure to pass the security and
authentication checks.

74.4 Please note that it is a serious criminal of fence to provide false or inaccurate information during your credit /
debit card registration. Therefore, before we accept any credit / debit card deposits and/or making any such
credit / debit card deposits, we must be fully satisf ied that:

(a) you are the legitimate owner/user of the credit / debit card used; and
(b) it is you, as the legitimate owner/user of the credit / debit card, who is making and/or authorizing the deposit by credit/debit card.

In those instances where we are not satisf ied of the above, we reserve the right to refuse the credit / debit
card deposit(s) in question and to refund/send back the net amount deposited to the same credit / debit card
account and via the same payment method through which such deposit(s) was/were made.

Fraudulent transactions are immediately cancelled af ter being detected. Under such circumstances, we
reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to take all action as we see f it, including, without limitation, completely
blocking access to our Online Trading Facility, blocking and/or revoking your Access Codes and/or
terminating your Account. Furthermore, we reserve the right to seize any prof its and/or revenues generated
directly or indirectly from exercising any such prohibited trading activity and we shall be entitled to inform any
Interested third parties of your breach of this clause. Any active Orders associated with the same f raudulent
credit / debit card and/or Account will also be cancelled immediately. We have, and will continue to develop
any tools necessary to identify credit / debit card f raud. Any dispute arising f rom such f raudulent activity will
be resolved by us in our sole and absolute discretion, in the manner we deem to be the fairest to all concerned
and that decision shall be f inal and/or binding on all participants; no correspondence will be entered into.


74.5 We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to impose such deposit limits and restrictions, as we deem fit.

Current deposit limits and restrictions are displayed on the Credit / Debit Card Deposit screen displayed on
our Online Trading Facility. If you would like to increase your credit / debit card deposit limit, please contact
our Customer Support team at

74.6 Card processing is provided by Trading Point of Financial Instruments Limited, incorporated in Cyprus
(registration number HE251334) and having its registered of fice at 12, Richard & Verengaria Street,
Araouzos Castle Court, 3rd Floor, 3042 Limassol, Cyprus.


75. Chargebacks

75.1 If you place a chargeback (on purpose or by mistake) for any deposit you made in your Account with us, we reserve the right to charge a “USD 150 research fee” to your Account upon receiving the chargeback
to cover our investigative expenses.


75.2 We do not tolerate credit / deb it card f raud, and all f raud, without exception, will be prosecuted through criminal proceedings in your local jurisdiction to the fullest extent of the law. In addition to this, we will
f ile a report with your local police department, and pursue all f raudulent activities through your local
jurisdiction for prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. Furthermore, in such instances, we reserve the
right, at our sole discretion, to take all action as we see f it, including, without limitation, completely blocking
access to our Online Trading Facility, blocking and/or revoking your Access Codes and/or terminating your
Account. Under these circumstances, we reserve the right to seize any prof its and/or revenues generated
directly or indirectly by exercising any such prohibit trading activity and we shall be entitled to inform any
interested third parties of your breach of this clause; any active Orders associated with the same
f raudulent credit card and/or Account will also be cancelled immediately; we have, and will continue to
develop any tools necessary to identify credit/debit card f raud; any dispute arising f rom such f raudulent
activity will be resolved by us in our sole and absolute discretion, in the manner we deem to be the fairest
to all concerned; that decision shall be f inal and/or binding on all participants; no correspondence will be
entered into.

76. Netting Agreement 

76.1 All trades between you and us are entered into in reliance on the fact that this Agreement and all trades form a single agreement between the parties, and that we would not otherwise enter into any trades with


76.2 If we exercise our rights under this clause, all payment obligations will be consolidated into a single obligation for us to pay a net sum to you, or for you to pay a net sum to us. If the aggregate amount that is
payable by one Party exceeds the aggregate amount that is payable by the other Party, then the Party by
whom the larger aggregate amount is payable shall pay the excess to the other Party and the obligations to
make payment of each party will be satisf ied and discharged.


76.3 This netting agreement shall be binding on all Parties to this Agreement and on the estate and/or creditors of all Parties to the client relationship under this Agreement.

76.4 Where the Company identif ies or determines, at its reasonable discretion, that you engaged in any form of arbitrage or abuse, either solely or in connection with other clients of our Company (including but not limited
to risk-f ree prof iting), to solely benef it f inancially without being genuinely interested in trading in the markets
and/or taking market risk), it may, at its sole discretion, exercise its rights under this Agreement, without
your authorization or prior notice, and close your Open positions and/or close your account, combine and
consolidate your Account with any or all other Accounts held in your name with the Company (including any
Account that you hold with any Associate of the Company), and set-of f against each of your Account’s
balance (including prof it or losses on Open Positions).


76.5 If the client relationship is terminated, then the claims that the Parties have against each other shall be finally discharged by means of netting (closed). The value of any open Contracts shall be determined
according to the principles set forth below and the f inal amount to be paid by one of the Parties shall be the
net dif ference between the payment obligations of the Parties.


77. Client Money and Assets

77.1 Without prejudice to the provisions of the immediately preceding c lause of this Agreement, all Assets (including, without limitation, cash, or only in those instances in which we may agree otherwise, other
assets, such as collateral (by which we mean investments, securities, bonds or any other f inancial
instrument, property or asset acceptable to us in lieu of cash) handed over by you to us, or which we hold
on your behalf for the provision of our Services (“Client Money”), will be held in an account with an approved
bank and will be segregated f rom the Company’s funds. Your Client Money may be pooled with the funds
of other clients in a general omnibus account.


77.2 Unless you notify us beforehand and in writing, we may allow a third party, such as an exchange, a clearing house or an intermediate broker to hold and control all or part of your Client Money, where we
transfer your Client Money: (a) for the purposes of a Transaction and/or Contract you have entered into,
or are entering into with such third party; or (b) to meet your obligations to provide Collateral or Margin for
a Transaction and/or Contract (e.g. an initial Margin requirement for a derivative Transaction).


77.3 You hereby authorize us to make any deposits and withdrawals f rom your Account with us on your behalf, including, without limitation and prejudice to the generality of the above, withdrawals for the settlement of
all Transactions undertaken and/or Contacts entered into under these Terms and Conditions, as well as
for the settlement of any and all amounts which are payable by you, or on your behalf , to us or any other
person under and/or pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.


77.4 Unless otherwise determined and stated "in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties", any amount payable by us to you, shall be paid directly to you and not to any other Person, except in those
instances there this has been agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties.


77.5 Without prejudice to any other provisions of this Agreement, we may, at our sole discretion, f rom time to time and without your prior authorisation, set-of f any amounts held on your behalf against your obligations
to us and/or merge any of your Accounts with us. 

77.6 You are entitled to withdraw the funds f rom your Account which are not used for Margin covering, without 
closing your Account.


77.7 Trading in leveraged Financial Instruments involves signif icant risk on your invested capital. However, LMT

follows a ‘no negative balance’ policy which means that you cannot lose more than your invested capital.

77.8 Where your Account is inactive for a period of f ive (5) years with a positive balance (i.e., there are funds
available in your Account) and during that period no transactions have been carried out in relation to the
account or on the instructions of the holder of the account and we are unable to contact you af ter we take
reasonable ef forts to achieve this, we will have the right to cease treating those funds as Client Money and
make a deduction f rom your Account in accordance with paragraph 56.6. If you later make a valid claim to
us, we may pay you any amount owed to you by us.


78. Dormant and Archiving Policy

78.1 In the event that there is no activity (trading/withdrawals/deposits/internal transfer) in all of your Accounts for a set period of at least ninety (90) calendar days, we will regard your Accounts to
be dormant. An Account shall be deemed as dormant f rom the last day of the ninety (90) calendar days in
which there has been no activity (trading/withdrawals/deposits/internal transfer) in the Account.


78.2 All remaining bonuses / promotion credits / LMTPs will be automatically removed f rom dormant Accounts. In addition, any pending orders may be deleted.

78.3 Dormant Accounts will be charged with a monthly dormant fee of USD 10 (ten United States Dollars) or the full amount of the f ree balance in the Account, if the f ree balance is less than USD 10 (ten United
States Dollars). There will be no charge if the f ree balance in the Account is zero. Following the
implementation of the dormant fees, the dormant account will automatically be regarded as archived.


78.4 Accounts with f ree balance less than USD 5 (or currency equivalent) will be archived immediately, af ter a period of ninety (90) calendar days during which there was no activity in them (i.e.,
trading/withdrawals/deposits/internal transfer).


79. Islamic/Swap-Free Accounts

79.1 We of fer the possibility to open Islamic (Swap-f ree) Accounts with us. Swap-f ree trading accounts are available only to those clients who cannot use swaps owing to their religious beliefs. Accordingly, in all
instances where a request for an Islamic (Swap-f ree) Account is f iled with us, we reserve the right to
require an adequate justif ication for and/or proof of the necessity or need of any such conversion.
Furthermore, we reserve the right to refuse the processing of any such request for any reason
whatsoever, without being obliged to provide any explanation or justif ication.


79.2 While a client may f ile a request for an Islamic (Swap-f ree) trading account at any time, the filing of any such request entails that all of such client’s other real trading Accounts with us will be converted into
Swap-free trading accounts also, without any further notice being required. Conversion of a real trading
Account to a Swap-f ree trading account is performed by our Middle Of f ice Department only upon the
request and consent of those clients who complete and submit a request for an Islamic (Swap-f ree)
Account. Upon the receipt of such a duly signed and executed request, we shall evaluate request and any
ancillary documentation submitted to us and shall inform the client who requested the conversion by e-
mail whether the request is accepted or not.


79.3 Clients are not allowed to use Swap-f ree Accounts to make prof its f rom Swaps and may not request the payment of any Swap amounts that have been lost as a result of converting their real trading Account(s)
into one or more Swap-free Account(s) for the period during which their real trading Account(s) has/have
been converted into one or more Swap-f ree account(s).

79.4 We reserve the right to revoke the Swap-f ree status granted to any real trading Account at any time without
being obliged to provide any explanation or justif ication. Furthermore, in the event that we detect any form
of abuse, f raud, manipulation, cash-back arbitrage, carry trades, or other forms of deceitful or f raudulent
activity in regard to any Swap-free Account of any client, we reserve the right, at any time, (a) with immediate effect, to revoke the Swap-free status from any and all real trading Accounts of such client that have been
converted to a Swap-f ree trading Account; (b) to correct and recover any un- accrued Swaps and any related
un-accrued interest expenses and/or costs pertaining to any and all of such client’s Swap-free trading
Accounts during the period for which such Accounts were converted into Swap-f ree trading Accounts; and/or
(c), with immediate ef fect, to close all trading Accounts of such client with us, nullify all trades carried out in
such client’s trading Accounts with us and cancel and all prof its or losses garnered in such client’s trading
Accounts with us.


80. Swap-Free Instruments


80.1 We, at our sole discretion, offer clients the possibility of trading swap-free on certain instruments (hereinaf ter

“Swap-Free Instruments”), where applicable and according to the type of Trading Account selected.

80.2 The swap-f ree status of such instruments is of fered by us to be used in good faith and clients are not allowed
to use the conditions of such instruments to either make prof its f rom Swaps or not pay Swaps. As such,
clients may also not request the payment of any Swap amounts that have been lost as a result of trading on
a Swap-Free Instrument.

80.3 We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to revoke the Swap-f ree status of such instruments at any time
without being obliged to provide explanation of justif ication. Furthermore, in the event that we detect or
suspend any form of abuse, f raud, manipulation, improper use (including but not limited to carry trades or
holding a large portion of overnight positions on Swap-Free Instruments that under other conditions would
be subject to negative swap charges), cash-back arbitrage, or any other form of deceitful or f raudulent activity
in regard to Swap-Free Instruments in any client’s trading account, we reserve the right, at any time, (a) with
immediate ef fect, to revoke the swap-f ree status of such instruments f rom any and all real trading Accounts
of such client for as long as we deem appropriate, (b) to correct and recover any un-accrued Swaps and any
related un-accrued interest expenses and/or costs pertaining to any and all of such client’s Swap-Free
trading; and/or (c), with immediate ef fect, to close all trading Accounts of such client with us, nullify all trades
carried out in such client’s trading Accounts with us and cancel all prof its garnered in such client’s trading
Accounts with us.


Chapter J: General Provisions 

81. Market Making

81.1 You are specif ically made aware that in certain markets, including the foreign exchange markets, OTC foreign exchange options and CFD Contracts, we may act as a ‘Market Maker’, i.e., we may take the
risk of holding a certain number of Supported Securities in order to facilitate trading in these Securities
by displaying/quoting ‘bid’ and ‘ask’ prices (‘buy’ and ‘sell’ quotations) for such Supported Securities on
our Online Trading Facility and f illing Orders received in respect to such Supported Financial Instruments
f rom our own inventory or seeking an Of fsetting Order.


81.2 In order for us to provide Price Quotes with the swif tness normally associated with speculative trading, we may have to rely on available price or available information that may later prove to be faulty due to
specif ic market circumstances, for instance, but not limited to, lack of liquidity in, or suspension of an
Underlying Security or asset or errors in feeds f rom information providers or in Price Quotes f rom our
counterparties. In these circumstances, provided that we have acted in good faith when providing the
relevant Price Quote to you, we may cancel the relevant Transaction and/or Contract with you, but shall do
so within reasonable time and shall provide you with a full explanation for the reason of such cancellation.


81.3 Following execution of any position with you, we may, at our reasonable discretion, subsequently offset each such position with you with another client position or with a position with one of our counterparties,
or we may decide to retain a proprietary position in the Market with the intention to obtain trading profits
f rom such positions. Such decisions and actions may therefore result in us of fsetting client positions at
prices dif ferent – sometimes signif icantly dif ferent – f rom the Price Quotes provided to you, resulting in
trading prof its or losses for us. This in turn can raise the possibility of you incurring, what may be seen as,
an implied cost (i.e., the dif ference between the price at which you traded with us and the price at which we
subsequently traded with our counterparties and/or other clients), due to any prof its realised by us as a
result of the Market Making function. Please also note, however, that the Market Making function may
involve signif icant costs to us, if the market moves against us in comparison to the price at which we
traded with you.


81.4 You accept that, in such Markets where we act as Market Maker, we may hold positions that are contrary to your positions and/or the positions of certain other of our clients, resulting in potential conf licts of interest
between us, and any such other of our clients.


81.5 In Markets, where we act as a Market Maker, you accept that we have no obligation to quote prices to you and/or any of our other clients, at any time in any given Market, nor shall we have an obligation to provide
such Price Quotes to you and/or any of our other clients with a specif ic maximum spread.


81.6 You acknowledge, recognize and accept that the Price Quotes provided to you include a ‘spread’ when compared with the price for which we may have covered or expected to be able to ‘cover’ the Transaction
or Contract in a trade with another client or a counterparty; furthermore, you acknowledges, recognize and
accept that the said ‘spread’ constitutes remuneration to us and that such ‘spread’ cannot necessarily be
calculated individually for all Transactions and/or Contracts and that such ‘spread’ will not be specif ied at
the Settlement/Trade Conf irmation or otherwise revealed to you.


81.7 Any commission costs, interest charges, costs associated to and included in the ‘spreads’ that are part of the Price Quotes provided by us as a Market Maker in certain Markets, and any other fees and charges
will consequently inf luence you trading result(s) and may have a negative ef fect on your trading
performance compared to a situation in which such commission costs, interest charges, costs associated
to and included in the’ spreads’, would not apply.


81.8 Whilst dealing ‘spreads’ and commissions are normally considered moderate seen in relation to the value of the Financial Instruments traded, such costs may be considerable when compared with your Margin
deposit. Therefore, your Margin deposit may be depleted by the trading losses, which you may incur and
by the directly visible dealing costs such as commissions, interest charges and brokerage fees, as well as
by the afore-mentioned invisible costs for you that are caused by our performance as a Market Maker.


81.9 If you are an active trader and you are undertaking numerous Transactions and/or Contracts, the total impact of visible as well as invisible costs may be signif icant. Consequently, you may have to obtain

signif icant prof its in order to cover the costs associated with the trading activities you undertake with us as
a Market Maker. For very active clients, such costs may over time exceed the value of the Margin
deposited with us. Normally, when trading Margined derivatives, the lower the percentage of the
applicable Margin rate, the higher the proportion of the costs associated with executing a Transaction
and/or Contract.


81.10 You are hereby specif ically made aware that in the area of Market Making in foreign exchange, CFD

Contracts and other OTC products, signif icant implied costs can arise as a consequence of the profits
made by us performing in our capacity as a Market Maker; thus, our performance as a Market Maker
may negatively af fect your Account with us and the said associated costs may neither directly visible nor
directly quantif iable for you at any time.


81.11 Please note that we are, at no time and under no circumstances obliged to disclose any details of our

performance or our income produced as a Market Maker, or otherwise related to other commissions,
charges and fees.


81.12 You are hereby specif ically made aware that CFDs may be OTC products quoted by us whilst operating as a Market Maker, and are not traded on a recognized stock exchange. As a result, the description above
of the implied, not visible costs related to our performance as a Market Maker, may also apply to any CFD


82. Conflicts of Interest

82.1 You should be aware that when and where we, our Associates or other persons or companies connected
with us, arrange Transactions and/or Contracts with you, we may have an interest, relationship or
arrangement that is material in relation to the Transaction and/or Contract concerned. Should such a
conf lict of interest arise we will seek to resolve such conf lict in such a way as we believe is in your best
interests in accordance with our conf licts of interest policy (as amended or extended f rom time to time)
(“Conflicts of Interest Policy”).


82.2 Specif ically you hereby acknowledge and conf irm that: (a) we may assign or transfer the execution of

your Orders to Associates and or other third parties, as we deem f it; (b) we may execute at the same
time Orders by dif ferent clients that are opposite to one another; (c) we may establish business, including
without limitation, trading relationships with other issuers of Financial Instruments and we may have a
f inancial interest in such Securities; (d) we act as a Market Maker and in this context there may be inherent
Conf licts of Interest; and (e) we may compensate and/or share our revenues f rom your activity with
Associates, partners and/or other similar parties performing marketing activities on our behalf . You
hereby further acknowledge and agree that we also may compensate other clients who you have elected to
follow and/or copy.


82.3 Full details of our Conflicts of Interest Policy are available on our Online Trading Facility. Our Conf licts of

Interest Policy is a policy only, it is NOT part of these Terms and Conditions and is not intended to be
contractually binding or impose or seek to impose any obligations on us which we would not otherwise
have, but for the Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations.


82.4 By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you expressly acknowledge and agree that we may transact

such business without prior reference to any potential specif ic Conf lict of Interest.

83. Special Provisions for Managed Accounts, Introduced Accounts or Third Party Vendors

83.1 If your Account is being managed by a trading advisor or is introduced to us, you acknowledge and

agree that we are responsible only for acting as counterparty to the you for Transactions and/or Contracts
in your Account and that we have no responsibilities, or obligations regarding any conduct, action,
representation or statement of any such Persons in connection with your Account or any Transactions
therein. You understand that we make no warranties nor representations concerning such trading advisor
or Introducing Broker, that we shall not be responsible for any loss to you occasioned by the actions of
such trading advisor or Introducer of Business/Af filiate, and that we do not, by implication or otherwise,
endorse or approve of the operating methods of such trading advisor or Introducer of Business/Af filiate. You further acknowledge and agree that: (a) any trading advisor or Introducer of Business/Af f iliate acts
as an independent intermediary for you; (b) unless you have been expressly advised otherwise in
writing by us, no such person is an af f iliate, employee or agent of us; (c) no such Person is authorized to
make any representations concerning us or the Services to be provided by us hereunder, except as may
be expressly authorized in writing by us; (d) we do not bear any responsibility whatsoever for whatever
agreements reached by and between you and any such trading advisor or Introducer of Business/Affiliate;
(e) your agreement with any such trading advisor or Introducer of Business/Af filiate may result in additional
costs, since we may be obliged to pay commission fees or charges to such trading advisor or Introducer
of Business/Af f iliate.


83.2 You agree to waive any claims, which you may have against us, and to indemnify and hold us harmless

for any actions or omissions of any such Introducer of Business/Af f iliate or any of its associated persons.

84. Acknowledgements

84.1 You acknowledge, recognize and understand that trading and investments in leveraged as well as non-

leveraged Transactions and/or Contracts is: (a) highly speculative; (b) may involve an extreme degree of
risk; and (c) is appropriate only for persons who, if they trade on Margin, can assume a substantial risk of
loss in excess of their Margin deposit.


84.2 You further acknowledge, recognize and understand that: (a) because of the low level of Margin normally

required in highly leveraged transactions, price changes in the Underlying Security may result in signif icant
losses, which losses may substantially exceed your investment and Margin deposit; (b) certain Market
Conditions may make it dif f icult or impossible to execute Orders at a stipulated price; (c) when you instruct
us to enter into any Transaction and/or Contract, any prof it or loss arising as a result of a f luctuation in the
value of the Underlying Security will be entirely for your account and risk; (d) we will not provide any advice
to you; therefore, you agree not to hold us responsible for any losses incurred as a consequence of following
any of our suggestions or those of our employees, associates or representatives, unless we have exercised
gross negligence in connection herewith; (e) we shall not conduct any continuous monitoring of the
Transactions and/or Contracts entered into by you; accordingly, we cannot be held responsible for any
Transactions and/or Contracts developing dif ferently f rom what you might have presupposed and/or to your
disadvantage; (f ) guarantees of prof it or f reedom f rom loss are impossible in investment trading; (g) you
have received no such guarantees or similar representations f rom us, nor f rom any of our Associates, from
an Introducer of Business/Af f iliate, or representatives hereof or f rom any other entity with whom you are


84.3 In light of the risks, you should undertake such transactions only if you understand the nature of the trading

into which you are about to engage and the extent of your exposure to risk. Trading in leveraged Securities
is not suitable for many members of the public and you should carefully consider whether such trading is
appropriate for you in light of your experience, objectives, f inancial resources and other relevant
circumstances. You acknowledge and conf irm that you have been advised and understand the following
factors concerning trading in leveraged Financial Instruments in the Over-the- Counter Market, in addition
to those contained in the Risk Disclosure Statement posted on our Online Trading Facility.


a. General: When you enter into foreign currency contracts with us, you will be entering into a privately

negotiated Transaction and/or Contract with us, as Principal. We may, in turn, enter into "back-to-back"
transactions with others, including our Associates and third party counterparties. We include our
mark-up in the Price Quotes we provide to you. The Transactions and/or Contracts in leveraged
Securities you may be entering into with us are NOT executed on a regulated exchange and are not
cleared on a central clearing organization. Consequently, any Transaction and/or Contract entered
into with us will be an obligation on our part (as opposed to an obligation of a clearinghouse as in the
case of an exchange-traded contract) and you will not be af forded the regulatory and f inancial
protections of fered by exchange-traded contracts. Both of us are, therefore, obliged to perform our
respective obligations under each Transaction and/or Contract in accordance with its terms. The terms
of each Transaction and/or Contract are set out in these Terms and Conditions (which apply to every
Transaction and/or Contract you enter into with us) and the Settlement/Trade Conf irmation (which
applies to each particular Transaction and/or Contract). Because each Transaction and/or Contract
is a transaction between you and us, and is not cleared on a central clearinghouse, you will not
be able to transfer your obligations under the Transaction and/or contract to another Person without our prior consent. In addition, we are under no obligation to terminate or close out the Transaction

and/or Contact prior to the expiration date o f that Transaction and/or Contract. We may, but are not
obligated, to quote you a price for an early close out of a Transaction and/or Contract, on request.

b. Effect of "Leverage" or "Gearing": Transactions in leveraged Securities carry a high degree of
risk. The amount of Initial Margin may be small relative to the value of the Securities traded so that
Transactions and/or Contracts are 'leveraged' or 'geared'. A relatively small market movement may
have a proportionately larger impact on the funds you have deposited or will have to deposit: this may
work against you as well as for you. You may sustain a total loss of initial Margin funds and any
additional funds deposited with us to maintain your position. If the Market moves against your position
or Margin Levels are increased, you may be called upon to pay substantial additional funds on
short notice to maintain your position. You may sustain a total loss of initial Margin funds and any
additional funds deposited with us to maintain your position. We reserve the right to liquidate positions
without prior notice in the case of any Margin shortfall or if you fail to comply with a request for
additional funds within the time prescribed. Furthermore, you should be aware that we and/or our
Associates may f rom time to time have substantial positions in, and may make a market in or
otherwise buy or sell instruments similar or economically related to, Transactions and/or Contracts
entered into with you. In addition, we may also undertake proprietary trading activities, the initiation or
termination of a foreign currency contract transaction with you that may adversely af fect the Market
price or other factors underlying the Transactions and/or Contracts entered into with you and
consequently, the value of such Transaction and/or Contract.


LMT may at any time and f rom time to time amend the leverage ratios (i.e., decrease or increase the
leverage ratios) in its sole discretion and without any notice on a case by case basis on all or any
Accounts of the Client and based on any parameter it chooses, including applying dif ferent leverage
ratios to dif ferent investments or times or in relation to external events such as government
announcements or any news. Any change in the leverage ratio may take ef fect before or af ter an
Order is completed. A decrease in the leverage ratio will af fect your Margin Level, Margin Call Level,
Stop-out Level and may trigger a Margin Call. We will not be liable to you for any loss arising f rom any
change in the leverage ratios, even if that automatically causes any or all of your trading positions to
be closed out or if your Account is treated dif ferently f rom other clients’ Accounts. Any monitoring by
LMT is for its compliance and risk management and you should not rely on LMT to monitor your trading
or the ef fect of any change in the leverage ratios applying to your Account. For further information on
the leverage of fered per f inancial instrument, please refer to our website.

c. Option Transactions: We currently do NOT of fer foreign currency options.

d. Trading in Transactions in leveraged Financial Instruments is Speculative: Prices of leveraged
Securities are highly volatile. Price movements of Transactions and/or Contracts in leveraged
Securities are inf luenced by, among other things, interest rates, changes in balance of payments and
trade, domestic and international rates of inf lation, international trade restrictions and currency
devaluations and revaluations. For example, there can be serious Market Disruptions if economic or
political events locally or overseas af fect the market. It is not possible to foresee all risks in advance.

e. Electronic Trading Facilities: Most Electronic Trading Facilities are supported by computer-based
component systems for the Order-routing, execution, matching, registration or clearing of trades. As with
all facilities and systems, they are vulnerable to temporary disruption or failure. Your ability to recover
certain losses may be subject to limits on liability imposed by the system provider, the market, the
clearing house and/or member f irms. Such limits may vary.

f. Electronic Trading: You will trade in Securities through our Online Trading Facility. Trading on an
electronic trading system may dif fer not only f rom trading in an ‘open-outcry’ Market, but also f rom
trading on other electronic trading systems. If you undertake transactions on an electronic trading
system, you will be exposed to risks associated with the system including the failure of hardware and
sof tware. The result of any system failure may be that your Order is either not executed according to
your instructions, is not executed at all and a lack of capability to keep you informed continuously
about your positions and fulf ilment of the Margin requirements. Since we do not control signal power,
its reception or routing via internet, conf iguration of your equipment or reliability of its connection, we
cannot be responsible for communication failures, distortions or delays when trading on-line via the Internet. We do, however, employ back-up systems and contingency plans to minimize the possibility

of system failure, and trading via telephone is available in those instances where specif ically agree, at
our sole discretion, to do so.

g. Commissions and other charges: Before you begin to trade, you should obtain a clear explanation
of all commission, fees, mark ups, markdowns and other charges for which you will be liable. These
charges will af fect your net prof it (if any) or increase your loss.

h. Risk-reducing and entry Order strategies: The placing of certain Orders (‘Stop-Loss’ Orders or
‘Stop-Limit’ Orders, ‘Entry Buy’ Orders or ‘Entry Sell’ Orders) which are intended to limit risk, may
not be ef fective because Market conditions may make it impossible to execute these Orders.
Strategies using combinations of positions, such as ‘spread’ and ‘straddle’ positions may be just
as risky as taking long or short positions. Clients’ Orders will become Market Orders when the
predetermined price level is reached, even if the price is considerably dif ferent f rom the original

i. Suspension or restriction of trading and pricing relationships: Market conditions (e.g., liquidity)
and/or the operation of the rules of certain Markets (e.g., the suspension of trading in any Security or
underlying Security because of price limits or "circuit breakers") may increase the risk of loss by making
it dif ficult or impossible to effect Transactions and/or Contracts or liquidate/offset positions. Furthermore,
normal pricing relationships between the Underlying Security and the Security traded may not exist. The
absence of a price for a Security may make it dif f icult to judge "fair" value.

j. Deposited cash and property: You should familiarize yourself with the protections accorded to
money or other property you deposit for domestic and foreign Transactions and/or Contracts,
particularly in the event of a f irm insolvency or bankruptcy. The extent to which you may recover
your money or property may be governed by specif ic legislation or local rules. In some jurisdictions,
property, which has been specif ically identif iable as your own, will be pro-rated in the same manner
as cash for purposes of distribution in the event of a shortfall. The Transactions and/or Contracts you
are entering into with us are NOT traded on an exchange. Therefore, under applicable bankruptcy laws,
your funds may NOT receive the same protections as funds used to Margin or guarantee exchange-
traded Transactions and/or contracts, which may receive a priority in bankruptcy. Since that same
priority has NOT been given to funds used for Transactions and/or Contracts in the Over-the-Counter
(OTC) Market, if we were to become insolvent and you have a claim for amounts deposited or profits
earned on Transactions and/or Contracts with us your claim may not receive priority. Without priority,
you are a general creditor and your claim will be paid, along with the claims of other general creditors,
f rom any funds still available af ter priority claims are paid. In these circumstances, even the Client
Money, which we keep separated f rom our own operating funds, may NOT in all instances be safe
f rom the claims of other general and priority creditors.

k. Currency risks: The prof it or loss in Transactions and/or Contracts in leveraged Securities (whether
they are traded in your own or in another jurisdiction) will be af fected by f luctuations in currency rates
where there is a need to convert f rom the currency denomination of the position taken to another

l. Transactions in other jurisdictions: Transactions on markets in other jurisdictions, including Markets
formally linked to a domestic market, may expose you to further, additional risk. Such markets may be
subject to regulation, which may of fer dif ferent or diminished investor protection. Before you trade,
you should enquire about any rules relevant to your particular Transactions and/or Contracts. Your
local regulatory authority will be unable to compel the enforcement of the rules of regulatory
authorities or markets in other jurisdictions where your Transactions and/or Contracts have been
ef fected. You should enquire about the types of redress available in both your home jurisdiction and
other relevant jurisdictions before you start to trade.

m. Quoting and Execution Errors: Should quoting and/or execution errors occur, which may include,
but are not limited to, a dealer’s mistype of a quote, a quote or trade which is not representative of fair
Market prices, an erroneous price quote, such as, but not limited to, a wrong big f igure quote or an
erroneous quote due to failure of hardware, sof tware or communication lines or systems and/or
inaccurate external data feeds provided by third-party vendors, we will not be liable for the resulting errors in your Account balances. In addition, Orders must be placed allowing suf f icient time to execute,

as well as, suf f icient time for the system to calculate necessary Margin requirements. The execution
of Orders placed too close to prices, which would trigger other Orders (regardless of Order type) or a
Margin call, cannot be guaranteed. We will not be liable for the resulting Margin call(s), resulting balance,
and/or positions in your Account due to the system not having been allowed suf f icient time to execute
and/or calculate accordingly. The foregoing list is not meant to be exhaustive and in the event of a
quoting or execution error, we reserve the right to make the necessary corrections or adjustments
on the Accounts involved. Any dispute arising f rom such quoting or execution errors will be resolved
by us in our sole and absolute discretion. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless f rom any and
all damages or liability as a result of the foregoing. No correspondence will be entered into.

n. Off-Exchange Transactions: The Transactions and/or Contracts you are entering into with us as
counterparty are NOT traded on an exchange, but in the of f -exchange/Over-the-Counter (OTC)
Market. In general, the Over-The-Counter (OTC) Market is unregulated, there are no limitations on
daily price movements (unless imposed by a government or central bank authority), no rules to
regulate valuation or settlement procedures, and no minimum f inancial requirements for market
participants. Accordingly, it may be difficult or impossible to liquidate an existing position, to assess the
value, to determine a fair price or to assess the exposure to risk. For these reasons, these transactions
may involve increased risks. Of f -exchange Transactions may be less regulated or subject to a
separate regulatory regime. Before you undertake such Transactions, you should familiarize yourself
with applicable rules and attendant risks.


84.4 In addition to the foregoing, it is important that you be fully aware of the following points:

a. We reserve the right to close part, or all, of your open positions, in order to facilitate the charge of any
fees or amounts due by you. Notwithstanding, you shall be liable for promptly paying such fee(s) to us,
even if you suf fer full loss of all Margin deposited by you.

b. In case any Underlying Instrument is not available for trading for any reason (including but not limited
to insolvency reasons, management decisions, etc.), we reserve the right to close any open/pending
positions on the last quoted price as this is obtained f rom our liquidity providers.


c. We do NOT guarantee any Order. Placing ‘stops (“Stops”)’, regardless of the entry or closing

designation, does not guarantee that the trade will be f illed at the Order price. All ‘Entry Stops’ and
‘Stops’ will be f illed, upon activation, at the f irst/best available market price, which may or may not match
the requested Order price.

d. In the event liquidity providers are unable to provide liquidity to us, your Order may experience delays
in execution or you may not be able to place Orders entirely. The size of the Order may also impede
the speed at which the Order is executed. Keep in mind that it is necessary to enter any Order only
once. Multiple entries for the same Order may inadvertently open unwanted positions.

e. While trading on our Online Trading Facility, you might encounter system errors that are resulted
f rom hardware and/or sof tware failures. The result of any system failure may be that your Order is
either not executed according to your instructions, executing with account balance errors and
discrepancies or not executed at all. We will not be liable for the resulting errors in your Account
balances. We reserve the right to make the necessary corrections or adjustments on the Account

f. No system exists that could assure you that Transactions in leveraged Financial Instruments should
bring you great benef its, nor is it possible to guarantee, that your Transactions and/or Contracts will
yield favourable results.

g. Even though the foreign currencies, commodities and indices markets are liquid as compared with
other f inancial and exchange markets, the market conditions might at times render the execution of
an Order or of a ‘limit’ on an Order (either ‘Stop Loss’ or ‘Take Prof it’) at a stipulated price impossible.
Accordingly, even though the extent of the losses could be subjected to an agreed upon limit, the risk
of incurring losses could be higher, and that loss could occur in a relatively short period of time.

h. Since deposit of an additional guarantee is not obligatory in this case, we reserve the right, at our 
sole discretion, to close any outstanding balances without your consent under these circumstances.

i. Under abnormal Market conditions, CFDs may f luctuate rapidly to ref lect unforeseeable events that
cannot be controlled either by us or by you. Such circumstances may limit partially or fully your ability
to trade.


j. Our Online Trading Platform does not support negative prices of f inancial instruments. In the unlikely

event of the price of any f inancial instrument reaching zero (0) or going below, our Online Trading
Platform will automatically start closing any open positions at the current market price.

k. It is important to make a distinction between Indicative Quotes, which are displayed on charts and
Dealable Quotes which are displayed on our Online Trading Facility. Indicative Quotes only give an
indication of where the Market is. Because the derivatives products Markets are decentralized,
meaning they lack a single central exchange where all transactions are conducted, each Market
Maker may quote slightly dif ferent prices. Therefore, any prices displayed on any chart made available
by us or by a third party will only ref lect "Indicative Quotes", and not necessarily actual "Dealable
Quotes" in respect of which Transactions or trades can be executed.

l. The risk information presented here does not ref lect all of the risks as well as other important aspects
intrinsic to Transactions in leveraged Securities. Therefore, before starting to trade, you should learn
the specif ics of entering into such Transactions in detail or seek further professional advice.

m. Unless you have elected to carry a trade over the weekend, all trades will automatically close out in the
real money mode when market closes at the end of the business week at the rates available on the end
of the last trading day of the relevant week. All statements with respect to real money accounts will be
open during the weekend and all traders are welcome to view their trading Account info. We reserve
the right not to of fset Contracts carried over the weekend shortly af ter markets are open. We may, at
our sole discretion, allow of fsetting Contracts carried over the weekend when market liquidity conditions
are reasonable.

n. There are a series of inherent risks with the use of the mobile trading technology such as the duplication
of Order instructions, latency in the prices provided, and other issues that are a result of mobile
connectivity. Prices displayed on our mobile platform are solely an indication of the executable rates
and may not ref lect the actual executed price of the Order. Our mobile feature utilizes public
communication network circuits for the transmission of messages. We shall not be liable for any and all
circumstances in which you experience a delay in Price Quotes or an inability to trade caused by
network circuit transmission problems or any other problems outside our direct control, which include
but are not limited to the strength of the mobile signal, cellular latency, or any other issues that may
arise between you and any internet service provider, phone service provider, or any other service
provider. Please further note that some of the features available on our Online Trading Facility may not
be available on our mobile feature.


85. Further Representations, Warranties and Covenants

85.1 In addition to, and without prejudice, to any other representations, warranties and covenants set forth in

this Agreement, you hereby further represent, warrant, covenant and agree: (a) that you act as Principal
and sole benef icial owner (but not as trustee) in entering into this Agreement and each Transaction and/or
Contract performed hereunder and that no Person other than you has or will have an interest in your
Account(s); (b) that, regardless of any subsequent determination to the contrary, trading in leveraged
Financial Instruments on the Over-the-Counter Market (and in such other investments as we may f rom time
to time agree) is suitable for you and that you are aware of all risks involved with such Transactions
and/or Contracts; and (c) that you are willing and f inancially able to sustain a total loss of funds resulting
f rom Transactions and/or Contracts performed hereunder.


85.2 By using our Online Trading Facility, you represent, warrant, covenant and declare that all the funds that

you use and invest on our Services do not originate in any way f rom drug traf f icking, abduction, terrorist
activity or any other criminal activity that is unlawful or could be considered unlawful by any authority. In
the event that we may become suspicious that you may be engaging in or have engaged in such fraudulent, unlawful or improper activity, including, without limitation, money laundering activities, or conduct otherwise in violation of these Terms and Conditions, your access to our Online Trading Facility
may be terminated immediately and/or your Account may be blocked. If your Account is terminated or
blocked in such circumstances, we are under no obligation to refund any funds that may be in your account,
unless otherwise instructed by a relevant regulatory authority. In addition to terminating your access to
our Online Trading Facility and/or blocking your Account, we reserve the right to prevent you f rom
accessing any of our websites or servers, or accessing any other services of fered by us. We shall be
entitled to inform the relevant authorities, other online service providers and banks, credit card companies,
electronic payment providers or other f inancial institutions of your identity and of any suspected unlawful,
f raudulent or improper activity and you will cooperate fully with us to investigate any such activity.


85.3 The above representations and warranties shall be deemed to be repeated each time in the future you

enter into a Transaction or Contract or provide Instructions to us, for the duration of our business


85.4 You covenant to us that: (a) you will at all times obtain and comply, and do all that is necessary to maintain

in full force and ef fect, all authority, powers, consents, licences and authorisations referred to in this clause;
(b) you will promptly notify us of the occurrence of any Event of Default or potential Event of Default; (c)
you will use all reasonable steps to comply with all Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations in relation
to this Agreement and any Transaction and/or Contract hereunder, so far as they are applicable to you
or us; (d) you will not send Orders or otherwise take any action that could create a false impression of
the demand or value for Financial Instrument, or send Orders which you have reason to believe are in breach
of Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations (e) you shall observe the standard of behaviour reasonably
expected of persons in your position and not take any step which would cause us to fail to observe the
standard of behaviour reasonably expected of persons in our respective positions; and (e) upon demand,
you will provide us with such information as we may reasonably require to evidence the matters referred
to in this clause or to comply with any Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations.


85.5 You represent and agree that, if you are employee or contractor of a f inancial services firm or any other f irm

that has controls over the f inancial transactions in which its employees and contractors deal, you will give us
proper notice of this and of any restrictions that apply to your dealings. In such case, we reserve the right to
request for acknowledgement/confirmation letter f rom the Compliance Department of your f irm regarding the
trading accounts/transactions that are held/being carried out with our Company.


85.6 You further represent and agree that you will not use our bid and ask prices for any purpose other than for

your own trading purposes, and you agree not to redistribute our bid and ask prices to any other person
whether such redistribution be for commercial or other purposes.


86. Information Disclosure

86.1 Neither Party shall disclose any information relating to the business, investments, f inances or other matters

of a conf idential nature of the other Party of which it may in the course of its duties or otherwise become
possessed, and each Party shall use all reasonable endeavours to prevent any such disclosure. However,
this shall not apply if a Party is obliged hereto due to prevailing legislation, or to a legislative or supervising
authority, or to another Person who according to the law is entitled to demand disclosure, or in order to enable
the Party suf f iciently to fulf il its obligations pursuant to these Terms.


86.2 By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you authorize us to disclose such information relating to you as

may be required by any Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations or regulatory authority, including any
applicable Market Rules, without prior notice to you.


86.3 By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you authorize us to share personal information submitted by you

to us with any duly licensed f inancial entity, with any of our Associates for the purpose of providing trade
recommendations, trading activities, sales and marketing information, including new products and services,
and with any third party agency that is working on our behalf with the purpose of performing client analysis for
the use of our sales and marketing; furthermore, we may share such information with any trading advisor or
Introducing Broker for the purpose of completing the due diligence to, and the approval of , your Account
Opening Application Form(s).

87. FATCA 

87.1 The Company, its Associates and service providers may collect, store and process information obtained

f rom the Client or otherwise in connection with the Agreement and the Transactions for the purpose of
complying with FATCA or other Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations, including disclosures between
themselves and to governmental authorities. The Client acknowledges that this may include transfers of
information to jurisdictions which do not have strict data protection, data privacy laws or banking secrecy
laws. The Client shall ensure that, before it or anyone on its behalf discloses information relating to any third
party to the Company, its Associates or service providers in connection with these Terms and Conditions or
any Transactions that said third party has been provided with such information and given such consents or
waivers as are necessary to allow the Company, its Associates and its or their agents and service providers
to collect, store, process and disclose his, her or its information as described in this clause.

87.2 By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you authorize us to provide, directly or indirectly, to any relevant
tax authorities or any party authorised to audit or conduct a similar control of the Company for tax purposes
information obtained f rom the Client or otherwise in connection with the Agreement and the Transactions
and to disclose to such tax authorities any additional information that the Company may have in its
possession that is relevant to your Account.

88. Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”)

88.1 The CRS provides for the annual automatic exchange of f inancial account information between participating

jurisdictions. Such f inancial institutions, one of which is the Company, need to submit the relevant information
to their local tax authorities who will then forward it to the respective foreign tax authorities.


88.2 For the above purposes, and similarly to FATCA, the Company, its Associates and service providers may

collect, store and process information obtained from the Client or otherwise in connection with the Agreement
and the Transactions for the purpose of complying with CRS or other Applicable Laws, Rules and/or
Regulations, including disclosures between themselves and to governmental authorities. The Client
acknowledges that this may include transfers of information to jurisdictions which do not have strict data
protection, data privacy laws or banking secrecy laws. The Client shall ensure that, before it or anyone on
its behalf discloses information relating to any third party to the Company, its Associates or service providers
in connection with these Terms and Conditions or any Transactions that the said third party has been
provided with such information and given such consents or waivers as are necessary to allow the Company,
its Associates and its or their agents and service providers to collect, store, process and disclose his, her or
its information as described in this clause.


88.3 By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you authorize us to provide, directly or indirectly, to any relevant

tax authorities or any party authorised to audit or conduct a similar control of the Company for tax purposes
information obtained f rom the Client or otherwise in connection with the Agreement and the Transactions
and to disclose to such tax authorities any additional information that the Company may have in its
possession that is relevant to your Account.


88.4 By accepting these Terms and Conditions you conf irm that the Company holds accurate, up to date and

complete information about your tax residency.

88.5 You undertake to advise the Company within 30 days of any change in circumstances which af fects your tax
residence status or causes the information to become incorrect or incomplete.


89. Regulatory Matters

89.1 Unless otherwise permitted by the any Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations, nothing in this Agreement

shall be taken to exclude or restrict our obligations under the FSC Rules or any other Applicable Laws, Rules
and/or Regulations.


89.2 We shall be entitled to take any action as we consider necessary, at our sole and absolute discretion, to

ensure compliance with the FSC Rules or any other Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations and such
actions shall be binding on you and shall not render us or any of our Associates liable.

89.3 You hereby expressly acknowledge and agree that upon reasonable written notice f rom us, and at our f irst 
request, you will co-operate with the Financial Services Commission (“FSC”) in Belize and any other relevant
regulator of in relation to the matters covered by this Agreement.


90. Tax Implications

90.1 We shall not provide any advice to our clients on any tax issues related to any of our Services. You are

advised to obtain individual independent counsel f rom your f inancial advisor(s), auditor(s) or legal counsel
with respect to any tax implications of our Services.


90.2 You further know, understand and agree that, in general, we do not collect tax on behalf of any authority

in any form or manner whatsoever. You are solely responsible to manage tax implications related to
the income you derive f rom your trading activity on or through our Online Trading Facility.


90.3 Without limiting the foregoing, it is solely your obligation to calculate and pay all taxes applicable to you

in your country of residence, or otherwise arising as a result of your trading activity f rom and/or the access
and/or use of our Services.


90.4 Without derogating f rom your sole and entire responsibility to perform tax payments, you agree that we

may deduct tax, as may be required by the Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations, with respect to
your trading activity on the Trading Platform. You are aware that we have a right of set-off against any amounts
in your trading account with respect to such tax deductions, and you hereby authorize us to withdraw amounts
f rom your trading account with which to pay such taxes. You are aware that amounts that may be withdrawn
by you f rom your Account are "gross amounts", f rom which we may deduct such taxes, as the case may
be, and that you shall have no claim towards us with regard to such deductions.


90.5 Should any change in the basis or scope of taxation occur at anytime which results in us having to withhold

amounts on account of Taxes owed or payable by you in respect of any Applicable Laws and Regulations
in respect of your transactions or your account with us, we reserve the right to deduct the amount of any
such payment(s) f rom your account(s) or otherwise require you to pay or reimburse us for such payment(s).


91. Intellectual Property

91.1 All copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other title, ownership rights and Intellectual Property

Rights in and/or relating to: (a) our Online Trading Facility; (b) our Services; (c) any other of our platforms
or Sof tware (including, without limitation, Demos and any relevant System Documentation and/or users'
manuals); (d) this Agreement; (e) the Price Quotes we provide; and/or (f ) any Pricing Data or other
information transmitted via our Online Trading Facility or otherwise, (hereinaf ter, collectively, referred to as
Intellectual Property Assets”), are our sole and exclusive property and/or, as the case may be, of our the
third party service provider(s) which granted us the right to supply them (“Third Party Licensors”). Our
Online Trading Facility (including, without limitation, any other of our platforms or Sof tware) may incorporate
third party data, text, images, sof tware, multi-media materials and other content (“Third Party Content”)
and references to the term “Intellectual Property Assets” shall be taken to include all materials, content
and services made available f rom time to time via our Online Trading Facility, whether viewed on screen or
downloaded to another computer including, without limitation, Third Party Content.


91.2 All Intellectual Property Assets, including but not limited to all copyrights, trademarks, patents, service

marks, trade names, sof tware code, icons, logos, characters, layouts, trade secrets, buttons, colour scheme
and graphics are protected by local and international intellectual property laws and treaties, including all
copyright laws and regulations and remain vested in us or in our Third Party Licensors. You receive no
copyright, intellectual property rights or other rights in or to our Intellectual Property Assets, except for the
right to access and use them in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement or pursuant
and/or as granted to you in any agreement you may have with one of our Third Party Licensors. You will
protect and not violate our Intellectual Property Assets any Third Party Licensor’s proprietary rights therein
and honour and comply with our reasonable requests to protect our and each of our Third Party Licensors’
contractual, statutory and common law rights therein. If you become aware of any violation of our or a Third
Party Licensor’s proprietary rights in any Intellectual Property Assets, you will notify us promptly in writing

91.3 Under no circumstances shall you remove any copyright notif ication f rom any of our Intellectual Property 
Assets or unlawfully use any of our Intellectual Property Assets. You will not publish, distribute, or otherwise
make any of our Intellectual Property Assets available to third parties any information derived f rom or
relating to our Intellectual Property Assets, Website(s), Services, Online Trading Facility and/or Sof tware
provided. Except as otherwise specif ically agreed in writing or to the extent necessary for you to view our
Online Trading Facility in accordance with these Terms, you shall not: (a) copy, interfere with, tamper with,
alter, amend or modify any of our Intellectual Property Assets and/or any component thereof , in whole or in
part (except to make backup copies solely for disaster recovery purposes); (b) display, reproduce, create
derivative works f rom, transmit, sell, distribute, rent, lease, sublicense, time-share, lend or transfer or in any
way exploit our Intellectual Property Assets and/or any component thereof , in whole or in part; (c) embed
our Intellectual Property Assets and/or any component thereof , into other products; (d) use our Intellectual
Property Assets and/or any component thereof , in any timesharing arrangement; (e) create function calls
or other embedded links f rom any sof tware program to our Intellectual Property Assets and/or any
component thereof ; (f ) remove or obscure any of our copyright notices or those of any of our Third Party
Licensors f rom any of our Intellectual Property Assets and/or any component thereof , (g) use any of our
trademarks, service marks, trade names, domain names, logos, or other identif iers, or those of any of our
Third Party Licensors (collectively “Marks”); or (h) save to the extent permitted by Applicable Laws, Rules
and/or Regulations reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or access the source code of any of our
Intellectual Property Assets and/or any component thereof .


91.4 Any copies of our Online Trading Facility, or any part thereof , made in accordance with any Applicable

Laws, Rules and/or Regulations are subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You shall ensure
that all our trademark, copyright and restricted rights notices, and where appropriate those of our Third
Party licensors, are reproduced on these copies. You shall maintain an up-to-date written record of the
number of such copies made by you. If we so request, you shall as soon as reasonably practical, provide
to us a statement of the number and whereabouts of any and all of such copies.


91.5 Any permitted use of Marks shall be subject to our Third Party Licensors’, quality control standards, and all

associated goodwill shall inure to our Third Party Licensors’ benef it.

92. Privacy and Data Protection

92.1 You acknowledge that by entering into this Agreement and opening a trading account with us and using

our Online Trading Facility, you will be providing us with personal data within the meaning of the General
Data Protection Regulation (679/2016) or any other similar applicable law/regulation as may be in force
f rom time to time. You provide your consent to us to process all such information for the purposes of
complying with our legal obligations, performing our contractual obligations and administering the
relationship between you and us. You acknowledge and agree that this may result in your personal
information being sent outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). You consent to us processing and
disclosing such information in accordance with this Agreement and our Privacy Policy as published on our
website(s), as this may be updated f rom time to time.


92.2 We are the Data Controller for the purposes of all applicable Personal Data Protection Legislation. For all

information regarding privacy and data protection as well as for the legal bases and purposes of the
processing of your personal data and other relevant information, please read the complete terms of our
Privacy Policy carefully, before submitting an application for the opening of a trading account with us.


92.3 As per the applicable Data Protection Legislation, you have certain rights regarding the Personal Data we

collect and hold about you at the time of request. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details in
relation to these rights and how you may exercise them.


92.4 You acknowledge that we may collect, use and disclose Personal Data about you, including Personal Data

you may voluntarily disclose to us in any manner, so that we can:
• assess and process your Application for the opening of a trading account;
• carry out our contractual obligations under this Agreement;
• administer and carry out our everyday business activities and dealings with you in relation to your trading

• compile statistical analysis of the pages of our Online Trading Facility visited;
• monitor and analyse our business;

• participate in f raud/crime and money laundering prevention, legal and regulatory compliance; 
• market and develop other products and services;
• transfer any of our rights or obligations under these this Agreement; and
• process clients’ Personal Data for other related purposes.

If you choose to withhold Personal Data (other than special categories of personal data) requested in order
for us to be able to provide our services to you, as required by applicable laws and regulations, we may not
be able to process your application and/or provide you access to our Online Trading Facility.


92.5 We will not obtain or require disclosure of special categories of Personal Data (such as ethnic origin, religion

or medical records) but if you choose to provide such Personal Data, we may assume such sensitive data
is provided with your consent for processing for the purposes for which such Personal Data was provided,
unless otherwise notif ied by you to us in writing.


92.6 You directly provide us with most of the Information we collect. You do this by f illing out the electronic

form(s) (including, without limitation, the Account Opening Application Form(s)) that we post on our Online
Trading Facility and by voluntarily providing us with other required documents. Additionally, you provide us
with Information by trading on our systems, by contacting us or by responding to a promotion; the
information we indirectly collect may include logging your Internet Protocol (IP) address, sof tware
conf iguration, operating system and use of Cookies; Cookies are small f iles containing information that a
Website uses to track its visitors which may be sent f rom us to your computer and sometimes back. Cookies
ultimately help us improve your navigation and ease of use of our Online Trading Facility. We may set and
access Cookies on your computer, enabling us to learn which advertisements and promotions bring users
to our Online Trading Facility. We may use cookies in connection with any of our Products and/or Services
and to track your activities on our Online Trading Facility. Such information that we collect and share would
be anonymous and not personally identif iable.


92.7 We obtain, hold and use the Information we collect f rom you in accordance with data protection and anti-

money laundering legislation and only for the purposes for which this information is collected. You agree
that we can rely on, hold and process your information for the purpose of performing our obligations under
this Agreement, including verifying your identity as per our legal obligations, administering the relationship
with you, managing your Account and contacting you f rom time to time, recovering amounts payable,
considering any of your applications, carrying out risk assessment, complying with regulatory obligations,
and undertaking product development and analysis.


Also, the Information you provide us helps us to improve our Services to you, customize your browsing
experience and inform you about additional products, services or promotions that may be of interest to you.
Should you ever deactivate your Account with us, we will keep your information on f ile, but only use it to
comply with regulatory retention requirements and to contact you occasionally with the option to reactivate
your account. Please note that you may opt-out/unsubscribe f rom receiving such communications by us, at
any time, by clicking the “unsubscribe button” that can be found on each of our emails.


92.8 In order to provide services to you, you acknowledge that it may be necessary for your information to be

transferred to someone who provides a service to us in other countries, including some outside of the
European Economic Area (“EEA”), and you consent to such transfer. To the extent we transfer your
information outside the EEA, we will ensure that the transfer is lawful and that Processors in third countries
are obligated to comply with the European data protection standards and to provide appropriate safeguards
in relation to the transfer of your data in accordance with GDPR Article 46. Where we make transfers to
processors in the US, we may in some cases rely on applicable standard contractual clauses, binding
corporate rules, the EU-US Privacy Shield or any other equivalent applicable arrangements.


In view of the above, your personal information may be processed by staf f operating outside the EEA who
work for us or for one of our processors. Such staff may be, among others, engaged in the fulf ilment of your
requests, the processing of your payment details and the provision of support services. By submitting your
personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing and processing. The Company will take all steps
reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy


92.9 Neither we nor any of our Associates will disclose any Personal Data collected about you to third parties except: (i) to the extent that it is required to do so by under and/or pursuant to any Applicable Laws, Rules

and/or Regulations; (ii) where there is a duty to the public to disclose; (iii) where our legitimate business
interests require disclosure; or (iv) at your request or with your consent or to Persons described below.
Also, we do not disclose or share Information about any of our clients (whether active or inactive) to any
non-af f iliated third parties other than in the manner and to the entities set forth below:


a. Sharing Information with our Associates: We may share personal information described above

with our Associates for business purposes, such as, but not limited to, servicing client’s Accounts and
informing client’s about new products and services, or to aid in the trading activity of our company, its
af f iliates, or employees, and as permitted by applicable law. Our Associates may include companies
controlled or owned by us as well as companies that have an ownership interest in our company. The
information we share with af f iliates may include any of the information described above, such as your
name, address, trading experience and account information. Our Associates are committed to
maintaining the privacy of your information to the same extent we do in accordance with the provisions
set forth herein and in our Privacy Policy.


b. Sharing Information with Third Parties: We do not disclose your personal information to third

parties, except as described herein. Third party disclosures made by us in accordance herewith may
include sharing such information with non-af f iliated companies that perform support services for your
Account or facilitate your Transactions and/or Contracts with us, including those that provide
professional, legal, or accounting advice to us or that are acting on behalf of us to investigate your
credit standing. Non-af f iliated companies that assist us in providing services to you are required to
maintain the conf identiality of such information to the extent they receive it and to use your personal
information only in the course of providing such services and only for the purposes that we dictate.
We may also disclose your personal information to third parties to fulf il your instructions or pursuant
to your express consent. We want you to know that we will not sell your personal information.


c. Regulatory Disclosure: Under limited circumstances, we may disclose your personal information

to third parties as permitted by, or required to comply with, Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations
in the jurisdiction of which you are a citizen or a permanent resident, and/or of the jurisdiction in which
we are organized and/or are performing the Services provided hereunder. For example, we may
disclose personal information to cooperate with regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies
to comply with subpoenas or other of ficial requests, and as necessary to protect our rights or
property. Except as described herein, we will not use your personal information for any other
purpose, unless we describe how such information will be used at the time you disclose it to us or we
obtain your permission.


We, Our Associates or a Third Party Service Provider may disclose Personal Data about you to those who provide
services to us, to any person to whom we, our Associates or a Third Party Service Provider transfers or proposes
to transfer any of our or its rights or obligations under these Terms, and to licensed credit reference agencies or
other organizations that help us, our Associates or Third Party Service Providers and others to make credit decisions
and reduce the incidence of fraud or in the course of carrying out identity, fraud prevention or credit control checks.


92.10 You consent to us, or our agents acting on our behalf , carrying out such credit and identity checks,

including money laundering checks, compliance regulatory reporting and f raud prevention checks, as we
may reasonably consider necessary or desirable, including requesting a reference f rom your bank or any
credit reference agency. You understand and agree that any third party referred to in this clause may share
any information concerning you with us and other organizations involved in credit reference, the prevention
of f raud and/or crime and/or money laundering or for similar purposes or to recover debts involved.

92.11 By submitting the Application Form to us, you agree to be bound by the terms of our Privacy Policy as set
out on our Website, including authorising us to contact you by email, telephone or post to give you
information about carefully selected products or services of fered by us, that are similar or related to
products or services provided or previously provided to you. You consent to us using your data for this
purpose for the period you have an Account with us, and af ter you close the Account for a period of five
(5) years. If you do not wish to receive such information then you may click on the “unsubscribe” button
on any of our emails. Alternatively, please inform us in writing at


92.12 Your telephone conversations, e-mails, internet conversations (chat), meetings and other communications

with us, our Associates and/or Third Party Providers will be recorded/maintained by us for security purposes, compliance with the Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations, training purposes as well as to

maintain and improve the quality of our Services. Any recordings shall be and shall remain our sole
property and will be accepted by you as conclusive evidence of their content as recorded by us. You agree
that we may deliver copies of transcripts of such recordings to any court, regulatory or government
authority, including without limitation, in disputes which may arise between you and us. However, technical
reasons may prevent us f rom recording a conversation, and recordings or transcripts made by us will be
securely destroyed in accordance with our normal practice. Consequently, you should not rely on such
recordings to be available.


92.13 We protect your Information by using data security technology and using tools such as f irewalls and data

encryption. We use Secure Socket Layer ('SSL') encryption technology in order to protect certain
Information that you submit. This type of technology protects you f rom having your Information intercepted
by anyone other than us while it is being transmitted to us. We work hard to ensure that our Online Trading
Facility is secure and that they meet industry standards. We also use other safeguards such as f irewalls,
authentication systems (e.g., passwords and personal identif ication numbers) and access control
mechanisms to control unauthorized access to systems and data. We also require that you use your
personal Access Codes (personal username and password) every time you access your account online.
We restrict access to Information at our of f ices so that only of f icers and/or employees who need to know
the Information have access to it.


92.14 Please note that we reserve the right to amend, revise, modify, and/or change our Privacy Polic(y)ies at

any time. Should we decide to make any changes to our Privacy Polic(y)ies, such changes shall be
incorporated into our revised Privacy Polic(y)ies which shall be posted on our Online Trading Facility. We
will use reasonable endeavours to contact you and notify you of any change to how we hold, process or
disclose information, by posting a notice on our Website or sending you an email to your last known email
address. If you do not tell us you object to this change in writing within 60 days of the notice and you
continue to maintain the Account af ter the expiry of this period of notice then we will regard you as having
agreed to it.


92.15 Should you have any questions regarding our Privacy Polic(y)ies, please contact our Data Protection

Of f icer at Please ensure you include your full name and Account number in order to
be able to verify your identity and process your request.


92.16 We may use ‘cookies’ or ‘IP address tracking devices’ to administer our Online Trading Facility, store

password and usernames, to monitor visits to pages on our Online Trading Facility f rom your terminal to
personalise our Online Trading Platform to you and to track and facilitate browsing through our Online
Trading Facility. A ‘cookie’ is a piece of data stored on your hard drive containing information about you
relating to the use of our Online Trading Facility. IP addresses may be linked to your Personal Data and
by tracking these addresses, we would be obtaining such Personal Data. Access to our Online Trading
Facility is conditional on acceptance by you of any ‘cookies’ and ‘IP address tracking devices’ described
in and for the purposes explained in this clause. By accepting these Terms, you acknowledge that you
understand the broad nature of ‘cookies’ and ‘IP address tracking’ devices and the purposes for which
they will be used by us.


92.17 You acknowledge and accept that any Services provided through our Online Trading Facility involve

transmissions over the Internet and that such transmissions are therefore subject to the Internet's inherent
risks. Whilst we acknowledge our responsibility to take reasonable security precautions, you also
acknowledge and accept that, as with any network, you may also be exposed to unauthorized programs
transmitted by third parties, electronic trespassing and/or the failure of information and data to reach their
intended destinations and/or erroneous receipt or misdirection of such information. Although our, our
Associates’ and our Third Party Service Providers’ and security features are designed to reduce these
risks, we cannot guarantee their elimination. You therefore acknowledge that no transmission via our
Online Trading Facility shall be guaranteed to be conf idential and that we shall not be liable for any breach
of conf idence arising as a result of such events.


Chapter K: Complaint Handling Procedures 

93. Complaints

93.1 At LMT, we aim to provide prompt, courteous, helpful, open and informative advice in response to every approach made by a member of public. We are always keen to hear the views of our customers, particularly
the general public, about our performance generally - what we do right and what we do wrong.


93.2 We recognise that, as in all organisations, f rom time to time things can go wrong and we may not provide the standard of service that we have set ourselves. We are especially keen to hear about such instances,
since they provide us with an opportunity to put things right and to learn f rom our mistakes.


93.3 Accordingly, as part of our commitment to providing the best possible service to our clients, we

uphold ef fective and transparent procedures for prompt complaint handling for existing and potential
retail clients, we maintain records of complaints and measures taken for complaint resolution, in line with
Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations.


93.4 All complaints must be reported to us, in writing, within three (3) Business Days f rom the occurrence of the

event that gives rise to your complaint (for the purposes hereof , unless the context requires otherwise,
“Business Days” are Monday through Friday, excluding bank holidays in Belize). Failure to object within the
above-mentioned time period of three (3) Business Days f rom the occurrence of the event that gives rise
to your complaint, shall be deemed ratif ication by you of all actions undertaken by us prior to making your


93.5 If your wish to f ile a formal complaint with our ‘Complaints Of f icer’ can do so, at any time by sending the

completed Complaints Form via email at, along with the attachments of the
documentation as outlined below.


93.6 The following information and documentation should, wherever possible, be obtained and recorded and

provided to the ‘Complaints Of f icer’ as part of your formal complaint, in order to ensure that the complaint
is expedited in the most ef f icient and fair manner: (a) Account Number/User ID; (b) Name of client; (c)
Contact details for client; (d) Phone; (e) Mobile; (f ) e-mail; (g) Address details for client; (h) Details of the
complaint (including time and date the matter leading to the complaint occurred, the representative(s)
involved in the complaint; (i) Nature of the complaint; (j) Remedies sought; (k) Attach any documentation
or other material that may assist in the resolution of the complaint (including an initial written response to
the allegations by the representative(s) involved).


93.7 Upon receipt of a formal complaint, we will provide written acknowledgement within f ive (5) Business Days

of receiving your formal complaint. The letter will conf irm that we are taking the necessary action needed
to resolve the complaint and will contain details of the procedure.


93.8 We will attempt to resolve the matter within thirty (30) Business Days of receiving your formal complaint, or

ten (10) Business Days af ter your acceptance or rejection of any of fer of redress (where applicable),
whichever comes first.


Chapter L: Indemnity and Limitation of Liability 

94. Risk of Loss; Limitation of Liability

94.1 You will make your own decision to access and/or use our Online Trading Facility or to enter into or execute any Transaction and/or Contract. You acknowledge and agree that our Online Trading Facility do not and
will not serve as the primary basis for any of your investment decisions concerning your Accounts. You
are solely responsible for any investment or trading decisions you make with respect to products
identif ied on our Online Trading Facility and neither we, nor our directors, of ficers, shareholders, partners,
members employees, agents, service providers, legal representatives and/or other Af f iliates of the
Company (together our “Associates”) shall be responsible for determining whether any Transaction or
Contract you enter into is suitable, appropriate or advisable. Neither we, nor our Associates are and will
be, by virtue of providing our Online Trading Facility, an advisor or f iduciary for you or any Authorized


94.2 Without prejudice to any other provisions in this Agreement, our Online Trading Facility are provided "as

is" and neither we, nor our Associates, nor any of our Third Party Service Providers makes any
representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever regarding (a) the availability, currency, accuracy or
completeness of our Online Trading Facility; (b) the results to be obtained by you or anyone else f rom the
use of our Online Trading Facility; and (c) any Third Party Content accessible on or through our Online
Trading Facility; neither we, nor our Associates, nor any of our Third Party Service Providers will be liable
to you or any Authorized Person for the correctness, quality, accuracy, security, completeness, reliability,
performance, timeliness, pricing or continued availability of our Online Trading Facility, or for any failure
of any connection or communication service to provide or to maintain your or any Authorized Person’s
access to our Online Trading Facility, or for any erroneous communications between you and us.


94.3 Without prejudice to any other provisions of this Agreement, neither we, nor our Associates shall be

liable for any losses, damages, costs or expenses, whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract,
misrepresentation or otherwise, incurred or suf fered by you or any Authorized Person as a direct or indirect
result of any act or omission in the course of providing our Services to you or otherwise arising f rom the
activities to which these Terms and Conditions apply except such as is caused by our and/or their
negligence, willful default or f raud; neither we, nor our Associates shall be liable for any losses, damages,
costs or expenses, whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or
otherwise, incurred or suf fered by you or any Authorized Person under this Agreement (including any
instance where we have declined to enter into a proposed Transaction and/or Contract), unless such
losses, damages, costs or expenses are a reasonably foreseeable consequence of , or arise directly
f rom, our or their respective gross negligence, willful default or f raud. In no circumstance, shall we or our
Associates have liability for losses suf fered by you or any Authorized Person for any special or
consequential damage, loss of prof its, loss of goodwill or loss of business opportunity arising under or in
connection with this Agreement, whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation
or otherwise; neither we, nor our Associates will be liable in any circumstances for any losses that were
not a reasonably foreseeable result of breach to both you and us when these Terms and Conditions were
entered into.


94.4 You acknowledge that: (a) any market information or third party recommendations communicated to you

or any Authorized Person, by us or any Associate, does not constitute advice to enter into any Transaction
and/or Contract; (b) such information or recommendations, although based upon information obtained from
sources believed by us to be reliable, may be based solely on a third party's opinion and that such
information may be incomplete and may be unverif ied; (c) we make no representation, warranty or
guarantee as to, and shall not be responsible for, the accuracy or completeness of any information or
recommendations furnished to you or any Authorized Person; and (d) we make no representations
concerning the tax implications or treatment of trades entered into by you pursuant to these Terms;
neither we, nor our Associates accept any liability for any adverse tax implications of any Transaction


94.5 Since we do not control signal power, its reception or routing via the internet, conf iguration of your

equipment or that of any third party or the reliability of its connection, neither we, nor our Associates can
be responsible for communication failures, distortions or delays when you are trading on-line (via the

94.6 We shall have no obligation to contact you to advise upon appropriate action in light of changes in 
Market Conditions (including, without limitation, Market Disruptions) or otherwise. You acknowledge that
the Market in leveraged derivatives is highly speculative and volatile and that, following execution of any
transaction, you are solely responsible for making and maintaining contact with us and for monitoring
open positions and ensuring that any further instructions are given on a timely basis. In the event of any
failure to do so, we can give no assurance that it will be possible for us to contact you and we accept no
liability for loss alleged to be suf fered as a result of any failure by you to do so. Without limitation, neither
we, nor our Associates accept any liability by reason of any delay or change in market conditions before
any particular Transaction is ef fected.


94.7 Without limitation, neither we nor any of our Associates shall be liable for any loss arising f rom any act

or omission of any Agent, Introducer of Business/Af f iliate, Authorized Person or other third party who
performs services for you.


94.8 Neither we, nor our Associates shall be liable to you or any Authorized Person for any partial or non-

performance of our obligations hereunder by reason of any cause beyond our reasonable control, including
without limitation, any breakdown, delay, malfunction or failure of transmission, communication or
computer facilities, industrial action, act of terrorism, act of God, acts and regulations of any governmental
or supra national bodies or authorities or the failure by the relevant intermediate broker or agent, agent
or principal of our custodian, sub-custodian, dealer, Market, clearing house or regulatory or self -regulatory
organisation, for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation Force Majeure, to perform our
respective obligations hereunder.


94.9 Nothing in this Agreement will exclude or restrict any duty or liability we may have to you or any Authorized

Person under the regulatory system, which may not be excluded or restricted thereunder.

95. Exclusion of Warranties







96. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

96.1 Our obligations under this Agreement do not constitute personal obligations of our directors, of f icers,

shareholders, partners, members, employees, Associates, Representatives, Agents, Third Party Service
Providers and/or Third Party Content providers and/or any of them.












97. Indemnification

97.1 As a condition of your use of our Online Trading Facility, you agree to indemnify and hold us, our Associates,

Representatives, Agents, Third Party Service Providers and Third Party Content providers f rom and against
any and all claims, losses, liabilities costs and expenses, whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract,
misrepresentation or otherwise, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising f rom or connected to any
violation or breach of these Terms and Conditions (including negligent or wrongful conduct) by you or any
other person accessing and/or using our Online Trading Facility.


97.2 You shall pay to us such sums as we may f rom time to time require in or towards satisfaction of any debit

balance on any of your Accounts with us and, on a full indemnity basis, any liabilities, losses, damages,
costs or expenses, whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise,
including reasonable attorneys’ fees, taxes, imposts and levies which we may incur or be subjected to
with respect to any of your accounts or any Transaction and/or Contract or any matching Transaction and/or
Contract with an intermediate broker or as a result of any misrepresentation by you or any violation by
you of your obligations under this Agreement (including any Transaction and/or Contract) or by the
enforcement of our rights.


97.3 You will be responsible for all Orders entered on your behalf via our Online Trading Facility and you will be

fully liable to us for the settlement of any Transaction and/or Contract arising therefrom.

97.4 You will defend, indemnify and hold us and our directors, of ficers, shareholders, partners, members,

employees, Associates, Representatives, Agents, Third Party Service Providers and/or Third Party
Content providers and/or any of them, harmless f rom and against all liabilities, losses, damages, costs
or expenses, whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise,
including reasonable attorneys’ fees, which we may incur or suf fer as a result of :


a. any error in any instruction given by an Authorized Person; or


b. acting on any instruction, which is, or appears to be, f rom an Authorized Person.


98. Independent Investigation








Chapter M: Default 

99. Default

Each and any of the following events shall constitute an Event of Default: (a) you fail to make any payment
when due under this Agreement or to make or take delivery of any property when due under, or to observe or
perform any other provision of this Agreement and such failure continues for one (1) Business Day af ter notice
of non-performance has been given; (b) you fail to remit funds necessary to enable us to take delivery under
any Transaction and/or Contract on the f irst due date; (c) you fail to provide assets for delivery, or take delivery
of assets, under any Transaction and/or Contract on the f irst due date; (d) you die, become of unsound mind,
are unable to pay your debts as they fall due or are bankrupt or insolvent, as def ined under any bankruptcy
or insolvency law applicable to you; or any indebtedness of yours is not paid on the due date therefore, or
becomes capable at any time of being declared, due and payable under agreements or instruments evidencing
such indebtedness before it would otherwise have been due and payable, or any suit, action or other
proceedings relating to this Agreement are commenced for any execution, any attachment or garnishment, or
distress against, or an encumbrance takes possession of , the whole or any part of your property, undertaking
or assets (tangible and intangible); (e) you commence a voluntary case or other procedure seeking or proposing
liquidation, reorganisation, an arrangement or composition, a f reeze or moratorium, or other similar relief with
respect to you or your debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency, regulatory, supervisory or similar law
(including any corporate or other law with potential application to you, if insolvent), or seeking the appointment
of a trustee, receiver, liquidator, conservator, administrator, custodian or other similar of f icial (each a
Custodian”) of you or any substantial part of your assets, or if you take any corporate action to authorise
any of the foregoing, and in the case of a reorganisation, arrangement or composition, we do not consent
to the proposals; (f ) an involuntary case or other procedure is commenced against you seeking or proposing
liquidation, reorganisation, an arrangement or composition, a f reeze or moratorium, or other similar relief with
respect to you or your debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency, regulatory, supervisory or similar law (including
any corporate or other law with potential application to you, if insolvent) or seeking the appointment of a
Custodian of you or any substantial part of your assets and such involuntary case or other procedure either
(i) has not been dismissed within f ive (5) Business Days of its institution or presentation or (ii) has been
dismissed within such period but solely on the grounds of an insuf f iciency of assets to cover the costs of such
case or other procedure; (g) an application is made in respect of you for an interim order or if a bankruptcy
petition is presented in respect of you or, in the case of a partnership, in respect of one or more of the
partners, or if a company, a receiver, trustee, administrative receiver or similar of f icer is appointed; (h) in the
case of a Legal Entity, a petition is presented for your winding-up or administration, or an order is made or a
resolution is passed for the your winding-up or administration of the client (other than for the purposes of
amalgamation or reconstruction with our prior written approval); (I) any distress, execution or other process is
levied against any of your property and is not removed, discharged or paid within 7 seven calendar days; (j)
any security created by any mortgage or charge becomes enforceable against you and the mortgagee or
Custodian takes steps to enforce the security or charge; (k) any of your indebtedness or any the indebtedness
of any of your subsidiaries becomes immediately due and payable, or capable of being declared so due and
payable, prior to its stated maturity by reason of your or any of your subsidiaries’ default, or you or any of your
subsidiaries fail to discharge any indebtedness on its due date; (l) you or any Credit Support Provider (or any
Custodian acting on behalf of either of you or a Credit Support Provider) disaf firms, disclaims or repudiates any
obligation under this Agreement or any guarantee, hypothecation agreement, Margin or Security agreement or
document, or any other document containing an obligation of a third party (“Credit Support Provider”), or of
you, in our favour supporting any of your obligations under this Agreement (each a “Credit Support
”); (m) you fail to comply with any obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions or in any
Transaction and/or Contract, including failure to meet Margin requirements; (n) any representation or warranty
made or given or deemed made or given by you under this Agreement or any Credit Support Document proves
to have been false or misleading in any material respect as at the time it was made or given or deemed made
or given, or becomes untrue; (o) any Credit Support Provider fails, or you yourself fail to comply with or perform
any agreement or obligation to be complied with or performed by you or in accordance with the applicable
Credit Support Document; (p) any Credit Support Document expires or ceases to be in full force and effect
prior to the satisfaction of all your obligations under this Agreement, unless we have agreed in writing that this
shall not be an Event of Default; (q) any representation or warranty made or given or deemed made or given
by any Credit Support Provider pursuant to any Credit Support Document proves to have been false or
misleading in any material respect as at the time it was made or given or deemed made or given; (r) any event
referred to in paragraphs (b) to (d) or (h) of this sub-clause occurs in respect of any Credit Support Provider; (s)
you are dissolved, or, if your capacity or existence is dependent upon a record in a formal register, the registration is removed or ends, or any procedure is commenced seeking or proposing your dissolution, removal f rom such

a register, or the ending of such a registration; (t) where you or your Credit Support Provider is a partnership,
any of the events referred to in the preceding paragraphs occurs in respect of one or more of your or its partners;
(u) we consider it necessary or desirable to prevent what we consider is or might be a violation of any
Applicable Laws, Rules and Regulation or good standard of market practice; (v) we consider it necessary or
desirable for our own protection or any action is taken or event occurs which we consider might have a material
adverse ef fect upon our ability to perform any of our obligations under this Agreement; (w) you violated any
clause of this Agreement and/or any other agreements we have, or had in the past, in place;(x) any Event of
Default (however described) occurs in relation to you under any other agreement between us which you are a
party to or any other event specif ied for these purposes in this Agreement, or otherwise, occurs; (y) we
or you are requested to close out a Transaction and/or Contract (or any part of a Contract) by any regulatory
agency or authority; and (z) we are obliged to do so by law.

100. Rights on Default

100.1 Upon the existence of an Event of Default, we shall, at our sole discretion, without prejudice to any other

rights we may have under this Agreement, be entitled to: (a) sell or charge in any way any or all of your
Security, Assets and property which may f rom time to time be in our possession or control of or call on any
guarantee; (b) purchase any Security, investment or other property where this is, or is in our reasonable
opinion likely to be, necessary in order for us to fulf il our or your obligations under any Transaction and/or
Contract; in this case you shall reimburse to us the full amount of the purchase price plus any associated
costs and expenses; (c) close out, replace or reverse any Transaction and/or Contract, buy, sell, borrow or
lend or enter into any other Transaction and/or Contract, or take, or ref rain f rom taking, such other action
at such time or times and in such manner as, at our sole discretion, we consider necessary or appropriate
to cover, reduce or eliminate our loss or liability under or in respect of any of your Transactions, Contracts,
positions or commitments, deliver any Security investment or property to any third party, or otherwise take
any action we considers being necessary or desirable in order to close out any Transaction and/or
Contract; (d) require you immediately to close out and settle such Transactions and/or Contracts in such
manner as we may, at our sole discretion request; (e) enter into any foreign exchange transaction, at
such rates and times as we may determine, in order to meet obligations incurred under a Transaction
and/or Contract; (f ) invoice back all or part of any Assets standing to the debit or credit of any Account;
(g) instead of returning to you investments equivalent to those credited to your account, to pay to you the
fair market value of such investments at the time we exercise such right; and/or (h) take all action as we
see f it, including, without limitation, completely blocking access to our Online Trading Facility, blocking
and/or revoking your Access Codes and/or terminating your Account.


100.2 You hereby authorize us to take all or any measures described in this clause without prior notice to you

and you acknowledge and agree that we shall not be responsible for any consequences of us taking any
such steps, unless we have exercised gross negligence in connection herewith. In these circumstances,
you shall execute such documents and take such other action as we may reasonably request in order to
protect our rights under these Terms and Conditions or within the scope of any other agreements between
you and us.


100.3 If we exercise our rights to sell any of your Securities or property pursuant to this c lause, we will ef fect

such sale, without notice or liability to you, on your behalf and apply the proceeds of sale in or towards
discharge of any or all of your obligations to us.


100.4 Without prejudice to our other rights under and/or pursuant to this Agreement, we may, at any time and

without notice, combine or consolidate all or any of your Accounts with us and of f -set any amounts owed
to or by us in such manner as we may determine at our sole discretion.


100.5 Our rights under this clause shall be in addition to, and not in limitation or exclusion of , any other rights

which we may have (whether by agreement, operation of law or otherwise).

100.6 Where termination and liquidation occur in accordance with this clause, we shall also be entitled, at

our discretion, to terminate and liquidate, in accordance with the provisions of this clause, any other
transactions entered into between us, which are then outstanding.


Chapter N: Termination of Client Relationship and Liquidation of Accounts 

101. Termination of Client Relationship

101.1 Without prejudice to any other provisions of this Agreement, in particular, but without limitation, those

pertaining to Events of Default, our client relationship under this Agreement shall remain in force until
terminated by either Party.


101.2 Unless required by Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations either Party may terminate this

Agreement (and the relationship between us) by giving seven (7) calendar days’ written notice of termination
to the other.


101.3 We may terminate this Agreement immediately, however, if you fail to observe or perform any provision

of this Agreement or in case of an Event of Default, other than in the case of Force Majeure.

101.4 We shall terminate this Agreement with all accounts being inactive for a period of twelve (12) months.

102. Effects of Termination of Client Relationship

102.1 Upon terminating this Agreement, all amounts payable by you to us will become immediately due and

payable including (but without limitation): (a) all outstanding fees, charges and commissions; (b) any
dealing expenses incurred by terminating this Agreement; and (c) (c) any losses and expenses realised in
closing out any Transaction or Contract, or settling or concluding outstanding obligations incurred by us on
your behalf .


102.2 On termination, we shall complete all Transactions and/or Contracts that are already entered into or

under execution and these Terms and Conditions shall continue to bind both parties in relation to such
Transactions and/or Contracts. We shall be entitled to deduct all amounts due to us before transferring
any credit balances on any Account(s) to you and we shall be entitled to postpone such transferring
until any and all Transactions and/or Contracts between you and us are closed. Furthermore, we shall
be entitled to require you to pay any charges incurred in transferring your investments.


102.3 Termination shall not af fect then outstanding rights and obligations (in particular, without limitation, relating

to the Indemnities and Limitation of Liability Clauses and the Miscellaneous and Governing Law
) and Transactions and/or contracts which shall continue to be governed by this Agreement and
the particular clauses agreed upon by and between you and us in relation to such Transactions and/or
Contracts, until all obligations have been fully performed.


102.4 In the event that you involve us, directly or indirectly, in any type of f raud, we reserve the right, at our

sole discretion and without prejudice to any other rights we may have under this Agreement, to reverse
all previous Transactions and/or Contracts, which would or could place our interests and/or any of our
(other) clients’ interests at risk.


Chapter O: Miscellaneous Provisions 

103. Assignment

103.1 The terms, conditions and obligations of this Agreement shall inure to the benef it of and be binding

upon the Parties and their respective associates, successors and assigns.

103.2 We shall be entitled to assign our rights and benef its under this Agreement, without any prior consent

being required, to any Associate or subsidiary belonging to our group of companies.

103.3 You may not without our prior written consent transfer this Agreement or assign any interest or

obligation in or under this Agreement. Any purported transfer without such consent shall be deemed null
and void.


103.4 Following such consent to the transfer of any interest or obligation under this Agreement, you shall

remain jointly and severally responsible for the performance of all of the transferee’s obligations under this


104. Time of Essence


104.1 Time shall be of the essence in respect of all your obligations under this Agreement (including, without

limitation, those pertaining to any Transaction and/or Contract).

105. Notices

105.1 You must ensure that at all times we are able to communicate with you by telephone, fax or e-mail.

105.2 Except as specif ied otherwise in this Agreement and without prejudice to any such other provisions of

this Agreement, all notices, declarations, demands, requests, and other communications required
under, or otherwise referred to in, this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be suf f icient for all
purposes if personally delivered or if sent by prepaid "overnight delivery" via DHL/FEDEX/UPS or any
other internationally recognized air courier or if sent by facsimile with a conf irmation copy sent by air mail,
or if sent by e-mail, and in any case addressed to the respective Parties at their address set forth above or
at such other address as such Party may hereaf ter designate by notice to each of the other Parties as herein


105.3 If personally delivered in the form specif ied herein, notices, declarations, demands, requests, and other

communications under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been given and received and shall be
ef fective when personally delivered.


105.4 If sent by e-mail in the form herein specif ied, notices, declarations, demands, requests, and other

communications under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been given and received and shall be
ef fective when received in fully legible form by the Party to which the notice is addressed, which shall be
deemed to occur upon completion of the e-mail transmission unless: (a) such transmission is made on a
day which is not a day (except any Saturday or Sunday) on which banks in Belize are open for business (a
Business Day”) or on a Business Day but outside regular business hours, in which case the notice
shall be deemed received at 9:00 A.M. on the next succeeding Business Day; or (b) the Party to which
the notice is addressed then notif ies the other Party by return mail, telex or facsimile that the copy received
is illegible in whole or in part.


105.5 If sent by prepaid "overnight delivery" via DHL/FEDEX/UPS or any other internationally recognized air

courier in the form specif ied therein, notices, declarations, demands, requests, and other communications
under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been given and received and shall be ef fective four (4)
calendar days af ter deposit with such air courier or when actually received, whichever f irst occurs.


105.6 If sent by facsimile in the form herein specif ied, notices, declarations, demands, requests, and other

communications under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been given and received and shall be
ef fective when received in fully legible form by the Party to which the notice is addressed, which shall be
deemed to occur upon completion of the transmission unless: (a) such transmission is made on a day which is not a Business Day or on a Business Day but outside regular business hours, in which case the

notice shall be deemed received at 9:00 A.M. on the next succeeding Business Day; or (b) the Party to
which the notice is addressed then notif ies the other Party by return telex or facsimile that the copy received
is illegible in whole or in part.


105.7 Such notice or other communication will be deemed ef fective if in writing and delivered in person or by

courier, on the date it is delivered or if sent by facsimile transmission, on the date that transmission is
received by the recipient, or if sent by registered mail or the equivalent, on the date that mail is delivered
or if sent by email on the date that email is delivered, unless the date of delivery (or attempted delivery)
or the date of receipt, as applicable, is not a Business Day or the communication is delivered (or
attempted to be delivered) or received, as applicable, af ter the close of business on a Business Day, in which
case that communication shall be deemed given and ef fective on the f irst following day that is a Business


105.8 The Parties agree that the delivery of any summons and complaint, and other process, which may be

served in any suit, action or other proceeding, may be made by mailing via certif ied or registered mail
or by hand-delivering such summons, complaint or other process to the other Party at the address of such
Party specif ied hereinabove.


105.9 Rejection or other refusal to accept, or the inability to deliver of a notice, summons, complaint or other

process referred to hereinabove, because of changed address of which no proper notice was given, shall
not af fect the ef fectiveness or the date of delivery for any notice sent in accordance with the foregoing
provisions. Each such notice, request or other communication shall be deemed as suf f iciently given,
served, sent and received for all purposes, at such time that it is delivered to the address (with return
receipt, the delivery receipt, the af f idavit of the messenger or the answer back being deemed conclusive
(but not exclusive) evidence of such delivery) or at such time as delivery is refused by addressee upon


106. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

106.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of Belize and, subject

to the dispute resolution provisions set forth hereinaf ter. You irrevocably agree for our exclusive benef it that
the courts of Belize are to have jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in connection
with this Agreement and that accordingly any proceedings may be brought in such courts.


106.2 Nothing contained in this c lause shall, however, limit our right to take proceedings against you or any

Trader in any other court of competent jurisdiction, nor shall the taking of proceedings in one or more
jurisdictions preclude the taking of proceedings in any other jurisdiction, whether concurrently or not,
to the extent permitted by the law of such other jurisdiction.


107. Controlling Language

107.1 This Agreement and all other agreements and/or documents executed on the basis of this Agreement

shall be written and interpreted in English.

107.2 In the event that this Agreement has been translated into a language other than English, it is the English

version that will be prevailing and controlling in the event of any discrepancy.

108. Force Majeure

108.1 We shall not be in breach of this Agreement and shall not be liable or have responsibility of any kind for

any loss or damage incurred by you as a result of any total or partial failure, interruption or delay in the
performance of this Agreement occasioned by any act of God, f ire, war, civil commotion, labour dispute,
act of government, state, governmental or supranational body or authority, or any investment exchange
and/or clearing house, inability to communicate with market makers for whatever reason, failure of any
computer dealing system, any other breakdown or failure of transmission in communication facilities of
whatever nature, between us and you or any other third-party whatsoever, or any other reason (whether or
not similar in kind to any of the above) beyond our reasonable control (a “Force Majeure Event”).

108.2 You acknowledge and agree that we may in our reasonable opinion, determine that a Force Majeure 
Event exists or is about to occur, and we will inform you as soon as reasonably practicable if we so


108.3 If we determine that a Force Majeure Event exists or is about to occur then we may (without prejudice

to any other rights under this Agreement and at our sole discretion) take such action as we deem necessary
or appropriate in the circumstances, having regard to you and your interests, and neither we, nor any of our
directors, of f icers, employees, agents or advisers will be liable for any failure, hindrance or delay in
performing our obligations under this Agreement or for taking or omitting to take any action pursuant to this


109. No Waiver

109.1 No failure on the part of any Party to exercise, and no delay on its part in exercising, any right or

remedy under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof , nor shall any single or partial exercise of
any right or remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or


109.2 The failure of a Party at any time to require performance of any provision of this Agreement shall not in

any way af fect the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof , nor the right of that Party to require
performance of that provision or any other provision of this Agreement in the future.


109.3 All waivers by us must be in writing.

110. Cumulative Remedies

110.1 All remedies available to either Party for breach of this Agreement are cumulative and may be exercised

concurrently or separately, and the exercise of any one remedy shall not be deemed an election of such
remedy to the exclusion of other remedies.


111. Compliance with FSC Rules

111.1 Unless otherwise permitted by the FSC Rules or any other Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations,

nothing in this Agreement shall be taken to exclude or restrict our obligations under the FSC Rules or any
other Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations.


111.2 We shall be entitled to take any action as we consider necessary in our absolute discretion to ensure

compliance with the FSC Rules or any other Applicable Laws, Rules and/or Regulations and such actions
shall be binding on you and shall not render us or any of our directors, of ficers, employees or agents liable.


112. Exclusion of Third Party Rights

112.1 Except as expressly otherwise provided herein, this Agreement is being entered into solely for the

benef it of the Parties hereto and their successors and permitted assigns and intended and/or designated


112.2 It may not be relied upon by any other person as the basis for any claim or dispute against one or both

Parties, or as evidence of the rights or obligations of one or both Parties hereto with respect to such other


112.3 To the extent that any term or provision of this Agreement grants rights to or contemplates, permits, or

requires performance of and/or by any Af f iliate of a Party, such Af f iliate shall be considered to be an
intended third party benef iciary of this Agreement and such Party shall cause such Af f iliate to perform each
and every of such obligations of such Party under this Agreement in accordance with the terms and
conditions hereof .


113. Independent Parties / No Partnership or Joint Venture

113.1 Neither this Agreement nor the performance of any services by either Party hereunder will be construed to create a joint venture or partnership between the Parties. For all purposes of this Agreement and

notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, you are an independent third-party and
are not a partner, joint venture partner, or representative agent of us.


113.2 You will not bind nor attempt to bind us to any agreement or contract.

113.3 As an independent third-party, you are solely responsible for all taxes, withholdings, and other statutory

or contractual obligations of any sort.

114. Counterparts

114.1 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when executed and

delivered is an original, but all of the counterparts together constitute the same document. All counterparts
shall collectively constitute a single agreement and it shall not be necessary in any proof of this Agreement
to produce or account for more than one counterpart.


115. Survival

115.1 The provisions of this Agreement pertaining to either Party’s (a) Representations, Warranties and

Covenants, (b) f iduciary duties, (c) conf identiality obligations, (d) acknowledgements, (e) liabilities and
responsibilities, as well as (f ) Chapters K, L, M and N of this Agreement shall survive the expiration of the
term and/or the termination of this Agreement for any reason.